Legals for February, 10 2021
Columbia Basin Herald | UPDATED 3 years, 11 months AGO
QUADCO RTPO NOTICE TO CONSULTANTS FOR EVALUATION OF GMA TRANSPORTATION ELEMENTS IN GMA COUNTIES (GRANT AND KITTITAS) Quadco Regional Transportation Planning Organization (RTPO), via Adams County serving as Lead Agency, is soliciting interest from consulting firms with expertise in Growth Management Act (GMA). The duration for this agreement will be for approximately three months with an estimated start time of March 2021 with the option for Quadco to extend it for additional time and money if necessary. Consultants will be considered for the following project. Evaluation of GMA Transportation Elements of all municipal agencies in Grant and Kittitas Counties. Quadco reserves the right to amend terms of this "Request for Qualifications" (RFQ) to circulate various addenda, or to withdraw the RFQ at any time, regardless of how much time and effort consultants have spent on their responses. Project Description Evaluate and review adopted comprehensive plans, their amendments, level of service standards, and county-wide planning policies to insure they reflect consistency with the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). Comprehensive Plan elements for this review include Transportation, Land Use, and Economic Development for Grant County and Kittitas County which plan under GMA. Develop a comprehensive checklist that can be used by Quadco Lead Agents for future reviews. Quadco reserves the right to retain the services of the successful firm for any subsequent phases associated with this project. Evaluation Criteria Submittals will be evaluated and ranked based on the following criteria: 1) Qualifications/Expertise of Firm 2) Ability to meet schedule 3) Approach to project 4) Familiarity with Quadco, particularly Grant and Kittitas County 5) Past Performance/References Submittal Submittals should include the following information: Firm name, phone number and email; Name of Principal-in-Charge and/or Project Manager; Number of employees in each firm proposed to work on project and approach to complete project. Submit TWO copies of your Statement of Qualifications: Adams County Public Works, 210 W. Alder Ritzville WA 99169, Attn. Todd O'Brien Please submit no later than 3:00 p.m. on February 22, 2021. Submittals will not be accepted after that time and date. Any questions regarding this project should be directed to Todd O'Brien or Troy Reynolds, at Adams County Public Works Office (509-659-3276), or email Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Information The Adams County Public Works in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), commits to nondiscrimination on the basis of disability, in all of its programs and activities. This material can be made available in an alternate format by emailing Troy Reynolds at or by calling (509-659-3279). Title VI Statement Adams County in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs of the Department of Transportation issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises as defined at 49 CFR Part 26 will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, national origin, or sex in consideration for an award." #02009/433820 Pub: February 3, 10, 2021
SUMMARY ORDINANCE 21-650 AN ORDINANACE AMENDING THE 2021 BUDGET OF THE CITY OF MATTAWA, AS ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 20-649 For a complete copy of this ordinance, please contact Mattawa City Hall. #02035/437077 Pub: February 10, 2021
NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEWER LINING PROJECT - 2021 Othello, Washington Sealed bids will be received at the Othello City Hall, 500 East Main Street, Othello Washington 99344 until February 25, 2021. 2:00 pm, for the above-named improvement. Said bids will be opened and publicly read at that time. All bids shall be received before said opening time in sealed envelopes with SEWER LINING PROJECT - 2021 marked plainly thereon. All bids shall be accompanied by a deposit in the form of a postal money order, cashier's check, or bond in an amount equal to 5 percent of the maximum total amount of the bid. Should the successful bidder fail to enter into a contract or furnish a satisfactory contract bond within the time stated in the specifications, the deposit shall be forfeited to the City. Plans and specifications may be obtained at no cost via electronic transmission from the City of Othello. Paper copies of the plans and specifications may also be obtained from the City at the above address for a non-refundable fee of $50.00. Plans and specifications can be requested by responding to this email, or by calling the Contact person listed below during normal business hours. Copies of plans and specifications are on file for review at various construction councils. All bidders shall call 509-331-2711 prior to bid opening to sign up as a bidder on the project, whether or not they request a hard copy or obtain a digital copy of the Specifications. Bids received from bidders who are not signed in as a bidder on the project will be rejected for being non-responsive. Contact person: Shawn O'Brien PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This project consists of lining approximately 24,600 linear feet of concrete sewer main between 8 and 24-inches in diameter with a cured-in-place-pipe (CIPP) and reinstalling the side services. An additional 7,300 linear feet of 30-inch sewer main will be cleaned and recorded. Estimated Project Cost: $800,000 The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids if such action is in the best interest of the City #02033/436704 Pub: February 10, 17, 2021
Notice of Issuance of Mitigation Determination of Non-Significance - Date of Notice: February 4, 2021. Notice is hereby given that Grant County has received a SEPA checklist from Kissler Enterprises Inc. (Designated Contact: Kissler Enterprises Inc., PO Box 5163, George, WA 98824) and determined this application to be technically complete on January 14, 2021. Grant County has issued a Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance (MDNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act Rules (WAC Chapter197-11) for the following project: A Conditional Use Permit and SEPA to allow the expansion of a surface mine and extraction operation for diatomaceous earth. Approximately two million cubic yards of material are estimated to be removed from this site which is a 320 acres. LOCATION: The site address of the subject parcel is currently unassigned. The site location would be in the 7400 block of Beverly Burke Road SW. The site is located approximately six miles south of the Town of George. Access to the site is from Beverly Burke Road SW in the North half of Section 8, Township 17 N, Range 24 E, W.M., Grant County, WA Parcel #15-0965-000. PUBLIC HEARING: Grant County Hearings Examiner tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, April 14, 2021 at 12:00pm in the New Commissioner's Hearing Room on the bottom floor of the Grant County Courthouse in Ephrata, WA. After a review of a completed Environmental Checklist and other information on file with Development Services, Grant County has determined that this proposal does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment as conditioned. Copies of the MDNS (File #19-0380) are available from Ron Sell at Grant County Development Services, 264 West Division Avenue - PO Box 37, Ephrata, WA, (509) 754-2011 ext. 2525,; Front Office Hours are 8am-12pm and 1pm-5pm, Monday-Friday. The public is invited to comment on this MDNS by submitting written comments to Ron Sell at the above address no later than 5 pm on February 18, 2021 All comments should be as specific as possible and may be mailed, hand delivered, or sent via email. Any person has the right to comment, receive notice, participate in hearings, request a copy of the final decision, and appeal the decision as provided by law and County Code. This may be the only opportunity to comment on the above listed materials #02031/436657 Pub: February 10, 2021
Notice is hereby given that SEPA checklist has been received by Grant County on January 12, 2021 from Quincy II LLC (Designated Contact: Leonel Gonzalez, 151 Low Rd Yakima, WA 98908) and determined the application to be technically complete on February 4, 2021. Grant County expects to issue a Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance for this proposal, and the Optional DNS Process in WAC 197-11-355 is being used. This proposal may include mitigation measures under applicable codes, and the project review process may incorporate or require mitigation measures regardless of whether an EIS is prepared. This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal and the proposed mitigation measures. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination may be obtained upon request. DESCRIPTION: Construction of an irrigation reservoir pond for a fruit orchard operation. The area dimensions for the pond are 160" x 620" there will be 25,758 cubic yards of material cut and 5,910 of material filled, using existing material at the location. The pond will have a peak height of 6 feet above grade. A fence will surround the pond. The parcel is 82 acres and contains no structures. ADDITIONAL PERMITS: Building/Grading Permits. STUDIES REQUIRED: None. LOCATION: The subject site is located at 12879 Martin Rd NW, 3 miles northeast of the City of Quincy. Farm Unit 91 Block 73. In the NW 1/4 of Section 1, Township 24 North, Range 24 East, W.M., Grant County, WA. Parcel #20-0764-000. ZONING: Agricultural. PUBLIC HEARING: None. CONSISTENCY STATEMENT: This proposal is subject to and shall be consistent with Grant County Code, International Building Code, and International Fire Code. Copies of the application materials (File #s P 21-0009) are available from Kent Ziemer at the Grant County Development Services, 264 West Division Avenue - PO Box 37, Ephrata, WA, (509) 754-2011 ext. 2538 email Office Lobby hours: Currently closed due to Covid-19 Orders. Public comments must be submitted by February 26, 2021 to Grant County Development Services. All persons, agencies, or tribes have the right to comment, receive notice, participate in any hearings, request a copy of the final decision, and/or appeal the decision as provided by law and County Code. This may be the only opportunity to comment on the above listed material... #02034/436957 Pub:February 10, 2021
SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF GRANT In the Matter of the Estate of: | NO.20-4-00121-13 | KENNETH A. GREENE, Deceased. | | | NOTICE TO CREDITORS | | ____________________________________|__________________________________ The personal representative named below has been appointed as personal representative of this estate. Any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the personal representative or the personal representative's attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court in which the probate proceedings were commenced. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the personal representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(1)(c); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent's probate and non-probate assets. PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE: Jerry J. Moberg ATTORNEY FOR THE PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE: Wendy T. Mickelsen COURT OF PROBATE PROCEEDINGS: Superior Court of Grant County CAUSE NUMBER: 20-4-00121-13 ADDRESS FOR MAILING OR SERVICE: P.O. Box 130 | 238 W. Division Ave Ephrata, WA 98823 SUBMITTED on this 4th day of February 2021. MOBERG RATHBONE KEARNS, P.S. /s/ Wendy T. Mickelsen Wendy T. Mickelsen, WSBA No. 26074 Attorney for Personal Representative #02032/436662 Pub: February 10, 16, 23, 2021
Adams County Weed District #1 Annual Board of Directors meeting will be held Monday February 22, 2021 at 5:00 pm. Located at 124 S Broadway Ave, Othello, WA 99344. Election of one Board member for a term of three years will be held. The 2021 Adams County Weed District #1 Noxious Weed List and policy will be reviewed and adopted. The 2021 Washington State Noxious Weed list will be available for review. #02019/435966 Pub:February 10, 17, 2021
PUBLIC NOTICE - Noxious weed consultants of the Noxious Weed Control Board of Grant County will begin inspecting properties on March 1, 2021, in accordance with RCW 17.10.160, for the purposes of general inspection, the taking of specimens of weeds, and the performance of eradication or control work. If there is any landowner who objects to these inspections, please notify the Noxious Weed Control Board of Grant County at (509) 754-2011, Ext 4710, by March 1, 2021. Signed: Ron Tebow, Chairman; Rich Callahan, Vice-Chairman; Summer Sahli, Director; Chuck Sandmann, Director; Wes Sieg, Director #02022/436211 Pub: February 10, 2021