Bonner County History - May 4, 2021
Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 3 years, 8 months AGO
From the archives of the
Bonner County History Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
Sandpoint Lions Club elected 1971-72 officers Monday night. Dale Pelton was elected president; Kirby Scribner, first vice president; Laurence Barker, 2nd vice president; Clarence Davis, 3rd vice president; Larry Anderson, secretary; Gene Chamberlain, treasurer; Jim Conibear, lion tamer; Jim Soukup, tail twister; Mike Reeb, alternate tail twister; Lee Mahler and James Doak, 2-year directors. Bob Glock and Gene Michael are holdover directors.
Mrs. Elsa Wormington, Bonner General Hospital director of nursing, is attending a 3-week coronary care program at St. Patrick Hospital, Missoula, and the University of Montana. The university offers coronary care training each year to nurses and physicians from Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, and Nevada. Bonner General Hospital opened its intensive care unit this month.
Brownie Troop 314, sponsored by the Academy of Friendship, entertained the Women of the Moose Thursday, before their regular meeting. Brownie members are Mildred Shoopman, Kathleen Tifft, Jill Greenwood, Pam Andersen, Kristine Farmin, Christy Schoonover, Lynne Stockman, Shelley Bloom, Laureen Brisboy, Sherri Reed, Kellie Thurlow, Teresa Cooper, Alison Brown, Donna Eastin, Mary Eastin and Mistie Everets. Troop leaders are Sylvia Greenwood and Linda Bloom.
100 Years Ago
Pend d’Oreille Review
May 4, 1921 – CITY BREVITIES
Will F. Whitaker completed the biennial audit of the books of City Clerk Davis and City Treasurer Bowden. In both instances, they were found to balance to a penny.
The Sagle community, to begin promotion of a community hall, put on a home talent play, “The Poor Married Man,” with over 200 in attendance. The play will be repeated at Westmond, with half the proceeds going to the Sagle community hall fund and half to the Westmond phonograph fund.
A telegram received by Mrs. Peter Johnson from Mrs. Sara K. Patterson (Dr. E.B. Patterson’s widow) told that Mrs. Patterson had been elected dean of women at the University of Washington, Seattle.
80 Acres of land cleared and in crop, some of the county’s best. This farm is highly improved. Six-room plastered house with cement basement, hot and cold water, wired for electric lights; large barn, garage, cement root cellar, machine shop and other buildings in the very best of condition, school and railroad station within 500 feet; rural mail route; main auto highway by place. If you are looking for a big bargain, see this place. $9000; half down, terms on balance at 6 per cent. Paul Bower, Real Estate, Fidelity Bldg. Office Phone 5; Res. Phone 319-J.
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