Legals for January, 10 2021
Daily Inter-Lake | UPDATED 4 years AGO
No. 27475 NEPA PUBLIC NOTICE The U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration (EDA) is considering a request for Federal assistance from the City of Columbia Falls to construct the 12th Avenue West Roadway and Utilities Improvements Project in the City of Columbia Falls, Flathead County, Montana. Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended, EDA is conducting an environmental assessment (EA) of the proposed project. The project includes reconstruction of approximately 1,300 linear feet of 12th Avenue West, between 9th St West/Hwy 2 and the Truck Route. Roadway construction will include a five foot sidewalk, six foot landscaped boulevard and street and pedestrian lighting. Additionally, 1,300 linear feet of water main and 750 linear feet of sewer main will be installed. The project will be located adjacent to the new medical complex, Cedar Palace LLC, 500 12th Ave. West, Columbia Falls, MT. Project information is available for review at the office of the City Manager, 130 6th Street West, Columbia Falls, (406) 892-4384 or email: If you have any information regarding potential environmental impacts associated with this proposed project, please provide it in writing via EMAIL to: Regional Environmental Officer US Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration Denver Region 1244 Speer Blvd Ste 431 Denver, Colorado 80204 If you do not have access to email, you instead may contact EDA's Denver Regional Office at 303-844-4715. Comments received in the EDA Regional Office by 5:00 pm on insert date 15 days after the third day of publication of this notice will be considered. A copy of the NEPA decisional document will be available upon request at the above EDA Regional Office. January 10, 11, 12, 2021 MNAXLP __________________________
No. 27450 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR THE PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY OWNED 3rd AND MAIN LOT The City of Kalispell is seeking proposals from development firms seeking to privately finance, construct, and manage a redevelopment project on what is currently a City owned parking lot within Downtown Kalispell, Montana. On December 4, 2017, Kalispell City Council adopted The Downtown Plan as an amendment to the City of Kalispell Growth Policy Plan-It 2035 by Resolution No. 5846. The Downtown Plan addresses key topics that affect the future growth and development of Downtown Kalispell. The Downtown Plan specifically addresses the need to re-develop City owned surface parking lots into more beneficial uses to eliminate blight and increase tax base. The City is looking for development proposals on the 3rd and Main lot (formerly known as "Valley Bank lot") at the northwest corner of Main Street and 3rd Street West. This property has been chosen due to its high visibility location along Main Street and its location in the newly established Downtown Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District. Redevelopment of this property will further the City's mission of promoting economic growth, improving area employment opportunities, and expanding tax base. Following successful completion of a recorded Developer's Agreement, the selected developer will receive credit against the 2020 appraised value of the property based upon the tax increment generated by the project. Information and instructions to proposers, submittal format and requirements, and information on the selection process are available on the city website at Five (5) copies of the proposal must be received by the City Clerk at 201 First Avenue East, Kalispell, Montana, by 4:00 pm local time on Friday, July 9, 2021. Request for Proposals that are faxed or emailed will not be accepted. After review of the information provided on the website, general questions pertaining to the project should be directed to Katharine King, Assistant Director of Community Development, at December 27, 2020, January 10, 2021 MNAXLP _________________________
No. 27463 CALL FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Flathead County, Montana, will receive bids on the following grades of EMULSIFIED LIQUID ASPHALT & CATIONIC HIGH FLOAT OIL: Estimated Usage Emulsified Asphalt --CRS 2P -- 500 tons Cationic High Float Oil -- CHFRS-2P -- 40 tons The estimated usage figures are to be used only for the purpose of submitting a bid; actual usage for 2021 asphalt season may vary from the estimate. Bidding is to be by the ton F.O.B. to Flathead County and the specific site, which will be disclosed at the time the order is placed. Bid price is to also include appropriate placement of materials on County site by successful bidder. Distributor to be mounted with a Bear Cat computerized spray bar with a minimum 4,000 gallon tank or equivalent. Supplier shall have oil sample test results on hand and available upon request of Flathead County. Bidder will be responsible for proper product, temperature, consistency, and application. All orders will be placed with the successful bidder by 4:00 p.m. on the day prior to delivery. All orders to be delivered at 7:00 a.m. the next morning. Tanks to be equipped with factory mounted visual thermometers. Bidder will be responsible to provide County with two (2) oil samples to be taken at the point of delivery, before application begins. Oil samples will be labeled and ready to be tested. Labels and attached documentation are to include date, type of material, temperature, and any other information needed for adequate testing. Bid to be from February 1, 2021 through January 31, 2022, or until the County Commissioners call for new bids, with the right to go to the next supplier if asphalt is not available or if the asphalt does not meet MDOT specifications from the successful bidder. Bid price is to include on site delivery within Flathead County and for materials to be placed on the road by the vendor. Each bidder must deposit with his bid, a bid security in the amount of three-thousand dollars ($3,000.00), to secure the bidder's express covenant that if the bidder is awarded the contract the bidder will, within ten (10) days, enter into a formal contract; or otherwise the bidder will pay to Flathead County the difference between the amount of his bid and the amount for which Flathead County contracts with another party to complete the contract; bid security shall be payable to Flathead County and shall be in the form of lawful money of the United States: a cashier's check, certified check, bank money order or bank draft issued by a Montana bank; or a bid bond executed by a surety corporation authorized to do business in Montana. All sealed bids must be plainly marked "EMULSIFIED ASPHALT BID & CATIONIC HIGH FLOAT OIL" and must be in the hands of the Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners, 800 South Main, Room 302, Kalispell, Montana, 59901, on or before January 28th, 2021 at 8:45 a.m. Bids will be opened and read aloud in the Commissioners' Chambers at 9:15 a.m. The form of contract to be signed is on file and may be obtained at the Office of the County Commissioners, located on the third floor of the old courthouse in Kalispell, Montana. The Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to accept the bid deemed to be in the best interest of Flathead County. The award of a bid will be made solely by the issuance of a letter of award to the successful bidder by the Office of the County Commissioners. Dated this 5th day of January, 2021. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Flathead County, Montana By: /s/ Pamela J. Holmquist Pamela J. Holmquist, Chairman January 10, 17, 2021 MNAXLP _________________________
No. 27464 CALL FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Flathead County, Montana, will receive bids on the following: GASOLINE AND DIESEL Bidder will furnish in writing an affidavit that the bidder will be able to furnish all the materials (gasoline and diesel) that Flathead County will use in the next year, February 1, 2021 through January 31, 2022. DIESEL - estimated usage - 325,000 gallons REGULAR NO LEAD - estimated usage - 100,000 gallons SUPER UNLEADED - estimated usage - 5,000 gallons Bidder must be able to deliver materials to the following delivery points on a keep full basis. Bid prices for all materials must be listed for each delivery point listed below, on the bid form. Delivery/Shipping will be F.O.B. to the following destinations: Delivery Points: Martin City - Regular No Lead Gas and Red Dyed Low Sulfur Diesel Columbia Falls - Regular No Lead Gas and Red Dyed Low Sulfur Diesel Busch Pit - Regular No Lead Gas and Red Dyed Low Sulfur Diesel Bigfork - Fox Pit - Red Dyed Low Sulfur Diesel Sheepherder Pit - Red Dyed Low Sulfur Diesel Whitefish - Mielke - Red Dyed Low Sulfur Diesel County Shop, Road - Regular No Lead Gas, Super Unleaded and Red Dyed Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Mixing Plant - Red Dyed Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel Solid Waste, Landfill - Regular No Lead Gasoline and Red Dyed Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Diesel fuel to be blended a minimum of 30% in winter months, approximately from November 1 through March 31, at the discretion of the Flathead County Road Department, depending upon winter weather. The exception will be the diesel tank at 1249 Willow Glen location, Flathead County Road Department will add winter additive to the tank at the county shop. Bidder to furnish net state prices. At the time a price fluctuation occurs the term contract holding vendor shall be required to supply a written, dated notice, detailing the effect the price fluctuation will have on his "Base Price". For fuel provided under the term contract, prices and meter readings or "stick" measurements must be on all invoices. Invoices must be signed at the delivery point or signed at the County Shop Office after each delivery. Bidder to state brand of gasoline and/or diesel fuel being on the bid form. Bidder to include the following taxes with their price breakdown per gallon per delivery point on the attached form: Gasoline include state tax no federal tax Diesel include no state tax nofederal tax Award of bid will be made only to a single vendor who can supply both gasoline and diesel fuel. If delivery points are not kept full Flathead County reserves the right to order fuel from another supplier to maintain operations. All fuels provided and delivered under the terms of this contract shall meet or exceed Federal Fuel Commodity Specifications as referenced below: Fuel Quality Requirements: Gasoline - All gasoline provided shall meet or exceed Federal Specifications, VV-G-1690B Diesel Fuel - All diesel fuels provided shall meet or exceed Federal Specifications, VV-F-800B with reference to grades DF-#1 and DF-#2. NOTE - If quality of fuels is questioned, the County reserves the right to have fuels tested and if found unsatisfactory to refuse delivery. Each bidder must deposit with his bid, a bid security in the amount of two-thousand dollars ($2,000.00), to secure the bidder's express covenant that if the bidder is awarded the contract, the bidder will, within ten (10) days, enter into a formal contract for the supply, purchase, and sale of said gasoline and diesel fuels. Bid security shall be payable to Flathead County and shall be in the form of lawful money of the United States: a cashier's check, certified check, bank money order, or bank draft issued by a Montana bank; or a bid bond executed by a surety corporation authorized to do business in Montana. The form of contract and the bid form to be signed are on file and may be obtained at the County Commissioners' Office, located on the third floor of the old courthouse in Kalispell, Montana. All sealed bids, plainly marked "GASOLINE AND DIESEL BID", must be in the hands of the must be in the hands of the Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners, 800 South Main, Room 302, Kalispell, Montana, 59901, on or before Thursday, January 28th, 2021 at 8:45 a.m. Bids will be opened and read aloud at 9:15 a.m. in the Commissioners' Chambers. The Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to accept the bid deemed to be in the best interests of Flathead County. The award of a bid will be made solely by the issuance of a letter of award to the successful bidder by the Office of the County Commissioners. Dated this 5th day of January, 2021. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Flathead County, Montana By: /s/ Pamela J. Holmquist Pamela J. Holmquist, Chairman January 10, 17, 2021 MNAXLP __________________________
No. 27465 CALL FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Flathead County, Montana, will receive bids on the following grades of LIQUID ASPHALT: Estimated Usage Asphalt - PG64-22 & PG58-28 2,000 tons Asphalt - w/0.5% Antistrip PG64-22 2,000 tons Asphalt - w/1% Antistrip PG58-28 2,000 tons Asphalt - CSS 1 Tack Oil 30 tons The award of bid will be made to a single vendor who will supply both types of liquid asphalt. The award of bid will be made on the basis of an overall low bid determined by use of the County's estimated usage for each type of liquid asphalt and the bidders' price for each type of liquid asphalt. The estimated usage figures are to be used only for the purpose of determining an overall low bid; actual usage of each type of asphalt for 2021 asphalt season may vary from those estimates. All pricing is to be by the ton F.O.B. to the Flathead County Asphalt Plant in Kalispell and/or to the Flathead County Shop in Kalispell. All orders will be placed with the successful bidder by 4:00 p.m. on the day prior to delivery, at which time the contractor will be told the type of oil to deliver. All orders to be delivered at 7:00 a.m. the next morning. Equipment must be compatible with the County's pump system to off load liquid asphalt. Asphalt will be 290 degrees Fahrenheit at time of delivery. Emulsified asphalt will be 140 degrees Fahrenheit when delivered. Tanks to be equipped with factory mounted visual thermometers. Supplier shall have oil sample test results on hand and available upon request to Flathead County. Bid to be from February 1, 2021 through January 31, 2022, or until the County Commissioners call for new bids, with the right to go to the next supplier if asphalt is not available or if the asphalt does not meet MDOT specifications from the successful bidder. Each bidder must deposit with his bid, a bid security in the amount of three-thousand dollars ($3,000.00) to secure the bidder's express covenant that if the bidder is awarded the contract the bidder will, within ten (10) days, enter into a formal contract; or otherwise the bidder will pay to Flathead County the difference between the amount of his bid and the amount for which Flathead County contracts with another party to complete the contract; bid security shall be payable to Flathead County and shall be in the form of lawful money of the United States; a cashier's check, certified check, bank money order or bank draft issued by a Montana bank; or a bid bond executed by a surety corporation authorized to do business in Montana. All sealed bids, plainly marked as such, must be in the hands of the Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners, 800 South Main, Room 302, Kalispell, Montana, 59901, on or before January 28th, 2021 at 8:45 a.m. Bids will be opened and read aloud in the Commissioners' Chambers at 9:15 a.m. The form of contract to be signed is on file and may be obtained at the Office of the County Commissioners, located on the third floor of the old courthouse in Kalispell, Montana. The Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to accept the bid deemed to be in the best interest of Flathead County. The award of a bid will be made solely by the issuance of a letter of award to the successful bidder by the Office of the County Commissioners. Dated this 5th day of January, 2021. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Flathead County, Montana By: /s/ Pamela J. Holmquist Pamela J. Holmquist, Chairman January 10, 17, 2021 MNAXLP _________________________
No. 27466 CALL FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Flathead County, Montana, will receive bids on the following: Propane Fuel Bidder will furnish in writing an affidavit that the bidder will be able to furnish all the materials (propane) that Flathead County will use in the next year, February 1, 2021 through January 31, 2022. PROPANE - estimated usage - 200,000 gallons Vendor to provide the 11,000 gallon minimum porta-pac/tank, a 2 pump system with combined 125 PSI, with each pump capable of handling the 125 PSI individually should one fail, and motors, all piping and pressure regulating valves and gauges and related equipment to the liquid propane manifold which will meet the burner specifications on both volume and pressure down to a temperature of 32 degrees Fahrenheit. If rental agreements are applicable, pertinent information maybe listed at the appropriate space provided. This should include the delivery and removal of the tank and equipment upon job completion and or the termination of said contract, including any man-hours required for set up or removal. Bidder will provide the equipment necessary for the hookup between the porta-pac and the liquid propane manifold. Bidder will have a back-up propane pump ready for use. Flathead County agrees to purchase any items needed for the hookup that are specific to our particular plant. Once the porta-pac has been moved to the site, Flathead County will bear the costs of any further relocating. Bidder must be able to deliver materials to the Old Steel Bridge Pit, 1333 Holt Stage Road, Kalispell, MT, 59901, or to another predetermined location within Flathead County, on a keep-full basis. Alternate delivery locations will be given to the vendor one-week prior to the effective date of change. Delivery/Shipping will be F.O.B. to the specified plant location. Bidder to furnish propane at net state prices (laid in price, rack price). At the time a net state prices (laid in price, rack price) fluctuation occurs, the term contract holding vendor shall be required to supply a written, dated notice, detailing the effect the price fluctuation will have on net state prices (laid in price, rack price) and the total cost per gallon delivered. For fuel provided under the term contract, net state prices (laid in price, rack price), delivery prices, totals per gallon, invoice total and meter reading measurements before and after delivery must be on all invoices. Invoices must be signed at the delivery point or signed at the County Shop Office after each delivery. Bidder to state brand of propane fuel on the bid form. Bidder is to bid only the delivery cost per gallon over the net state prices (laid in price, rack price) on the attached bid form. Award of bid will be made only to a single vendor who can supply propane fuel, porta-pac unit, and related items needed to hook up to the liquid propane manifold. If delivery points are not kept full Flathead County reserves the right to order fuel from another supplier to maintain operations. All fuels provided and delivered shall meet or exceed Federal Fuel Commodity Specifications. NOTE - If quality of fuel is questioned, the County reserves the right to have fuel tested and if found unsatisfactory to refuse delivery. Each bidder must deposit with his bid, a bid security in the amount of two-thousand dollars ($2,000.00), to secure the bidder's express covenant that if the bidder is awarded the contract, the bidder will, within ten (10) days, enter into a formal contract for the supply, purchase, and sale of said propane fuels. Bid security shall be payable to Flathead County and shall be in the form of lawful money of the United States: a cashier's check, certified check, bank money order, or bank draft issued by a Montana bank; or a bid bond executed by a surety corporation authorized to do business in Montana. The form of contract and the bid form to be signed are on file and may be obtained at the Office of the County Commissioners, located on the third floor of the old courthouse in Kalispell, Montana. All sealed bids, plainly marked as "PROPANE BID", must be in the hands of the Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners, 800 S Main, Room 302, Kalispell, MT, 59901, on or before January 28th, 2021 at 8:45 a.m. Bids will be opened and read aloud in the Commissioners' Chambers at 9:15 a.m. The form of contract to be signed is on file and may be obtained at the Office of the County Commissioners, located on the third floor of the old courthouse in Kalispell, Montana. The Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to accept the bid deemed to be in the best interest of Flathead County. The award of a bid will be made solely by the issuance of a letter of award to the successful bidder by the Office of the County Commissioners. Dated this 5th day of January, 2021. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Flathead County, Montana By: /s/ Pamela J. Holmquist Pamela J. Holmquist, Chairman January 10, 17, 2021 MNAXLP _________________________
No. 27467 CALL FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Flathead County, Montana, will receive bids on a WARM MIX ADDITIVE for liquid asphalt: Bidder is to supply a water-free chemical warm mix additive that allows asphalt mix production to occur at temperatures lower than 260 degrees F and mixture compaction as low as 140 degrees F. Warm mix additive must be able to be mixed at the asphalt mix plant location without any specialized equipment. Material must act as both an antistrip and warm mix additive. Material manufacturer will provide in field support and asphalt crew training when requested by the County. Material manufacturer will provide technical data to assure the County it is getting a proven warm mix and antistrip additive. Technical data must also include recommended dosage rates, mixing temperature ranges and compaction range temperatures. Cost of all requested data, in field support, and training will be included in the bid item's unit price. Chemical warm mix additive will be supplied in 2,000 lb. plastic totes. Estimated amount of asphalt oil to be utilized for the 2021 asphalt season will be approximately 2,000 tons. The award of bid will be made to a single vendor. The award of bid will be made on the basis of an overall low bid determined by use of the County's estimated usage. The estimated usage figures are to be used only for the purpose of determining an overall low bid; actual usage for 2021 asphalt season may vary from those estimates. All pricing is to be by the pound F.O.B. to the Flathead County Asphalt Plant in Kalispell and/or to the Flathead County Shop in Kalispell. Bid to be from February 1, 2021 through January 31, 2022, or until the County Commissioners call for new bids, with the right to go to the next supplier if material is not available. Each bidder must deposit with his bid, a bid security in the amount of one-thousand dollars ($1,000.00), to secure the bidder's express covenant that if the bidder is awarded the contract the bidder will, within ten (10) days, enter into a formal contract; or otherwise the bidder will pay to Flathead County the difference between the amount of his bid and the amount for which Flathead County contracts with another party to complete the contract; bid security shall be payable to Flathead County and shall be in the form of lawful money of the United States: a cashier's check, certified check, bank money order or bank draft issued by a Montana bank; or a bid bond executed by a surety corporation authorized to do business in Montana. All sealed bids, plainly marked as "WARM MIX ADDITIVE BID", must be in the hands of the Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners, 800 S Main, Room 302, Kalispell, MT, 59901, on or before January 28th, 2021 at 8:45 a.m. Bids will be opened and read aloud in the Commissioners' Chambers at 9:15 a.m. The form of contract to be signed is on file and may be obtained at the Office of the County Commissioners, located on the third floor of the old courthouse in Kalispell, Montana. The Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to accept the bid deemed to be in the best interest of Flathead County. The award of a bid will be made solely by the issuance of a letter of award to the successful bidder by the Office of the County Commissioners. Dated this 5th day of January, 2021. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Flathead County, Montana By: /s/ Pamela J. Holmquist Pamela J. Holmquist, Chairman January 10, 17, 2021 MNAXLP __________________________
No. 27457 NOTICE OF RECEIPT OF LETTERS OF INTENT FOR APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF NEED During the month of December 2020, the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services received the following Letters of Intent to apply for Certificate of Need: Clark Fork Healthcare dba Big Sky Home Health, Missoula - to establish Home Health services in Missoula County. Clark Fork Healthcare dba Big Sky Home Health, Missoula - to establish Home Health services in Lake County. Clark Fork Healthcare dba Big Sky Home Health, Missoula - to establish Home Health services in Ravalli County. (REVIEWABLE): Any person who wishes to apply for a Certificate of Need in competition with any of the above-listed reviewable applicants must submit a Letter of Intent that meets the requirements of state law and rules, and requests comparative review, early enough so that the Department receives it no later than 5:00 p.m. on February 9, 2021. INFORMATIONAL HEARING: Any affected person (an applicant for a certificate of need, a health care facility located in the geographic area affected by the application, an agency that establishes rates for health care facilities, or a third-party payer who reimburses health care facilities in the area affected by the proposal) may request an informational hearing on any of the reviewable proposals listed above by writing to Carter Anderson, Administrator, Licensure Bureau, Quality Assurance Division, 2401 Colonial Drive, 2nd Floor, P.O. Box 202953, Helena, Montana 59620-2953. DATED this 10th day of January 2021. /s/ Carter Anderson Carter Anderson, Administrator Licensure Bureau Quality Assurance Division January 10, 2021 MNAXLP __________________________
No. 27478 Peg L. Allison Clerk of District Court Flathead County Justice Center 920 South Main Street Kalispell, MT 59901 (406) 758-5906 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF MONTANA, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF FLATHEAD IN THE MATTER OF: P.R.E., YOUTH IN NEED OF CARE. Cause No. DN-20-068(B) SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION To: Bianca Eisenberg, birth mother of the above-named child: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Petition has been filed in the above-entitled Court by the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services, Child and Family Services Division, 121 Financial Drive, Suite C, Kalispell, MT 59901, requesting emergency protective services, adjudication of child as a youth in need of care, and temporary legal custody of the above-named child. NOW, THEREFORE, YOU ARE HEREBY DIRECTED to appear on Friday, February 12, 2021 at 12:45 PM before the Honorable Robert B. Allison, District Judge, Department 2, Flathead County Justice Center, 920 South Main Street, Third Floor, Kalispell, Flathead County, Montana, then and there to show cause, if any you may have, why the Petition should not be granted. P.R.E was born on October 21, 2020 in Kalispell, Flathead County, Montana. The birth mother is Bianca Eisenberg. You have the right to representation by an attorney in these proceedings. If you are unable to afford an attorney, the Court will appoint an attorney to represent you. Your failure to appear at the hearing constitutes a denial of your interest in the above-named child, which denial may result, without further notice of this proceeding or any subsequent proceedings, in the Court entering judgment by default against you for all relief requested in the Petition. A copy of the Petition is filed with the Clerk of District Court for the Eleventh Judicial District Court in and for Flathead County, 920 South Main, Third Floor, Kalispell, Montana, 59901, telephone (406) 758-5870. WITNESS my hand and Seal of this Court this 6th day of January, 2021. PEG L. ALLISON Clerk of District Court By: MICHELLE DAVIS Deputy Clerk January 10, 17, 24, 2021 MNAXLP __________________________
No. 27470 INVITATION TO BID--Flathead Valley Community College is requesting bids from qualified contractors for boiler replacements. The project is located at the Campus, 777 Grandview Drive, Kalispell, MT 59901. This project is replacing boilers and various related upgrades at Ross Hall and the Learning Resource Center buildings. The anticipated construction start is May 10, 2021 with an estimated completion date of August 20th, 2021. The one percent (1%) Montana Gross Receipts tax and Montana Prevailing Wage Rates are applicable to this project. Copies of the construction documents and specifications can be obtained online at or from local Montana plans exchanges beginning Monday, January 11, 2021. A pre-bid meeting will be held on Campus, Wednesday, January 20, 2021 at 1:00 pm. Bidders are to meet at the main entrance of Blake Hall for a tour of the related spaces/facilities. The deadline for all contractor and supplier RFIs and substitution requests is 4:00 pm, January 25, 2021. All bidding questions should be directed to Cushing Terrell, Gerry Nichols-Pagel, at 406.257.8172 or emailed to Sealed Bids will be received by the Business Services Office, Blake Hall, c/o Calvin Pippin, 777 Grandview Drive, Kalispell, MT 59901 until 3:30 PM MST, Thursday, February 3, 2021. No faxed, emailed or late bids will be accepted. Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud immediately thereafter in the adjacent boardroom. All sealed bids must be clearly marked, "Flathead Valley Community College - 2021 Boiler Replacements", submitted on the Bid Form found in the specifications and signed by an officer or a person duly authorized to sign bids. ONLY BIDS RECEIVED BY THE SPECIFIED TIME AND AT THE SPECIFIED LOCATION WILL BE CONSIDERED. January 10, 17, 2021 MNAXLP __________________________
No. 27441 Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment of Water Quality Standards Before the Montana Department of Environmental Quality On February 8, 2021, at 1:00 p.m., the Montana Department of Environmental Quality ("department") will hold a virtual public hearing via Zoom to consider proposed amendments of Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) 17.30.660. The department is proposing to revise Department Circular DEQ-12B Nutrient Standards Variances ("12B") which is incorporated by reference in ARM 17.30.660. The rulemaking is in response to the U.S. District Court for the District of Montana's Consolidated Order (October 30, 2020) for cases CV-16-52-GF-BMM and CV-20-27-GF-BMM. Due to guidance issued by the Governor regarding the coronavirus COVID-19 public health situation, the hearing will be held virtually and will be recorded. More information is available on the department's website, including a copy of proposed 12B and instructions on how to attend remotely, at In 2019, the department revised 12B to respond to orders issued by the U.S. District Court in Case No. CV-16-52-GF-BMM. The revised 12B (November 2019 version) was provided to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") for review; EPA disapproved it on February 24, 2020 as inconsistent with the District Court's 2019 orders. In its disapproval, EPA noted it respectfully disagreed with the District Court's Orders and that it had filed an appeal. The State of Montana has also filed an appeal of certain aspects of the District Court's 2019 Orders. See Upper Mo. Waterkeeper v. EPA, No. 20-35135 (9th Cir.) Those appeals are pending. In 2019, while the District Court found significant portions of the general nutrient standards variance to be lawful and supported by the record, the Court partially vacated and remanded a portion of EPA's October 31, 2017 approval of the general variance in 12B. The Court then stayed this vacatur and ordered the department to revise the effective variance and adopt a revised general variance timeline. The Court's action allowed the general variance to remain in place, pending EPA's approval of a revised variance. The Court did not vacate EPA's approval of the department's findings concerning widespread economic and social impacts, nor did it vacate approval of the treatment requirements found in Table 12B-1 of 12B. In its 2020 Consolidated Order, the Court directed that its stay of the partial vacatur of the general variance timelines would remain in place until EPA approves a replacement general variance timeline. The Court directed the department reach general variance timelines that (1) begin with a program that complies with the relaxed criteria of the general variance; (2) work toward ultimate attainment of Montana's stringent base numeric nutrient standards in order to demonstrate progress toward attainment; and (3) adopt a timeline for which attainment of Montana's base numeric nutrient standards would be feasible. The proposed rulemaking is necessary in order to comply with the Consolidated Order and the 2019 orders issued by the Court. The department was given 120 days from the date of the Consolidated Order to complete the rulemaking and then submit it to EPA for their review (EPA has 90 days to complete its review). This rulemaking is focused only on the requirements of the orders issued by the Court. The rulemaking will allow continued use and application of the general variance for eligible dischargers and will prevent the related economic and social harm that would result from requiring immediate compliance with the base numeric nutrient standards. Because the Court previously found the justifications and treatment requirements to be reasonable and did not vacate these portions of EPA's approval, the department is not addressing these matters in this rulemaking. Because EPA's approval was limited to only 36 municipal facilities, this proposed rulemaking is also limited to those 36 facilities. Concerned persons may submit their data, views, or arguments, either orally or in writing, at the hearing. Written data, views, or arguments may also be submitted to Sandy Scherer, Paralegal, Department of Environmental Quality, 1520 E. Sixth Avenue, P.O. Box 200901, Helena, Montana 59620-0901; faxed to (406) 444-4386; or e-mailed to, no later than 5:00 p.m., February 8, 2021. To be guaranteed consideration, mailed comments must be postmarked on or before that date. January 3, 10, 17, 2021 MNAXLP __________________________
No. 27429 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICA TIONS (RFQ) FOR ARCHITECT/ENGINEERING SERVICES WEST VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT Completed Response Due Date: 4:00 PM MST January 22, 2021. Delivery Requirements: Deliver 1 electronic copy + 1 original + 3 copies to: Cal Ketchum, Superintendent 406-755-7239 West Valley School District 2290 Farm to Market Road Kalispell, MT 59901 West Valley School District is soliciting through this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) the services of a qualified Architectural/Engineering firm to assist in the areas of meeting facilitation, user input, preliminary space planning, educational specifications, design standards and guidelines, preliminary cost estimating, cost benefit analysis, and assistance with the development of a capital bond programming for the construction of future school facilities. The RFQ also seeks qualified firms to assist in the areas of any programming, planning, design and construction administration for the construction of these new facilities depending upon the outcome of the capital bond election. The District reserves the right to terminate the services in the event of an unsuccessful bond election and/or to solicit qualifications for post-bond architect/engineering services. A sealed envelope that is prominently marked "Request for Qualifications, Architecture/Engineering, New School Facilities" containing one original and 3 copies plus one electronic copy of a proposal meeting all criteria listed in this document must be received at the West Valley School District office, 2290 Farm to Market Road Kalispell, MT 59901 by 4:00 PM MST, January 22, 2021. Late, faxed, or emailed copies will not be accepted for consideration. It shall be the responsibility of the firm submitting the proposal to ensure that it has been properly received by the deadline. If a proposal is not legible, the District has the discretion to determine that the proposal is non-responsive. Go to for a complete list of the qualifications. Each proposing firm shall submit a proposal that is signed in ink by an authorized individual or officer of the firm submitting the response and no proposals shall be withdrawn for a period of 90 days after receipt. In order to control information disseminated regarding this RFQ, firms are not to make personal contact with the Board of Trustees and/or any District Employees with exception of the person listed above. All submitted items will become property of the District and the District reserves the right to make use of any or all information it contains or reject any or all proposals, information in the proposal will become public property and subject to disclosure laws. All costs associated with the preparation or submission of the proposal for this RFQ are solely the responsibility of the candidates. The District may, for good cause, reject any or all proposals and to rescind the award of any contract at any time before the execution of said contract by all parties with no liability against the District. January 3, 10, 2021 MNAXLP __________________________