Legals for November, 5 2021
The Western News | UPDATED 3 years, 2 months AGO
REQUEST FOR STATEMENTS OF QUALIFICATIONS FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES Contingent upon sufficient funding, the City of Libby is soliciting Statements of Qualifications for consulting services to assist with the preparation of a Water System Preliminary Engineering Report (PER). This will be a comprehensive review of the existing distribution and treatment system. An Amended Water System PER was completed in 2018. The Amended PER recommended numerous water main replacements and treatment plant improvements. Major distributions system improvements have been made, but areas being served still do not have adequate pressure or flow for peak demand. Water lose is still significant. A leak survey maybe needed to identify major leaks. Construction was completed on the water treatment plant about 20 years ago. Since completion there have been few improvements. A thoughtful review is needed of the plant facilities to identify needed improvements. The PER will develop a list of system improvement needs. With City input the needs will be prioritized. The City will provide access to records on past projects for the selected consultant's use, such as water billing and plant production records and leak repair summaries. A water system map was prepared for the distribution system in 1995. Updating this map to show recent projects and pressure zones will be part of the final work product. Software for the City to add information will be purchased by the City, for use in modifying the water system map. The consultant should plan on two public meetings during the planning process and several meetings with City staff. A funding strategy will be developed which address multiple projects over a 20 year period. The City expects the consultant to provide the City staff regular updates of possible funding opportunities. The City may retain the consultant to assist in preparing applications for funding to Montana Coal Endowment Plan, Community Development Block Grant, Rural Development, Renewable Resources and other programs, State or Federal, funding infrastructure. Upon satisfactory completion of the PERs and contingent upon sufficient funding, the City may at its discretion retain the consultant to provide grant administration, preliminary and final design services, bidding assistance, and construction administration for improvements. Where state or federal grant and/or loan funds are to be used, plans and specifications and construction administration are to be in strict compliance with all applicable requirements under the respective funding programs. Upon successful funding of a project the City may, at its discretion amend the consultant agreement to include: Grant and/or loan administration in conformance with the guidelines of the respective funding agencies. Design water system improvements including preparing plans and specifications and assembling a bid package in conformance with applicable requirements; Provide bid evaluation services such as preparing the advertisements for bid solicitation, conducting the bid opening, and evaluating the bids received; Provide construction engineering services such as conducting the preconstruction conference, field staking, on-site inspection of construction work, compaction density testing, preparing inspection reports, and reviewing contractor requests for payment; Conduct final inspection and preparing project certification; Submit certified record drawings to the City and appropriate regulatory agency upon project completion; and Prepare operation and maintenance manuals in compliance with guideline(s) set by the State. Responses to this request should include: 1. The firm's legal name and address of main office; 2. Location of managing office and contact information; 3. Organizational structure of the firm, firms history and areas of expertise; 4. The experience, qualifications and location of the staff to be assigned to project; 5. A description of the firm's prior experience with amending PERS and preparing new PERS, location, including size of community, water supply, treatment options, storage type, wastewater treatment method, disposal and name of a local staff knowledgeable regarding the firm's performance; 6. A description of the firm's current work activities and how these would be coordinated with the project, as well as the firm's anticipated availability during the term of the project; and 7. The proposed work plan and schedule for activities to be performed. Respondents will be evaluated on following criteria: 1. Overall Quality of Proposal, 10%. 2. Qualifications of the professional personnel to be assigned to the project, 30%. 3. Consultant's prior performance in meeting time and project budget for similar projects, 15%. 4. Availability to Libby, 10%. 5. Experience with alternative funding sources, 15%. 6. Related experience on similar projects, 20%. Limit proposals to 20 pages, plus cover letter, cover page, table of contents and appendices with employee resumes and a list of references. One page shall be interpreted as one side of single-spaced, typed, 8.5" x 11" sheet of paper. The selection of the Consultant may be based only on an evaluation of the written responses or the City may elect to interview firms based upon an evaluation of the written responses. The selection will be made to the most qualified offeror whose proposal is deemed most advantageous to the City, all factors considered. Unsuccessful offerors will be notified as soon as possible. Questions and responses should be directed to City Administrator, Mr. Samuel Sikes at 406-293- 2731, ext. 2 or by emailing .Questions must be submitted by the close of business November 8, 2021. Responses to questions will be distributed within five days. All proposals must be received no later than 4:00 pm on 19th day of November, 2021. Please state "Professional Services Proposal" on the outside of the response package and provide 8 copies of the proposal. This solicitation is being offered in accordance with state statutes governing procurement of professional services. Accordingly, the City of Libby reserves the right to negotiate an agreement based on fair and reasonable compensation for the scope of work and services proposed, as well as the right to reject any and all responses deemed unqualified, unsatisfactory or inappropriate. Done this the 27th day of October, 2021. By: s/s_Peggy Williams, Mayor Published In The Western News October 29 & November 5, 2021. MNAXLP
PUBLIC HEARING RAINY CREEK ROAD DISCUSSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held at the Lincoln County Courthouse at 512 California Avenue, Libby, Montana, on Wednesday, November 10, 2021 at 11:30 am to discuss the abandonment of the county sections of Rainy Creek Road. For questions or further information please contact Commissioner Jerry Bennett at 283-2319 or email Published In The Western News November 5 & 9, 2021. MNAXLP
Troy Public Schools PO Box 867 Troy, MT 59935 406-295-4321 Invitation To Submit Request for Qualifications ("RFQ") The Board of Trustees of Troy Public Schools ("the District") is calling interested parties to submit qualifications to perform Preconstruction Phase Services and Construction Phase Services to upgrade the HVAC systems across the District, contingent upon obtaining grant funds. Interested parties can receive the Request for Qualifications by contacting Jacob Francom, Superintendent of Troy Public Schools at the number listed above or emailing Superintendent Francom at Primary Task Assist the District during all phases of the planning, construction, and completion processes related to the anticipated Project. A successful submission will demonstrate the following characteristics: Pertinent experience with a background in school facilities Commitment to the project Understanding of the District's needs and requirements Innovative community engagement and communication strategies Competitive fee structure and costs Please submit proposals to: Superintendent Jacob Francom Troy Public Schools PO Box 867 Troy, MT 59935 406-295-4321 Closing date for proposal submission is October 1, 2021. No late proposals will be considered. Proposals will be read and considered by the Board of Trustees at a properly noticed school board meeting, date TBD. This request does not form or constitute a contractual document. Troy Public Schools shall not be liable for any loss, expense, damage or claim arising out of the advice given or not given or statements made or omitted to be made or work com connection with this Request for Qualifications. The Board of Trustees of Troy Public Schools reserves the right to reject any and/or all proposals, to waive informalities, and/or to accept the proposal that is deemed to be in the best interest of the School District. Published In The Western News October 29, November 2, 5 & 9, 2021. MNAXLP
Eric A. Anderson WILSON LAW FIRM P.O. Box 3009 Bonners Ferry, ID 83805 Phone: (208) 267-1777 Fax: (208) 267-1760 IN THE MONTANA NINETEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, LINCOLN COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of LARRY DAVID KNOEPKE, Deceased. Cause No. DP 21-113 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JON C. KNOEPKE has been appointed Personal Representative of the estate of the above-named decedent. All persons having claims against the decedent or the estate are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of the Notice to Creditors, or within thirty (30) days after the undersigned mailed or delivered a copy of this Notice to such person, whichever is later, or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented to Eric A. Anderson, Attorney at Law, P.O. Box 3009, Bonners Ferry, Idaho 83805, and filed with the Clerk of Court. DATED this 3rd day of November. /s/ Eric A. Anderson ERIC A. ANDERSON Attorney for Personal Representative Published In The Western News November 5, 12, & 19, 2021. MNAXLP