Thursday, January 23, 2025

Letters to the editor Jan. 20

Daily Inter-Lake | UPDATED 4 years AGO
| January 19, 2021 11:00 PM

Trump’s accomplishments

What the mainstream bias, censoring, unfair media does not tell you.

In the last four years, despite the mess he inherited, and the relentless, unfounded attacks from Pelosi and the Democrats, President Trump has done a lot to Make America Great Again. He stood strong for the American citizen, our Constitution and our freedoms. Even President-elect Biden said in one of his speeches, President Trump is president of the USA people and country of USA. Biden will be a global president.

Here are just some of Trump’s accomplishments.

Completed middle-class tax cuts, while making filling out our tax returns easier and faster.

Cut staggering government over-regulations and red tape, resulting in economic growth, employment growth and wage growth, including record Black, Hispanic and women’s employment.

Historic judicial reform, appointing nearly 200 pro-Constitution federal judges, including two Supreme Court justices.

Started dismantling the worst parts of Obamacare and provided affordable alternatives to reduce premiums by as much as 60% for millions of Americans.

Began construction of a secure border wall to stem the tide of illegal immigration that costs billions in taxpayer-funded benefits.

Stopped taxpayer funding of sanctuary cities.

Defeated ISIS and eliminated the top radical Islamist terrorist mastermind.

Rebuilt our military and restored American defenses to the strongest they’ve been in years.

Brought back to America manufacturing jobs that had gone overseas.

Energy independence. We are no longer dependent on Middle East oil.

Massive overhaul in the VA and enacting Veterans Choice Act.

Got the capital of Israel moved to Jerusalem that was planned four presidents ago.

—Jorene Williams, Kalispell

The way it used to be

This letter is for the man who screamed at me in the parking lot of the laundromat, for the youths who stole the American flags from the front of my house, for the man who verbally assaulted me outside of the grocery store, for the person who tore the Biden/Harris sticker from my car: Please stop.

Your anger and hateful ways do nothing to change the election. I did not steal your vote. Your antagonistic ways only underline why I indeed voted for Biden.

When I moved to Montana over 30 years ago things were different. It didn’t matter what stickers were on our cars or houses. We treated each other like Montanans: with respect. We were strong enough to live with differences.

I wish for those days to return. The days when a little old lady, such as myself, may again do her laundry, live in her house, go grocery shopping, knowing that she still lives in the strong Montana she has come to know as her home.

—Walker Davis, Kalispell

Appalled by Daines and Rosendale

After following Trump’s lies and rhetoric for the last four years, and now learning that he is also a traitor to our country, my wife and I are appalled Daines and Rosendale continue to subscribe to Trump’s leadership.

Both men have endorsed Trump’s lies, that our election was a fraud, and that he is the duly elected president. Daines, in fact, solicited money from Montanans to send to Arizona to attempt to overturn their election, for which he could and should be punished.

Rosendale protested the Electoral College vote, in effect telling Montana citizens that all of Trump’s lies should be taken as alternative facts. That protest of his should be investigated.

Now that Trump has been charged with a crime, Daines wants Trump to be let off the hook and shouldn’t face impeachment. Daines thinks Trump should be admired and honored for his presidency. During his administration he was able to pass a bill that reduced taxes to the wealthy by 83% and to the rest of us 17%. Gosh, thanks! I’m sure most of us can list other policies, such as separating children from their parents at the border was a hideous crime, and should be punished as child abuse.

I don’t remember our representatives voicing their concerns for those children, or other policies that hurt people like the dreamers. Actually I’ve heard very few Republicans speak about the worst of these issues.

Seeing the carnage on the Capitol grounds was absolutely disgusting. The disregard for people’s lives, the disregard for the history of this country, the disregard for human rights, the disregard for just plain respect for democracy was abominable.

—Robert Moriarty, Bigfork

Letter to read again

I’d like to thank Todd Butts (Jan. 3, Wolverine lawsuit not really about the wolverine) on his great letter. Having hunted for over 65 years and once followed the wolverine, it was inspiring to read from someone who has the experience to know what he’s talking about. I would encourage people to read it again and again,

— Dale Terrillion, Proctor

Reject the BLM movement

I wish your reporter and editorial oversight would have presented a more balanced and truthful perspective in the article on Samantha Francine and Black Lives Matter and their claims of racism.

In truth, not a single name on her placard in her infamous photo decrying the tragic loss of life by law enforcement officers identified a person whose death was a result of proven racial animus. Each one was in some way either connected with alleged criminal behavior, association with criminals, illicit drug use, perceived or real resistance to arrest, or perceived or real outright danger to the lives of police officers.

There is no statistical or empirical evidence published confirming that law enforcement officers are more likely to shoot or injure suspects based solely on race. If there was a callous disregard for human life such as for George Floyd or poor judgment in those perceptions or actions such as for Breonna Taylor, our system of justice has or is dealing with it appropriately. And Ahmaud Arbery was an act by private citizens, again no proven racist, and those defendants have been charged with murder.

One cannot overstate the danger posed by this misrepresentation of racism, which preys on the goodwill of the people it deceives, the vast majority of whom despise true racism. This intentional falsehood is revolutionary in its intent, designed to incite turmoil and violence on trumped up charges of systemic racism which simply do not exist. To deny this is willful ignorance of the foundation of Black Lives Matter.

The subsequent loss of innocent lives, murder of police men and women, and untold millions in property damage underscore the reason why I ask for more honest perspective from the local press. As others both black and white elsewhere in this country already have, the citizens of the Flathead Valley likewise will hopefully remain informed of the truth and reject the BLM movement and any attempt to allow it to advocate in public schools.

—Dr. Michael Boharski, Kalispell


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