Interest high in Kalispell's Old School Station lots
BRET ANNE SERBIN | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 4 years AGO
Buyers are looking to snatch up parcels of city property for sale at Old School Station during the Kalispell City Council meeting tonight.
In 2015, the city took possession of the Old School Station property from Flathead County. Old School Station consists of six lots southeast of downtown Kalispell. In 2017, the city listed each of the lots for sale.
Two of the six lots, Lots 6 and 4, sold in 2019 and 2020, respectively.
The council will consider multiple offers for remaining lots, including several proposals to purchase Lot 3A.
Listed for $409,658, Lot 3A has suddenly generated interest from three potential purchasers.
One offer comes from Matterhorn Capital, a group that has been seeking to buy property at Old School Station for a few months.
Matterhorn previously submitted a buy-sell offer to the city for Lots 3A, 8 and 9, but according to the meeting agenda, “their plans did not come to fruition as quickly as they had hoped.”
On Jan. 18, Matterhorn returned to the council with a similar buy-sell proposal for Lot 3A, offering the full listed price with $5,000.00 in earnest money.
Matterhorn recently was joined by two other interested buyers on Feb. 24.
One is Clifton Jones, who submitted an offer above asking price at $420,000 with $10,000 in earnest money.
School District 5 is also in the mix to buy Lot 3A. The school’s buy-sell offer comes in above the asking price at $430,000 with $2,000 in earnest money.
The school district’s proposal comes with a few unique caveats. According to the meeting agenda, “It should be noted that the school district can only pay appraised value of the property and the offer is contingent upon a new appraisal where the city would split the cost with the school district. The offer is also contingent upon voter and school board approval of the purchase of the property.” The property would be tax-exempt, and School District 5 would have the ability to exempt itself from local zoning codes.
Old School Station Lot 9 will also be up for sale at the Monday meeting.
Since Matterhorn’s buy-sell agreement for Lot 9 fell through, Mark and Janie Cantrell now have the opportunity to purchase the lot. The pair submitted a backup offer for the lot on Jan. 25.
The Cantrell buy-sell proposal comes in at the asking price of $228,420, with $5,000 in earnest money.
IN OTHER business, the council will take up a preliminary plat extension request during Monday’s meeting.
Ren Xinwu is requesting a major preliminary plat extension of two years for Rockwood Ranch, a subdivision project slated for development on West Spring Creek Road and Three Mile Drive.
The agenda explains the property is under contract and scheduled to close in April 2021. The new owners reportedly have plans to develop the property.
The meeting will take place at 7 p.m. on March 1 in the City Council chambers. The public is invited to participate virtually via Zoom videoconference, at
Public comment can be also be provided via email to
Reporter Bret Anne Serbin may be reached at 758-4459 or
Council considers offer to buy fourth Old School Station lot
Daily Inter-Lake | Updated 3 years, 11 months ago

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