Proposed housing project includes burger, lube businesses
BRET ANNE SERBIN | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 3 years, 4 months AGO
A multi-faceted development proposal up for the Kalispell Planning Board’s consideration on Nov. 9 would incorporate the existing Mudman Burgers restaurant and a new Jiffy Lube business on U.S. 2 into a new residential development.
Briggs Anderson is asking for a conditional-use permit to create a multi-family residential development called The Harper on a 1.23-acre parcel located west of downtown Kalispell.
The property would include covered parking, a fitness center, sidewalks and an on-site trail system, with a 40-unit multi-family building along Spring Creek. This four-story building will have a footprint of about 13,440 square feet and a neight not exceeding 60 feet. It will sit at the rear of the project site, offset along the southern property border, according to the project summary.
The overall property, which encompasses 2.35 acres, also would incorporate the new Jiffy Lube and the Mudman Burgers building on site.
“Although the lots are separate from one another, the overall flow, circulation, aesthetic and functionality of The Harper will rely heavily on that of the two other commercial lots,” the developer explained in the proposal.
TWO OTHER development requests are also on the docket for Monday’s meeting.
Bish’s RV is requesting annexation of two parcels located at 3100 U.S. 93 South that contain approximately 8.36 acres of land.
Bish’s is requesting initial zoning of B-2 (General Business), as well as a planned-unit development. Overall, Bish’s is aiming to create a 20.94 commercial PUD by adding 12.58 neighboring acres already within the city limits with a B-2/PUD placeholder designation, to renovate and expand the RV dealership.
Finally, GMD Development, LLC, is asking for a conditional-use permit to allow a multi-family residential development. The Junegrass Place development could have up to 138 dwelling units on 5.82 acres. The property is located at 1079 N. Meridian Road in an RA-2 (Residential Apartment/Office) zone.
According to the meeting agenda, “The development would include seven buildings with dwelling units as well as a community building, greenspace, playgrounds, and parking areas.”
Junegrass Place recently received $4.78 million in federal housing tax credits to build 24 new affordable homes. According to a Montana Department of Commerce press release, the project also is leveraging non-competitive private activity bonds to build an additional 114 units.
The Planning Board meets at 6 p.m. Nov. 9 in the City Council Chambers, 201 First Ave. E.
Reporter Bret Anne Serbin may be reached at 406-758-4459 or

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