Bonner County History - May 23, 2021
Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 3 years, 8 months AGO
From the archives of the
Bonner County History Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
May 23, 1971 – SENIOR HIGH NEWS
New officers for Future homemakers of America are Sue Tinsman, president; Joan Timblin, vice-president; Brenda Ferguson, secretary; Karen Spade, treasurer; Susan Hurlbert, songleader; Connie Wardal, historian.
Members of the Horse Club elected officers for next year: president, Roy Crane; vice-president, Dan Lund; and secretary, Crystal Moline. Miss Marianne Brown is the club advisor.
SAGLE NEWS by Mrs. Pat Hines
Airman William Callen sent word to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Callen, that he had arrived safely in Japan to begin his 3 year tour of duty.
Russell Brisboy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brisboy, had his 13th birthday party at his home May 7. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brisboy, Joe Brisboy, Mr. and Mrs. Del Sheffler and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pierce.
Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 589 Tuesday held a Mother’s Day dinner honoring its Auxiliary. Each lady received a carnation corsage. The Auxiliary presented potted plants to the following: Elinor Hoffman, Mother of the Auxiliary; Wanda Robinson, mother with the most children; Phila Thurman, oldest mother; Rena Brisboy, youngest mother; and Josephine McGuire, mother with the youngest child.
100 Years Ago
Pend d’Oreille Review
Shall Sandpoint have a golf course? The question promises to be answered in the affirmative as a result of local agitation started by friends of the great national pastime. The chamber of commerce directors Wednesday appointed a committee to take up the proposition.
About 400 students from universities and colleges in Idaho, Montana, California and Washington will attend the first annual reserve officers’ training camp at Camp Lewis this summer. The U of I’s quota includes Rollin Farmin of Sandpoint.
Ole and Knut Haugen, brothers, leave tomorrow for New York City, where they will embark May 27 aboard the “Stavangerfjord” for Trondheim, Norway, their old home, to spend a year.
J.H. Christ, superintendent of the demonstration farm north of town, was operated upon by Dr. Page Wednesday for appendicitis at the City hospital. The patient is making an excellent recovery.
F.M. Molyneux has received from Isaac Boyer notice to deed the triangular block between Boyer avenue, Main and Cedar streets to the city for park purposes. The plot of ground contains about the same amount of space as the present city triangular park. Request for use of the grounds by the city as a park was made recently by the Civic club.
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