God’s call to His church in this hour.
CHRIS BASSETT Contributing Writer | Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 4 years AGO
As we pray for the nation, pray for the unity of believers, and for the love of God to change hearts and minds (1 Timothy 2:1-4), let us remember who we really are. We are more than Americans as followers of Jesus. We are more than Idahoans; we are Sons and Daughters of God. The Lord has called everyone who believes in His name a child of God (Romans 8:15-17).
As we walk in the way of Jesus, we are called to love our enemies, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you (Matthew 5:43-48). Jesus came from a different world, a different place of personal identity, and He never stopped being about the Father’s business.
It is easy for many of us to view the injustices of our day through a lens of righteous vengeance, and yet, the Lord has declared that He is the judge, the ruler of nations (Matthew 25:31-36), and that He appoints those in authority (Romans 13:1-7). Many of us need to sit quietly before THE KING and take time to receive His love, His security, His reality, knowing that He will provide righteous justice, and we can fully trust in Him.
In the same breath, I am aware that God is calling His children to rise from apathy and from a place of timidity and intimidation and choose to be the salt and the light that Jesus so clearly said that we were to be (Matthew 5:13-16). We are to be the salt that gives off Jesus’ flavor, the flavor of forgiveness, love and shameless acceptance to a world mired in bitterness, rejection and shame.
We are also to be the light of the world. The way we engage the world around us should shine brightly the love and forgiveness of God that creates a desire to come closer, instead of further away (Romans 2:4). Wherever you feel called in your politics or social mission, it is God’s will that we set our eyes on Him, trust Him, and become more and more like Him every day. In whatever way we choose to do that, it must come from a place of God’s heart, His love, and His compassion. He is the one who is the judge, and we stand as those forgiven and freed to love freely, even our enemies.
Chris Bassett is a pastor at Harvest Valley Worship Center. You are invited to join the community of faith at 10AM’s Sunday morning. Go to HVWC.COM or CHRIS@HVWC.COM to connect with him.