Legals for March, 24 2021
Valley Press-Mineral Independent | UPDATED 4 years AGO
The Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation Mid T River Salvage Timber Permit INVITATION TO BID The Plains Unit, of the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, is offering blowdown sawtimber for bid. Location of the permit areas are in six separate sections up the Thompson River from approximately the 18-mile marker on the County Road to the 28-mile marker on the ACM Road. An estimated 950 tons (145 MBF) of sawtimber is offered for sale to the highest bidder. Sealed bids will be accepted at the Plains Office until 2:00 P.M., Thursday, May 6th, 2021. Bids will be opened and the award made at the Plains Office at that time. For Permit Prospectus, Bid Forms, and other pertinent information regarding terms and requirements of the purchaser, contact Dale Peters at the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, P.O. Box 219, Plains, Montana 59859 ; or by telephone at (406) 826-4722; or by email at Published in the Clark Fork Valley Press on March 24, 31, 2021. MNAXLP
March 11, 2021 FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT TO ALL INTERESTED GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES AND PUBLIC GROUPS As required by state and federal rules for determining whether an Environmental Impact Statement is necessary, an environmental review has been performed on the proposed action below: Project Location Project Number Total Cost Proposed Relocation of the Plains Wastewater Treatment Plant Plains, Montana C301291 $6,800,447 The Town of Plains, through a 2017 Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) for its wastewater facilities and an Updated PER completed in March of 2020, analyzed the condition of its wastewater system components. It was determined that overall, the facilities appear to be in good working order. The main concern and primary reason for the PERs is the ongoing threat of the Clark Fork River's encroachment on the Plains wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). The WWTP includes a four-cell lagoon, which is located approximately 200 feet from the east bank of the Clark Fork River where it is impacted by erosion caused by repetitive flooding. The river channel has shifted approximately 10 to 15 feet per year towards the WWTP. Since 1995 the river channel has moved approximately 195 feet closer to the lagoon. A failure of the WWTP would significantly impact the public health and safety of Plains residents, as well as the Clark Fork River and other environmental resources. The proposed Plains WWTP relocation project includes acquisition of private property and construction of a new three-cell lagoon on a 10-acre tract of land north of Helterline Lane, approximately 3/4 -mile northeast of the existing Plains lagoon and outside of the 100-year floodplain . Primary access to the site will be from Helterline Lane within a 30-foot utility and access easement containing raw sewage and WWTP effluent force mains. Secondary access, if the primary access road is flooded, will be provided via Stonebrook Lane. The new WWTP will continue to use the Town's same outfall to the Clark Fork River. Construction activities at the existing lagoon will consist of piping modifications and decommissioning of the site. The estimated project cost (including administration, engineering, and construction) is $6,800,447. The project will be financed with a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Grant in the amount of $5,148,500; a $500,000 Treasure State Endowment Program (TSEP) grant; a $125,000 grant from DNRC's Renewable Resource Grant and Loan (RRGL) Program; a $450,000 grant from the DOC's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program; two grants from the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) for a total amount of $575,000; and $1 ,947 in local funds. Environmentally sensitive resources such as wetlands, floodplains, threatened or endangered species, and historical sites are not expected to be adversely impacted because of the proposed project. Environmental impacts related to land use, water quality, air quality, public health, energy, noise, growth, and sludge disposal were also assessed. Relocation of the VWI/TP will require acquisition of private property. The lagoon site should be located as far as practicable, with a recommended minimum of 1/4 mile, from human habitation or from any area that may be built up within the foreseeable future. See DEQ Circular 2. Construction of the relocated VWvTP will result in dust and noise. Construction impacts are expected to be localized and of short duration. Except for affecting property adjacent to and within the footprint of the relocated VWI/TP, no significant long-term environmental impacts were identified. Public participation during the planning process demonstrated support for the selected alternative. No significant long-term environmental impacts were identified. An environmental assessment (EA), which describes the project and analyzes the impacts in more detail, is availaple for public scrutiny on the DEQ web site and at the following locations: Department of Environmental Quality 1520 East Sixth Avenue P.O. Box 200901 Helena, MT 59620-0901 Town of Plains 101 West Lynch Plains, MT 59869 Comments on the EA may be submitted to the Department of Environmental Quality at the above address. After evaluating comments received, the department will revise the environmental assessment or determine if an environmental impact statement is necessary. If no substantive comments are received during the comment period, or if substantive comments are received and evaluated and the environmental impacts are still determined to be nonsignificant, the agency will make a final decision. No administrative action will be taken on the project for at least 30 calendar days after release of the Finding of No Significant Impact. Sincerely, /s/Mark A.Smith Mark A. Smith For Kevin B. Smith, PE Engineering Bureau Water Quality Division Montana Department of Environmental Quality Published in the Clark Fork Valley Press on March 24, 2021. MNAXLP