Kalispell sewer system under review
BRET ANNE SERBIN | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 4 years AGO
Utility plan reviews are front and center at the Kalispell City Council work session tonight.
The council will receive updates from the Kalispell Public Works Department regarding an assessment of a wastewater treatment plant fermenter and state stormwater requirements.
The first of the two presentations at the work session concerns the city’s wastewater treatment plant fermenter tank. Based on an initial assessment conducted last year, the Public Works Department has determined the need to perform further assessments of the facility, which was completed in 2009.
“The fermentation system is a critical component of the treatment process,” according to the work session agenda.
Its main role is to produce chemicals that facilitate phosphorus removal.
However, the fermenter tank could be in trouble, based on early findings from the 2020 Phase 1 assessment. During its first review in a decade, the fermenter tank showed areas of contaminated concrete and section loss of interior steel components.
The Public Works Department believes it’s therefore necessary to engage in a more in-depth Phase 2 assessment.
“The second assessment will provide a better understanding of the condition of the deteriorated components of the fermenter and aid in the development of the rehabilitation strategy,” the meeting agenda states.
The Public Works Department also will give the council an overview of requirements included in the city’s five-year sewer system permit from the Montana Department of Environmental Quality.
The specific element of the permit under review is Kalispell’s Stormwater Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Action Plan.
The action plan must include three components, according to the state:
• Identification of measures and best management practices (BMPs) the permittee plans to implement
• Description of the system’s impairment priorities and long-term strategy
• An outline of interim milestones for controlling the discharge of the pollutants of concern and making progress towards meeting the TMDL.
The council does not take any formal action at work sessions, but public comments are still welcome on the agenda items or other issues.
The public can participate in the work session via videoconferencing, by registering at https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_sHI3RcoCTOKPj4yzmTMQEg.
Public comment can also be provided via email to publiccomment@kalispell.com.
The work session begins at 7 p.m. on Monday, March 22.
Reporter Bret Anne Serbin may be reached at 758-4459 or bserbin@dailyinterlake.com.
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