County bonuses make some bristle
MADISON HARDY | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 4 years AGO
COEUR d'ALENE — In a 2-1 decision, Kootenai County commissioners approved three employee bonuses for their extra work of over 100 hours during COVID-19.
The three employees, Communications Manager Nancy Jones, Senior Business Analyst Nanci Plouffe, and Administrative Supervisor Leighanna Keiser, will receive a combined $4,212. Under administrative provisions, the board of commissioners has the sole purview over conversations including monetary bonuses.
The discussion quickly turned into a disagreement as department heads like County Clerk Jim Brannon, Assessor Bela Kovacs, and Treasurer Steve Matheson argued their employees were just as deserving for their dedication during the pandemic.
"I have relied on Nancy (Jones) extensively in the last year. She has provided extensive support and acted as a sounding board for me to work issues through. So I have the full support that they are deserving," Matheson said. "I will also comment that I have staff that is equally deserving."
By pulling from the budget, as the commissioners intend to do for the three bonuses, Matheson warned the commissioners that they would likely have other elected officials come forward with similar requests, following their precedent.
"We were told to not even think about bonuses," Brannon said. "Nothing against the people who are being brought forward. They're fine individuals and do a good job for the county, but the option of out-of-budget awards kind of raises my eyebrows a little bit."
Commissioners set a policy last Sept. 24 that suspended all "out-of-cycle personnel requests and bonuses (non-budgeted)." They reaffirmed the process in a meeting on Nov. 19.
Based on that decision, Brannon and the other officials were unpleasantly surprised to see Thursday's agenda item.
"I know people that have lost businesses, lost jobs, and nobody in the county was furloughed or missed a paycheck. We can't say that for all other citizens of Kootenai County," Brannon said. "All those people out there paying our salaries have had a tough year, and it's our job to serve them. To bonus ourselves in tough times feels wrong."
Commissioner Leslie Duncan, the dissenting vote, said her disapproval of the bonuses was not because of the employees but from financial uncertainty. She also contended that there are alternatives to show appreciation, like employee of the month, that wouldn't set a new standard.
"There are many people who are going above and beyond their duties right now because of COVID," Duncan said. "I think we're going to open up the door for more of these requests to come in when we've already denied requests that have come forward in the past."
Brannon noted that the 2021 budget cycle is still in its early stages, and while current projections are promising, there are still eight months of uncertainty left.
In response, Chairman Chris Fillios said he would be "remiss" if he didn't bring up the $32,000 bonus to the clerk's department submitted several years ago. Brannon said a bonus was inflated and distributed among district courts and the clerk's office.
Kovacs reminded commissioners that he tried to suggest a form of recognition for employees after 2020. At the time, his thoughts were not necessarily for monetary reward but some acknowledgment.
He noted that the assessor's and vehicle licensing departments have faced challenges due to the pandemic that stress both constituents and employees.
"I've had employees on the front line out there working. They've been getting beaten up verbally," Kovacs said. "They have not received any bonuses or been recognized at this point."
Fillios pointed out that the county last week approved the assessor's office to hire more people and argued that he had an advantage the commissioners' staff did not.
"There is no question that you're doing more with the same, but you also have the advantage of improved technology, which should theoretically enable an appraiser to do an appraisal in the same or less time," Fillios said to Kovacs.
Duncan asked if the board could revisit the idea of creating a bonus policy during the budget setting process for all county employees.
"I think this should be put off until at least near the end of the third quarter to make sure that the budget dollars are there," Duncan said. "I do not believe we're going to have $4,000 extra in the budget."
The elected officials and Duncan repeatedly stated that they felt approval of these bonuses would set a precedent that more employees would come forward asking for monetary recognition. Fillios disagreed, saying that decisions like this are determined on a "case-by-case" basis.
"These people have gone above and beyond," Commissioner Bill Brooks said. "Everything we do would fall by the wayside if not done, and these people are willing to do it without regard to compensation. I can justify the bonuses."
Since publication, it has been made apparent to the Press that the $32,000 bonus mentioned by Fillios and Brannon did not include the District 1 Administrative Judge. Administrative District Judges are not paid by the county and are not eligible for any bonuses distributed by the county.

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