Legals for January, 24 2021
Daily Inter-Lake | UPDATED 4 years AGO
No. 27505 CITY OF COLUMBIA FALLS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Columbia Falls City-County Planning Board will hold a public hearing for the following items at their regular meeting on Tuesday, February 9, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. at the Council Chambers of City Hall, 130 6th Street West, Columbia Falls, Montana. The Columbia Falls City Council will hold a subsequent hearing on Monday March 1, 2021 starting at 7:00 p.m. in the same location. Both hearings will be conducted in accordance with the most current recommended and/or required public health and safety protocols in place at the time of the hearing. The City website,, will contain updated information if there is any change to the planned hearings. Request for a Conditional Use Permit to construct a House and Accessory Dwelling over 800 Square Feet: Lori Bjork is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to construct a new house of 2,600 square feet and convert the existing house of 1,700 square feet into an accessory dwelling unit. The Columbia Falls Zoning Code requires a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for Accessory Dwelling Units that exceed 800 square feet in residential zones. The 0.98 acre property is described as Assessor's Tract 3AC in SE4NW4SE4 of Section 4, Township 30 North, Range 20 West, P.M.M., Flathead County. The property is located 1550 14th Street EN but also has frontage on 13th Street EN. Request for a Conditional Use Permit to construct an Accessory Dwelling in the existing house in the CB-2 Zoning District: Kevin and Cindy Hooker (current owners) and Six Peaks, LLC (prospective owners) are requesting a Conditional Use Permit to convert half of the existing 1,288 square foot house into an accessory apartment. The house is located at 28 6th Street East in Columbia Falls and is zoned CB-2 (General Business). The zoning code allows Single Family Residential use as a permitted use in the CB-2 and it allows an Accessory Apartment within the same building with a Conditional Use Permit (CUP). The 6,250 square feet property is described as Lot 11, Block 45 of the Columbia Falls Townsite in Section 8, Township 30 North, Range 20 West, P.M.M., Flathead County. Request change the zoning from CR-5 (Two Family Residential) to CRA-1 (Multi-Family Residential) in the Columbia Falls Zoning Jurisdiction: The applicant, Toby Gilchrist, is requesting a zone change for 302 Meadow Lake Boulevard from the current CR-5 Two-Family designation to a CRA-1 Multi-Family residential designation. The vacant property is approximately 2.5 acres in size and is located approximately 1/4 mile north of Highway 2 on Meadow Lake Blvd. The property is described as Assessors' Tract's 2BDAE and 2BDAEA of Section 7, Township 30 North, Range 20 West, P.M.M., Flathead County. Request for a Conditional Use Permit to construct 36 units of Apartment in the Columbia Falls Zoning Jurisdiction: The applicant, Toby Gilchrist, is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to construct 36 units of apartments in two buildings, eighteen units in each building. The proposed two-story apartments will access Meadow Lake Blvd near the intersection with Best Way. The vacant property is approximately 2.5 acres in size and is located approximately 1/4 mile north of Highway 2 at 302 Meadow Lake Blvd. The property is described as Assessors' Tract's 2BDAE and 2BDAEA of Section 7, Township 30 North, Range 20 West, P.M.M., Flathead County. Persons are allowed to attend the hearing(s), subject to the most recent public gathering restrictions enacted by County and State agencies at or prior to the time of the hearing. Persons are encouraged to submit written comments prior to the meeting. Written comments carry the same weight as public testimony given during the hearing. Written comments may be sent to Columbia Falls City Hall, Attention: Barb Staaland, City Clerk, 130 6th Street West, Columbia Falls, MT 59912 or via email: For more information on the proposed Planned Unit Development, please call Eric Mulcahy, Columbia Falls City Planner at 755-6481. DATED this 19th day of January, 2021 Susan Nicosia Susan Nicosia, City Manager/Planning & Zoning Administrator COLUMBIA FALLS CITY- COUNTY PLANNING BOARD January 24, 2021 MNAXLP __________________________
No. 27506 INVITATION TO BID CITY OF COLUMBIA FALLS 6TH AVENUE WEST OVERLAY PROJECT Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the City of Columbia Falls at the Office of the City Clerk, City Hall, 130 6th Street West, until 2:00 p.m. local time, Tuesday, February 16, 2021 for the "6th Avenue West Overlay Project", and will then be opened and publicly read in the City Council Chambers. The work generally consists of overlay paving of 6th Avenue West between 9th Street West (Hwy 2) and 13th Street West, including various quantities of paving, patching, crack seal, tack coat, adjustment of structures, and concrete curb ramps. The Engineer's estimate for the work is between $250,000 and $300,000. All work must be accepted and complete no later than August 31, 2021. Additional schedule provisions apply as described in the contract documents. The detailed scope of work and contract documents may be examined or obtained at the City of Columbia Falls Public Works Department, 130 6th Street West, Columbia Falls, MT 59912. The Contract Documents are also available online at To be added to the Plan Holder's List email with your request. All questions prior to the opening of bids shall be directed to Tyler Bradshaw, P.E., City of Columbia Falls Public Works Director at, (406) 892-4430. Each Bid must be accompanied by a cashier's check, certified check, or bid bond payable to the City of Columbia Falls, in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the total amount of the bid. Successful Bidders shall furnish an approved Performance Bond and a Labor and Materials Payment Bond, each in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract amount. Insurance as required shall be provided by the successful Bidder and a certificate of that insurance shall be provided. Contractor and any of the contractor's subcontractors bidding or doing work on this project will be required to be registered with the Montana Department of Labor and Industry (DLI). Forms for registration are available from the Department of Labor and Industry, P.O. Box 8011, 1805 Prospect, Helena, Montana 59604-8011. Information on registration can be obtained by calling (406) 444-7734. All laborers and mechanics employed by contractor or subcontractors in performance of the construction work shall be paid wages at rates according to the current Montana Prevailing Wage Rates. The contractor must ensure that employees and applicants for employment are not discriminated against because of their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Bids must be sealed and marked "6th Avenue West Overlay Project Sealed Bid" with the contractor's name, address, and Montana Contractor's Registration Number, and addressed to: City of Columbia Falls Clerks Office, 130 6th Street West, Columbia Falls, MT 59912. The City of Columbia Falls reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any informality in a bid, or to accept the lowest responsive and responsible bid and bidder, and to make awards in the interest of the owner. The City of Columbia Falls is an equal opportunity employer. January 24, February 7, 2021 MNAXLP __________________________
No. 27489 INVITATION FOR BIDS The City of Kalispell, Montana will receive sealed bids for a Wastewater Treatment Plant Sludge Truck Chassis to meet or exceed the minimum specifications on file in the office of Department of Public Works, City Hall, Kalispell, Montana. The City will purchase up to one (1) truck based on the information and pricing provided. Bidding documents may be examined at the City of Kalispell Public Works Department, 201 First Avenue East, Kalispell, Montana 59901. Bidding documents and specifications can also be examined beginning, January 17, through QuestCDN. QuestCDN and full bidding requirements are located at the City of Kalispell website at: The City will only be accepting online electronic bids through QuestCDN. Bids will be received by QuestCDN until 3:30 PM on Wednesday, February 3, 2021. All bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at 3:30 PM on Wednesday, February 3, 2021 in the Main Level City Hall Conference Room, 201 First Avenue East, Kalispell, Montana 59901. Authorized by order of the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana, in a regular meeting held on August 29, 2020. City of Kalispell, Aimee Brunckhorst, CMC, City Clerk January 17, 24, 2021 MNAXLP __________________________
No. 27490 INVITATION FOR BIDS The City of Kalispell, Montana will receive sealed bids for a Street Department Truck Cab and Chassis to meet or exceed the minimum specifications on file in the office of Department of Public Works, City Hall, Kalispell, Montana. The City will purchase up to one (1) Cab and Chassis truck based on the information and pricing provided. Bidding documents may be examined at the City of Kalispell Public Works Department, 201 First Avenue East, Kalispell, Montana 59901. Bidding documents and specifications can also be examined beginning, January 17, 2021, through QuestCDN. Bidding requirements and a link to QuestCDN is located at the City of Kalispell website at: The City will only be accepting online electronic bids through QuestCDN. Bids will be received by QuestCDN until 3:00 PM on Wednesday, February 3, 2021. All bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at 3:00 PM on Wednesday, February 3, 2021 in the Main Level City Hall Conference Room, 201 First Avenue East, Kalispell, Montana 59901. Authorized by order of the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana, in a regular meeting held on August 29, 2020. City of Kalispell, Aimee Brunckhorst, CMC, City Clerk January 17, 24, 2021 MNAXLP __________________________
No. 27430 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING HIGHWAY 93 NORTH ZONING DISTRICT The Board of Commissioners of Flathead County, Montana, hereby gives notice, pursuant to Section 76-2-205(1), M.C.A., that it will hold a public hearing to consider a request by Donald and Becky Sneck to change the zoning designation in a portion of the Highway 93 North Zoning District from (SAG-10 Suburban Agricultural) to SAG-5 (Suburban Agricultural). The boundaries of the area proposed to be amended from SAG-10 Suburban Agricultural to SAG-5 Suburban Agricultural are described as: A tract of land being the Northeast Quarter of Section 08, Township 29 North, Range 21 West, Flathead County, Montana, known as Parcel A of Certificate of Survey No. 20324. The regulations defining the SAG-10 and SAG-5 zones are contained in the Flathead County Zoning Regulations and are on file for public inspection at the Office of the Board of Commissioners, 800 South Main, Kalispell, Montana, at the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office, 40 11th Street West, Kalispell, Montana, and online at: Documents related to the proposed zone change are also on file for public inspection at the Office of the Board of Commissioners and at the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office. The public hearing will be held on the 9th day of February, 2021 at 10:30 o'clock a.m. in the Commissioners' Chambers, Third Floor, Old Courthouse, Kalispell, Montana. At the public hearing, the Board of Commissioners will give the public an opportunity to be heard regarding the proposed change to the Highway 93 North Zoning District. Written comments are encouraged and will be reviewed by the Commissioners prior to the hearing if received by the Flathead County Commissioners' Office at least three business days prior to the hearing. DATED this 15th day of December, 2020. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA By: /s/ Pamela J. Holmquist Pamela J. Holmquist, Chairman January 24, 31, 2021 MNAXLP _________________________
No. 27431 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING HIGHWAY 93 NORTH ZONING DISTRICT The Board of Commissioners of Flathead County, Montana hereby gives notice, pursuant to Section 76-2-205(1), M.C.A., that it will hold a public hearing to consider a request by David and Coleen Stevens to change the zoning designation in a portion of the Highway 93 North Zoning District from SAG-10 (Suburban Agricultural) to SAG-5 (Suburban Agricultural). The boundaries of the area proposed to be amended from SAG-10 to SAG-5 are described as: That portion of the Northwest Quarter of Section 08, Township 29 North, Range 21 West, Flathead County, Montana. Shown as Parcel B of Certificate of Survey No. 13497. The regulations defining the SAG-10 and SAG-5 zones are contained in the Flathead County Zoning Regulations and are on file for public inspection at the Office of the Board of Commissioners, 800 South Main, Kalispell, Montana, at the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office, 40 11th Street West, Kalispell, Montana, and online at: Documents related to the proposed zone change are also on file for public inspection at the Office of the Board of Commissioners and at the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office. The public hearing will be held on the 9th day of February, 2021, at 10:45 o'clock a.m. in the Commissioners' Chambers, Third Floor, Old Courthouse, Kalispell, Montana. At the public hearing, the Board of Commissioners will give the public an opportunity to be heard regarding the proposed change to the Highway 93 North Zoning District. Written comments are encouraged and will be reviewed by the Commissioners prior to the hearing if received by the Flathead County Commissioners' Office at least three business days prior to the hearing. DATED this 15th day of December, 2020. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA By: /s/ Pamela J. Holmquist Pamela J. Holmquist, Chairman January 24, 31, 2021 MNAXLP __________________________
No. 27503 INVITATION TO BID Separate sealed Bids will be received by the Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners of Flathead County, 800 South Main Street, Room 302, Kalispell, MT 59901 until 4:00 p.m., local time, Wednesday, February 10, 2021, for the Rose Crossing Safety Improvements Project. All received Bids will be opened and read aloud at 9:30 a.m., local time, Thursday, February 11, 2021 in the Commissioners' Chambers, located on the third floor of the County Courthouse. The proposed safety improvements project will realign approximately 1,200 linear feet of Rose Crossing to replace a sharp 90-degree turn with a safer, more gradual, superelevated curve. The project generally includes roadway excavation and embankment, subbase and base course gravels, asphalt concrete pavement, new signs, delineators, roadway centerline striping, topsoil grading with hydroseed, fertilizer and mulch. All Bids must be in accordance with the Contract Documents on file with the Flathead County Road & Bridge Department, 1249 Willow Glen Drive, Kalispell, MT 59901, (406) 758-5790; Robert Peccia and Associates, 102 Cooperative Way, Suite 300, Kalispell, MT 59901, (406) 752-5025; Robert Peccia and Associates, 3147 Saddle Drive, Helena, MT 59601, (406) 447-5000; Northwest Montana Plans Exchange, 2303 Highway 2 East, Kalispell, MT 59901, (406) 755-5888; Helena Plans Exchange, 1530 Cedar Street, Suite C, Helena, MT 59601, (406) 457-2679. Digital project bidding documents are available at Robert Peccia & Associates web site ( Click on the link titled "Current Projects Bidding". You may download and print the Contract Documents, Specifications, and Construction Drawings at no charge, however, all Prime Contractors that intend to offer a bid for this project must contact Robert Peccia & Associates at the address stipulated above to obtain an "official" Bid Proposal form and to get their name added to the Planholders List. A non-refundable deposit of $30.00 will be required to obtain the "Official" Bid Proposal. The entire set of bidding documents may also be obtained in the form of printed Contract Documents, Specifications, Construction Drawings, and the "Official" Bid Proposal for a non-refundable deposit of $150.00, if the Contractor chooses not to download and print their own documents. No bids will be considered unless they are submitted on the "Official" Bid Proposal form and the Contractor's name has been included on the Planholders List. A REMOTE prebid conference will be held at 1:00 p.m., Thursday, February 4th, 2021. Those interested in bidding the project are encouraged to attend this meeting. Below is the information for accessing the remote prebid conference: Meeting Web Link: Meeting Phone Number: 1 (646) 749-3122 Meeting Access Code: 492-127-205 Bids will be received on a price basis as described in the Contract Documents. Bid security in the amount of 10 percent of the total Bid must accompany each Bid. Within 10 calendar days after the Notice of Award, the successful Bidder will be required to furnish a Performance Bond and a Labor and Materials Payment Bond guaranteeing faithful performance and the payment of all bills and obligations arising from the performance of the contract. The bonds will each be equal to 100 percent of the contract amount. Work at the site is to commence within 10 calendar days after the written Notice to Proceed is issued. Completion of the work is required within 60 calendar days following commencement of work. The project includes liquidated damages that will be assessed as set forth in the Special Provisions, per calendar day, if the work is not complete within the allotted contract time. Each bidder will be required to be registered with the State of Montana, Department of Labor and Industry prior to bidding this project. No Bid may be withdrawn within a period of 60 days after the date for opening bids. The Board of County Commissioners of Flathead County reserves the right to reject all Bids, to waive informalities, and to reject nonconforming, irregular, non-responsive or conditional Bids. Flathead County is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Dated this 19th day of January, 2021. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Flathead County, Montana By: /s/ Randy L. Brodehl Randy L. Brodehl, Chairman January 24, 31, 2021 MNAXLP ________________________
No. 27504 NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED FY21 BUDGET AMENDMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of County Commissioners of Flathead County, Montana intends to amend the budget for the 2020-2021 fiscal year and that said budget amendment affects the following functions: general government; public safety; public works; public health; social and economic services; culture and recreation and solid waste. Details are open to public inspection in the Finance Office, 800 South Main, Room 214, Kalispell, Montana and also available on the County website at The Board will meet on the 9th day of February, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. for the purpose of holding a hearing and consideration of the amendment to the original budget. Said meeting is to be held in the Commissioners' Chambers, Third Floor, 800 South Main, Kalispell, Montana. Any taxpayer or resident may appear at the hearing and will be heard for or against any part of the proposed budget amendment. For further information, please contact Amy Dexter, Finance Director, 800 South Main, Room 214, Kalispell, Montana 59901, Telephone (406) 758-5538. Written comments are encouraged and will be reviewed by the Commissioners if received by the Flathead County Commissioners' Office at least three business days prior to the hearing. DATED this 19th day of January 2021. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Flathead County, Montana By: /s/ Randy L. Brodehl Randy L. Brodehl, Chairman January 24, 31, 2021 MNAXLP __________________________
No. 27492 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by LINDY M. LAUDER, as successor Trustee, of the public sale of the real property hereinafter described pursuant to the "Small Tract Financing Act of Montana" (Section 71-1-301, et seq., MCA). The following information is provided: THE NAME OF THE GRANTOR, ORIGINAL TRUSTEE, THE BENEFICIARY IN THE DEED OF TRUST, ANY SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO THE BENEFICIARY OR GRANTOR, ANY SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE, AND THE PRESENT RECORD OWNER IS/ARE: Grantor: Diversified Global Group, Inc. ("Grantor") Original Trustee: Fidelity National Title Successor Trustee: Lindy M. Lauder, an attorney licensed to practice law in the State of Montana (the "Trustee") Beneficiary: First Interstate Bank (the "Beneficiary") Present Record Owner: Diversified Global Group, Inc. THE DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY COVERED BY THE DEED OF TRUST IS: The real property and its appurtenances in Flathead County, Montana, more particularly described as follows: LOTS 16, 17, AND 18 BLOCK 37 OF KALISPELL, MONTANA, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF ON FILE AND OF RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK AND RECORDER OF FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA. The Real Property or its address is commonly known as 7 1st Ave E, Kalispell, MT 59901 RECORDING DATA: The following instruments and documents have been recorded in the Clerk and Recorder's Office in Flathead County, Montana. Deed of Trust dated April 24, 2017, and recorded May 1, 2017, under Document No. 201700008600, records of Flathead County, Montana; and Substitution of Trustee dated October 20, 2020, and recorded November 5, 2020, under Document No. 202000037479, records of Flathead County, Montana. THE DEFAULT FOR WHICH THE FORECLOSURE IS MADE IS: The loan has matured and the borrower is due in full for all principal, interest and fees. THE SUMS OWING ON THE OBLIGATION SECURED BY THE DEED OF TRUST AS OF NOVEMBER 23, 2020 ARE: Principal: $46,827.86 Interest: Interest continues to accrue at the rate of 6.00% per annum. As of November 23, 2020, the interest balance is $495.60 and interest accrues at the rate of $7.70 per day. Late fees: $2,433.18 The Beneficiary anticipates and intends to disburse such amounts as may be required to preserve and protect the real property, and for real property taxes that may become due or delinquent, unless such amounts or taxes are paid by the Grantor or successor in interest to the Grantor. If such amounts are paid by the Beneficiary, the amounts or taxes will be added to the obligation secured by the Trust Indenture. Other expenses to be charged against the proceeds of the sale include the Trustee's and attorney's fees, and costs and expenses of sale. THE TRUSTEE, AT THE DIRECTION OF THE BENEFICIARY, HEREBY ELECTS TO SELL THE PROPERTY TO SATISFY THE AFORESAID OBLIGATIONS. THE DATE, TIME, PLACE AND TERMS OF SALE ARE: Date: April 14, 2021 Time: 1:00 p.m., Mountain Standard Time or Mountain Daylight Time, whichever is in effect. Place: Crowley Fleck, 1667 Whitefish Stage Road, Suite 101, Kalispell, MT 59901 Terms: This sale is a public sale and any person, including the Beneficiary, and excepting only the Trustee, may bid at the sale. The bid price must be paid in cash. The conveyance will be made by Trustee's Deed. The sale purchaser shall be entitled to possession of the property on the 10th day following the sale. Dated this 7th day of December, 2020. /s/ Lindy M. Lauder LINDY M. LAUDER Trustee STATE OF MONTANA :ss. County of Missoula This instrument was acknowledged before me on December 7th, 2020, by Lindy M. Lauder, as Trustee. /s/ Kristal S. Fifield [NOTARY SEAL] Notary Public for the State of Montana Residing at: Missoula, MT My commission expires: 01/15/2023 File No.: 033153-000162 January 17, 24, 31, 2021 MNAXLP __________________________
No. 27493 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by LINDY M. LAUDER, as successor Trustee, of the public sale of the real property hereinafter described pursuant to the "Small Tract Financing Act of Montana" (Section 71-1-301, et seq., MCA). The following information is provided: THE NAME OF THE GRANTOR, ORIGINAL TRUSTEE, THE BENEFICIARY IN THE DEED OF TRUST, ANY SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO THE BENEFICIARY OR GRANTOR, ANY SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE, AND THE PRESENT RECORD OWNER IS/ARE: Grantor: Diversified Global Group, Inc., a Montana Corporation ("Grantor") Original Trustee: Stewart Title of Flathead Co. LLC Successor Trustee: Lindy M. Lauder, an attorney licensed to practice law in the State of Montana (the "Trustee") Beneficiary: First Interstate Bank (the "Beneficiary") Present Record Owner: Diversified Global Group, Inc. THE DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY COVERED BY THE DEED OF TRUST IS: The real property and its appurtenances in Flathead County, Montana, more particularly described as follows: LOTS 16, 17, AND 18 BLOCK 37 OF KALISPELL, MONTANA, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF ON FILE AND OF RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK AND RECORDER OF FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA. The Real Property or its address is commonly known as 7 1st Ave E, Kalispell, MT 59901 RECORDING DATA: The following instruments and documents have been recorded in the Clerk and Recorder's Office in Flathead County, Montana. Deed of Trust dated November 19, 2004, and recorded November 23, 2004, under Document No. 200432814410, records of Flathead County, Montana; and Substitution of Trustee dated October 20, 2020, and recorded November 5, 2020, under Document No. 202000037478, records of Flathead County, Montana. THE DEFAULT FOR WHICH THE FORECLOSURE IS MADE IS: The loan has matured and the borrower is due in full for all principal, interest and fees. THE SUMS OWING ON THE OBLIGATION SECURED BY THE DEED OF TRUST AS OF NOVEMBER 23, 2020 ARE: Principal: $129,262.03 Interest: Interest continues to accrue at the rate of 5.00% per annum. As of November 23, 2020, the interest balance is $1,178.24 and interest accrues at the rate of $17.71 per day. Late fees: $277.00 The Beneficiary anticipates and intends to disburse such amounts as may be required to preserve and protect the real property, and for real property taxes that may become due or delinquent, unless such amounts or taxes are paid by the Grantor or successor in interest to the Grantor. If such amounts are paid by the Beneficiary, the amounts or taxes will be added to the obligation secured by the Trust Indenture. Other expenses to be charged against the proceeds of the sale include the Trustee's and attorney's fees, and costs and expenses of sale. THE TRUSTEE, AT THE DIRECTION OF THE BENEFICIARY, HEREBY ELECTS TO SELL THE PROPERTY TO SATISFY THE AFORESAID OBLIGATIONS. THE DATE, TIME, PLACE AND TERMS OF SALE ARE: Date: April 14, 2021 Time: 1:15 p.m., Mountain Standard Time or Mountain Daylight Time, whichever is in effect. Place: Crowley Fleck, 1667 Whitefish Stage Road, Suite 101, Kalispell, MT 59901 Terms: This sale is a public sale and any person, including the Beneficiary, and excepting only the Trustee, may bid at the sale. The bid price must be paid in cash. The conveyance will be made by Trustee's Deed. The sale purchaser shall be entitled to possession of the property on the 10th day following the sale. Dated this 7th day of December, 2020. /s/ Lindy M. Lauder LINDY M. LAUDER Trustee STATE OF MONTANA :ss. County of Missoula This instrument was acknowledged before me on December 7th, 2020, by Lindy M. Lauder, as Trustee. /s/ Kristal S. Fifield [NOTARY SEAL] Notary Public for the State of Montana Residing at: Missoula, MT My commission expires: 01/15/2023 File No.: 033153-000162 January 17, 24, 31, 2021 MNAXLP __________________________
No. 27477 FLATHEAD INDIAN IRRIGATION PROJECT FLATHEAD RIVER PUMPING PLANT TOPOGRAPHIC AND BATHYMETRIC SURVEY REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) CONFEDERATED SALISH AND KOOTENAI TRIBES NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT DIVISION OF ENGINEERING & WATER RESOURCES IRRIGATION INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM The CSKT Irrigation Infrastructure Program invites interested consultants to submit a Statement of Qualifications in response to the Flathead Indian Irrigation Project - Flathead River Pumping Plant - Topographic & Bathymetric Survey - Request for Qualifications The Request for Qualifications (RFQ) may be obtained from: Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes: Attn: Dan Lozar, Division of Engineering & Water Resources Manager,, Phone 406-676-2600. The Request for Qualifications may also be viewed and downloaded at the following website: Statements of Qualification must be received at the email address listed in the RFQ no later than 2:00 PM (local time) February 2, 2021. This Project will be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the CSKT's Indian Preference Ordinance 101A and Regulations. The selection of the successful consultant and award of this project will be per the provisions of Ordinance 101A and regulations. Tribal Contractors who wish to receive Indian Preference must obtain certification by the CSKT Indian Preference Office as a legitimate Indian-owned business prior to the submission of their Statement of Qualification. Proof of Indian Preference Certification must be included with your Statement of Qualification in the form of a copy of the Certificate issued by the Indian Preference Office. Be advised that evidence of you membership or affiliation with a Tribe does not constitute Indian Preference Certification. Contractors must be certified by the Indian Preference Office in order to claim Indian preference. It is the sole responsibility of the submitter to obtain and provide proof of Indian Preference certification form the Indian Preference Office. January 17, 24, 2021 MNAXLP __________________________
No. 27491 MONTANA ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, FLATHEAD COUNTY In re the Parenting of: K.J.L.C.T & A.R.L.L.C.T., Ashley-Alana Wittlau Petitioner, and Jeavin-Kainoa Cabana, Respondent Cause No.: DR 20-546D DAN WILSON SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION NOTICE TO: Respondent Jeavin-Kainoa Cabana You are named in a Petition to get a final parenting plan for your children. Unless you respond in twenty-one (21) days, the court may decide against you without you being heard and give Petitioner everything asked for in the petition. You must submit your written response within 21 calendar days. The 21-day period starts the day after the last date of publication of this noticew. If the final day falls on a weekend or court holiday, you may file your response on the next business day. You must file your written response with the Clerk of District Court at the District Court, Flathead County, and serve a copy of your answer on the Patitioner. DATED this 12th day of January, 2021 /s/ PEG L ALLISON Clerk of Court /s/ Michelle Davis Deputy Clerk January 17, 24, 31, 2021 MNAXLP __________________________
No. 27478 Peg L. Allison Clerk of District Court Flathead County Justice Center 920 South Main Street Kalispell, MT 59901 (406) 758-5906 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF MONTANA, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF FLATHEAD IN THE MATTER OF: P.R.E., YOUTH IN NEED OF CARE. Cause No. DN-20-068(B) SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION To: Bianca Eisenberg, birth mother of the above-named child: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Petition has been filed in the above-entitled Court by the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services, Child and Family Services Division, 121 Financial Drive, Suite C, Kalispell, MT 59901, requesting emergency protective services, adjudication of child as a youth in need of care, and temporary legal custody of the above-named child. NOW, THEREFORE, YOU ARE HEREBY DIRECTED to appear on Friday, February 12, 2021 at 12:45 PM before the Honorable Robert B. Allison, District Judge, Department 2, Flathead County Justice Center, 920 South Main Street, Third Floor, Kalispell, Flathead County, Montana, then and there to show cause, if any you may have, why the Petition should not be granted. P.R.E was born on October 21, 2020 in Kalispell, Flathead County, Montana. The birth mother is Bianca Eisenberg. You have the right to representation by an attorney in these proceedings. If you are unable to afford an attorney, the Court will appoint an attorney to represent you. Your failure to appear at the hearing constitutes a denial of your interest in the above-named child, which denial may result, without further notice of this proceeding or any subsequent proceedings, in the Court entering judgment by default against you for all relief requested in the Petition. A copy of the Petition is filed with the Clerk of District Court for the Eleventh Judicial District Court in and for Flathead County, 920 South Main, Third Floor, Kalispell, Montana, 59901, telephone (406) 758-5870. WITNESS my hand and Seal of this Court this 6th day of January, 2021. PEG L. ALLISON Clerk of District Court By: MICHELLE DAVIS Deputy Clerk January 10, 17, 24, 2021 MNAXLP __________________________
No. 27507 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FLATHEAD COUNTY PLANNING BOARD REGULAR MEETING The Flathead County Planning Board will hold their regular meeting on Wednesday, February 10, 2021 beginning at 6:00 PM at the South Campus Building, 40 11th Street West, Suite 200, Kalispell, Montana. During this meeting, the Board will hold a public hearing to consider the agenda items described below and make a recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners who will take final action. A zone change request from David C. Dunkin and Mary Ann Wilson, for property within the Rural Whitefish Zoning District. The proposal would change the zoning on property located on Morrison Road in Whitefish, MT from SAG-10 (Suburban Agricultural) to R-2.5 (Rural Residential). The total acreage involved in the request is approximately 5.66 acres and can legally be described as follows: Tract A of Certificate of Survey No. 14704 in the North Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 20, Township 31 North, Range 21 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. A zone change request from Tara Oster, for property within the Holt Zoning District. The proposal would change the zoning on property located at 307 Chapman Hill Road, Bigfork, MT from R-3 (One-Family Residential) to R-1 (Suburban Residential). The total acreage involved in the request is approximately 1 acre that can legally be described as follows: Tract 1 of Certificate of Survey No. 11767, located in the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 25, Township 27 North, Range 20 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. This item will be reviewed by the Bigfork Land Use Advisory Committee on Thursday, January 28, 2021 @ 4:00 pm at Bethany Lutheran Church 8559 Highway 35 in Bigfork, MT. A zone change request from Sands Surveying, Inc. on behalf of Tronstad-Church, LLC, for property within the Highway 93 North Zoning District. The proposal would change the zoning on property located at 220 Highland Drive, Kalispell, MT from SAG-5 (Suburban Agricultural) to R-2.5 (Rural Residential). The total acreage involved in the request is approximately 110.68 acres and can legally be described as follows: Parcel 2: A tract of land located in the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4, The NW 1/4 of the SE 1/4, the NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4, and the SE 1/4 the NW 1/4 of Section 18, Township 29 N, Range 21 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. Parcel 2 of Certificate of Survey No. 21586 A zone change request from Day Family Trust for property within the Echo Lake Zoning District. The proposal would change the zoning on property located at 465 Echo Bay Trail, Bigfork, MT from AG-40 (Agricultural) to SAG-5 (Suburban Agricultural). The total acreage involved is approximately 62.13 acres and can legally be described as follows: Lots 2A and 3A of The Amended Plat of Lots 2, 3, and 4 of Lake Hollows Subdivision, according to the official plat thereof, filed in Official Records of the Flathead County, Montana. And Lot 4AA of Echo Bay Tracts, an Amended Subdivision Plat of Lot 4A, according to the official plat thereof, filed in Official Records of Flathead County, Montana. This item will be reviewed by the Bigfork Land Use Advisory Committee on Thursday, January 28, 2021 @ 4:00 pm at Bethany Lutheran Church 8559 Highway 35 in Bigfork, MT. A request by the Planning and Zoning Office for revisions to the text of the Flathead County Lake and Lakeshore Protection Regulations. The revisions would include changes to Section 3.2 Application and Review Procedure, elimination Sections 3.3 Review Procedure and Section 3.5 Administrative Permit Procedure. The request also proposes to add Section 5.4 Appeals. Information regarding this request and the draft revisions are available at the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office and online at Written comments can be submitted in person, by mail to 40 11th Street West, Suite 220, Kalispell, MT 59901 or by email at The Planning and Zoning Office encourages all comments to be submitted on or before February 10, 2021. Documents and maps pertaining to these agenda items are on file for public inspection in the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office, South Campus Building, 40 11th Street West, Ste. 220 in Kalispell. All decisions made by the Planning Board are considered recommendations and will be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners for final action. Please check the County Commissioners page of the County website,, or contact the Commissioners' office for the scheduled date and time of a particular item. Interested persons are encouraged to attend the hearing and make their views and concerns known to the Board. For additional information contact the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office at (406) 751-8200. Written comments are strongly encouraged to be submitted and should be received by the Flathead County Planning & Zoning Office no later than February 10, 2021 @ 5:00 p.m. Please note agenda items are subject to change without notice. Any modifications to agenda items will be posted on the county website, Please note agenda items are subject to change without notice. Persons with a disability may request a reasonable accommodation by contacting Elaine Nelson at the Flathead County Commissioner's Office at 758-5503 or TTY (800) 335-7592, or call Montana Relay at 711. Requests should be made as early as possible to allow time to arrange the accommodation. /s/ Mark Mussman Mark Mussman, CFM® Planning Director January 24, 2021 MNAXLP __________________________