Bonner County History - May 20, 2021
Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 3 years, 8 months AGO
From the archives of the
Bonner County History Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
May 20, 1971 – GIRLS’ STATERS
Girls’ State Tea was held Sunday at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church hall. Delegates are: Kristin Grorud, Kris Kotschevar, Sue Hanson, Sandpoint; Sheryl Best, Clark Fork; Lynda Skinner, Jeanne Skudler, Priest River. Alternates are: Carrie Anderson, Lynn LaMarche, Kit Kincaid, Sandpoint; Roxie Stender, Clark Fork; Diane Wah, Susan Brown, Priest River.
NEWS FROM HOPE by Mrs. Marvin Stutzke
Mrs. Chuck (Tia) Warrer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Thompson, Jr., was honored at the Hope City hall with a miscellaneous shower. Guests from out of town were Mrs. Milton Thompson, Sr., Mrs. Ruby Warrer, Mrs. John Darling and Miss Elly Munson, all from Sandpoint. After the bride opened gifts, Mrs. Dale Anlin, Mrs. John Donovan, Mrs. Ron Powell and Mrs. Marvin Stutzke served refreshments.
Karen Holm, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Holm, entertained eight classmates May 7 with a slumber party. The girls enjoyed a treasure hunt and each girl was assigned a duty in preparing their dinner.
The Board of Trustees of Bonner County School District No. 82 announced that Dr. E. Wayne Likens will be the new Superintendent of Schools, officially assuming the position on July 1. Dr. Likens of St. Louis, Mo., received a BA degree from Northwest Nazarene College, Nampa, his masters from the University of Utah and his Doctorate from the U of I.
100 Years Ago
Pend d’Oreille Review
The baccalaureate sermon for the high school graduating class will be preached Sunday morning at the Presbyterian church by Rev. W.L. Livingston.
Sunday the two Laclede baseball teams played Sagle. The boys’ score was 29 to 10 in favor of Laclede and the men’s 7 to 5 in favor of Sagle.
Clarence Nelson and wife are jazzing around a lot in their new Chevrolet. We wish them a good time.
Our depot has already been replaced with two boxcars. The depot agent seems to be highly flattered with his new situation.
B.W. Pugh, funeral director, has received a new $6300 Meteor two-tone grey motor hearse, a splendid machine adaptable for use as a hearse or an ambulance. The inside is finished with polished mahogany. The ambulance equipment includes an adjustable cot with pneumatic mattress and compensating spring, removable Pullman chairs upholstered in gray Spanish leather and a dome light with excellent illumination. The hearse equipment includes removable gray Pullman curtains and a large rack for flowers, level with the windows. The machine as a whole represents one of the finest adjuncts of the undertaking business to be found anywhere in the northwest.
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