Kalispell council still wrangling about accessory dwellings
BRET ANNE SERBIN | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 4 years, 1 month AGO
The Kalispell City Council will hold what could be its final conversation about accessory dwelling units during a virtual meeting tonight.
Accessory dwelling units are back on the agenda after months of discussions. The council and the Kalispell Planning Board have been in talks since September 2020 about expanding the use of secondary dwellings on existing Kalispell residential properties.
Those in favor of accessory dwellings tout the buildings as a way to increase affordable housing options and supplementary income for homeowners, while opponents have expressed concerns about increased density and changing the character of Kalispell’s neighborhoods.
The text amendment before the council Tuesday would allow accessory dwellings to be built with a conditional-use permit in the R-4, R-5, RA-1, RA-2, H-1, B-1, B-2, B-3, and B-4 zones.
Last month, the council voted 7-2 to approve the text amendment, and the second reading of the proposal was considered Feb. 1. After council member Tim Kluesner proposed a trio of amendments to the existing proposal, the conversation was tabled. This week, the council will have the option to potentially pass the ordinance once and for all.
The council also will consider officially designating the Kalispell Parkline Trail—the forthcoming multi-use path going into place on the railroad tracks through downtown Kalispell—as a city park.
The trail is a central component of the Kalispell Core Area Plan that has been in development over the past decade. It involves removing approximately 2 miles of train tracks in downtown Kalispell and replacing them with a multi-use trail.
The current plan is to seek bids for trail construction this winter and start the work this spring or summer.
Notably, the proposed ordinance on the table tonight allows the Parkline Trail to remain open 24 hours a day for the traveling public, unlike other city parks.
The council discussed this proposal with the Parks Department at a work session on Jan. 25 and recommended moving ahead with a council decision on the ordinance.
The virtual meeting begins at 7 p.m. via Zoom videoconference. Public comments will be accepted verbally during the meeting or in writing to publiccomment@kalispell.com.
To join the meeting, register at https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_GQV3WJKoQlyXNsnxlM94FA.
Reporter Bret Anne Serbin may be reached at 758-4459 or bserbin@dailyinterlake.com.
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