CRT: Case against it
Coeur d'Alene Press | UPDATED 3 years, 7 months AGO
In response to J. Perley’s letter about Critical Race Theory; I agree it’s impossible to address in 250 words. But that’s the last thing we agree on.
Teaching this “theory” in school is beyond ridiculous. It’s dangerous. CRT has its roots in Marxism. It simply replaced Class Warfare with Race Warfare. With this new version of socialism, terms like “equity,” “social justice” and “diversity” are used, but the definitions are changed.
Here’s one example. Equity is defined as justice according to natural law or right specifically: freedom from bias or favoritism.
But CRT theorist Cheryl Harris (UCLA law professor) proposed “equity” is the suspending of private property rights, to include the seizing of both land and wealth. Same word, different meaning. This deception runs throughout the “theory.”
Perley mentioned Darwin and Christian evolution theories being taught together. That’s called “choice.” But presenting CRT without an opposing point of view is indoctrination (the process of teaching a person or group to accept a set of beliefs uncritically).
Consider the “teaching” of CRT in Cupertino, Calif. First-graders were to deconstruct their racial and sexual identities and rank themselves according to their “power and privilege.” First-graders! There are way too many examples like this.
And therein lies the problem. Although CRT is only a theory, it’s being presented as fact. A not so subtle yet despicable difference. Which is why we all should be outraged that this is in any school.
Coeur d”Alene