Birth Announcements
Lake County Leader | UPDATED 4 years, 1 month AGO
Recent births for Lake County. You can click through the photos above.
Starlina Faye Guardipee-Yellow-Bird was the last baby born in December, 2020 at Providence St. Joseph Medical Center’s Nesting Place in Polson. She was born Dec. 30, 2020 to Phaedra Yellow-Bird and Donaven Guardipee of Polson. Starlina was 19.75 inches and weighed 6 pounds, 15 ounces.
James Benedict Dorrington was the first baby born in 2021 at Providence St. Joseph Medical Center’s Nesting Place in Polson. He was born at 3:43 a.m. Monday, Jan. 11, 2021. James was 21 inches and weighed 7 pounds. His parents are Lindsey and Sage Dorrington of Ronan. James joins sisters Rosalind, Eloise and Genevieve in the Dorrington home. His maternal grandparents are Renae and Ken Corneluis. His maternal great-grandparents are Joan and Charles Simpson and Lorraine and Lawrence Cornelius. Paternal grandparents are Linda and Andy Dorrington.
Aiden Alexander Ulloa Conard was born Nov. 19, 2020 at Providence St. Joseph Medical Center’s Nesting Place in Polson. He was 19.25 inches and weighed 5 pounds, 11 ounces. His parents are Kassandra Conard and Jose Ulloa of Charlo. His maternal grandparents are Michele and William Conard.
Photos are for artistic purposes only and does not necessarily reflect AAP Infant Safe Sleep recommendations.