Legals for October, 13 2021
Columbia Basin Herald | UPDATED 3 years, 3 months AGO
Park and Recreation District 3 - Lind Commissioner, Position 1 - Nonpartisan Office Commissioner, Position 4 - Nonpartisan Office Commissioner, Position 5 - Nonpartisan Office Park and Recreation District 4 - Ritzville Commissioner, Position 1 - Nonpartisan Office Commissioner, Position 2 - Nonpartisan Office Cemetery District 1 - Washtucna Commissioner, Position 1 - Nonpartisan Office Commissioner, Position 2 - Nonpartisan Office Cemetery District 3 - Lind Commissioner, Position 2 - Nonpartisan Office Commissioner, Position 3 - Nonpartisan Office Water District No. 1 Commissioner, Position 1 - Nonpartisan Office Commissioner, Position 2 - Nonpartisan Office Local Propositions and Measures: Submitted by Adams County Fire District No. 4 - Lamont Proposition No. 1 Maintenance and Operation Levy $11,000 for Maintenance and Operation for the year 2022. Submitted by Adams County Park & Recreation 1 -Othello Proposition No. 1 Maintenance and Operation Levy $210,000 to be collected in 2022 Submitted by Adams County Park & Recreation 2-Washtucna Proposition No. 1 Maintenance and Operation Levy $35,000 for Maintenance and Operation for the year 2022. The Canvassing Board of Adams County will meet at the following times in the Adams County Auditor's Office at 106 W Main St, Ritzville: Friday October 8th at 10:00 am - logic and accuracy test Monday, November 8th at 2:00 pm Monday, November 15th at 2:00 pm Tuesday, November 23rd at 11:00 am- the official certification will be signed at this meeting These meetings are open to the public. Ballot Drop Box Locations: Town of Lind, 116 1/2 W. 2nd St. City of Ritzville, 216 E. Main St. Town of Washtucna, 165 S. Main St. Adams County Public Services Building, 425 E. Main St. Othello, WA Dated at Ritzville, Washington, this 6th day of October 2021 Heidi K. Hunt, County Auditor of Adams County and Ex-officio Supervisor of Elections. #10034/490660 Pub: October 13, 2021
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR SNOHOMISH COUNTY IN RE THE ADOPTION OF: | NO. 21-5-00311-31 | INFANT SMITH | SUMMONS AND NOTICE OF | HEARING ON PETITION FOR | TERMINATIN OF PARENT | AND CHILD RELATIONSHIP | | (Clerk's Action Required) ____________________________________| TO: RICHARD REEVES, alleged father of the above-named child. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND NOTIFIED that a hearing on a Petition for the Termination of Parent and Child Relationship will be heard on November 8, 2021 at 9:00 a.m., or at such date or time thereafter as the Court may direct, in the Snohomish County Courthouse, 3000 Rockefeller Avenue, Everett, Washington 98201, in the courtroom assigned by the Court Administrator for the Family Law Motions Calendar (, wherein Caitlin LaVonne Smith, mother of Infant Smith, alleges that you are or may be the father of said child. Ms. Smith has consented to the adoption of said child born on September 27, 2021, in Moses Lake, Washington. The child is believed to have been conceived in January 2021 in the Moses Lake area. As the alleged father of said child, you have the right to file a claim of paternity under RCW 26.26 if applicable, to seek custody of the child, to support the child, and to seek to establish a parent and child relationship. You have the right to be represented by counsel in that proceeding and counsel will be appointed for an indigent person who requests counsel. Your failure to appear at the hearing referred to above or to respond to this Notice or the Termination Petition or file a claim of paternity within thirty (30) days of the first date of publication of this Summons and Notice, will result in the termination of your parent and child relationship with respect to the child by default. One method of responding to this Notice or the Termination Petition is to send your response to the Clerk of the Court and to the attorney for Petitioners at the addresses listed below by certified mail with return receipt requested. You are further notified that if the child is a member of or eligible for membership in an Indian Tribe or Alaskan Native Village and if you acknowledge paternity of the child or if your paternity of the child is established prior to the termination of your parent-child relationship, your parental rights may not be terminated unless you give valid consent to termination, or your parent-child relationship is terminated involuntarily pursuant to Chapter 26.33 or 13.34 RCW. DATED this 29th day of September, 2021. BERESFORD BOOTH PLLC /s/Dimitra S. Scott Mark M. Demaray, WSBA No. 11800 Dimitra S. Scott, WSBA No. 34634 Attorneys for Petitioners File original of your response with Serve a copy of your the clerk of the court at: response on: CLERK DIMITRA S. SCOTT SNOHOMISH COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT BERESFORD BOOTH PLLC 3000 ROCKEFELLER AVENUE 145 3RD AVENUE SOUTH, STE. EVERETT, WASHINGTON 98201 201 EDMONDS, WASHINGTON 98020 #10023/488868 Pub: October 6, 13, 20, 2021
SUMMARY ORDINANCE 21-662 AN ORDINANACE AMENDING THE 2021 BUDGET OF THE CITY OF MATTAWA, AS ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 20-649 For a complete copy of this ordinance, please contact Mattawa City Hall. #10039/490566 Pub: October 13, 2021
CITY OF MOSES LAKE PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING THE ADOPTION OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE, MAP, AND HOUSING ACTION PLAN 7:00 P.M. ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2021 REMOTE ACCESS INFORMATION WILL BE POSTED ON THE COUNCIL AGENDA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the Moses Lake City Council will hold a public hearing to consider adoption of the City's Comprehensive Plan Update, Future Land Use Map, and Housing Action Plan on October 26, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. The proposed Comprehensive Plan reflects changes meant to meet the individual element requirements in Growth Management Act which typically includes an inventory and policies and plans for land use, housing, economic development, parks and recreation, utilities, capital facilities, and transportation. Along with the Comprehensive Plan Update the City has developed a Housing Action Plan (HAP) allowed under GMA (RCW 36.70A.600) to support the Comprehensive Plan and guide future policies, programs, and regulatory proposals in the future. The City of Moses Lake Planning Commission has recommended approval with minor modification to the proposed Urban Growth Area. A copy of the proposed plans are available to view in the Planning Department, by emailing, or on the City's website located at The City Council meeting packet will be posted on the City's website the Friday prior to the meeting. Interested persons may provide testimony either in writing or by participating in the Public Hearing. The form to register to speak at the meeting will also be on the posted agenda, or you can contact the City Clerk's Office to receive the form in advance. The speaker request form must be completed no later than 3 p.m. on the day of the meeting for remote attendees. Written comments can also be received prior to the Public Hearing, via mail to the City of Moses Lake, Attn: Planning Department, PO Box 1579, Moses Lake, WA, 98837 or via email at
CITY OF WARDEN NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Warden City Council will hold a Public Hearing on Ad Valorem Taxes for the 2022 Budget year. The hearing shall include consideration of possible increases in property tax revenues allowed by law. The hearing will be held on October 26, 2021 at 7:00 PM in council chambers, located at 201 S. Ash Street, Warden, WA. To join by teleconference: Dial 1-888-585-9008. Conference No. 648 015 031 #10009/485543 Pub: October 13, 2021
Notice of Application & Proposed Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance - Date of Notice: October 13, 2021 Notice is hereby given that a JARPA (Shoreline Substantial Development Permit) Application and SEPA Checklist were received by Grant County on October 5, 2021 from Mike Ziembowicz (Designated Contact: John Hermann, CBMI, 3740 Thayer Road NE, Moses Lake, WA 98837) and was found to be technically complete on October 7, 2021. Grant County expects to issue a Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance for this proposal and the Optional DNS Process in WAC 197-11-355 is being used. This proposal may include mitigation measures under applicable codes, and the project review process may incorporate or require mitigation measures regardless of whether an EIS is prepared. This may be the only opportunity to comment on the environmental impacts of the proposal and the proposed mitigation measures. A copy of the subsequent threshold determination may be obtained upon request. PROPOSED MITIGATION MEASURES: 1. Development shall comply with applicable state and federal laws for the protection of archaeological and historic resources. If human remains are discovered during ground-disturbing activities, all development activity shall cease immediately and the applicant, or his contractor or agent, shall immediately contact the Shoreline Administrative Official and the WA State Dept. of Archaeological & Historic Preservation for further instruction. 2. The amount of shoreline altered and/or wetland vegetation disturbed by construction activities shall be kept to the minimum extent necessary in order to complete the project as proposed. Upon completion of the project, any/all disturbed areas shall be replanted with native wetland, aquatic, and/or terrestrial species as approved by the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife. 3. Project requires mitigation at a rate of 1:1 for all new over-water structures to ensure a no net loss of shoreline ecological function (approximately 362 sq. ft. of plantings). This proposal includes mitigation for approximately 362 sq. ft. of dock, boat lifts and walkway to the dock. Applicant shall comply with the approved mitigation planting included with the application. 4. All proposed development at or below the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) of Moses Lake shall be done during the annual draw-down (when the water level is lo w enough to allow work with minimal disturbance of lands below the OHWM). 5. Best management practices for control of erosion and sedimentation shall be implemented for the project. PROJECT: The project is proposing to construct an 8' x 20' free standing dock, install a 4' x 10' walkway, a 9' x 10' boat lift and a 6' x 12' dual jet ski lift adjacent to the dock. Additionally, an 8' wide path is proposed from the North corner near the house to the south corner of the lot near the dock with two switchbacks. To mitigate the disturbance, the proponent will plant native vegetation at a 1:1 ratio for a 362 square feet of mitigation coverage. ADDITIONAL PERMITS REQUIRED: WDFW HPA. STUDIES REQUIRED: None. LOCATION: The project is located at 7372 Stonecrest Road NE on Moses Lake in Moses Lake, WA 98837. The parcel is Parcel A, James Tony Penor Short Plat in the North half of the Southwest quarter of Section 27, Township 20 North, Range 27 East, WM, Grant County, WA. Parcel #31-3110-000. SHORELINE ENVIRONMENT: Shoreline Residential. ZONING: Shoreline Development 1. PUBLIC HEARING: None. CONSISTENCY STATEMENT: This proposal is subject to and shall be consistent with Grant County Code, International Building Code, and International Fire Code. Copies of application materials (File #P21-0373 and P21-0374) are available from Ron Sell, Grant County Development Services, 264 West Division Avenue, PO Box 37, Ephrata, WA 98823, (509) 754-2011, ext. 2525, Office hours: 8 am - 5 pm, M-F. Comments must be submitted to Development Services no later than 5:00 pm on November 12, 2021. Comments should be as specific as possible and may be mailed, e-mailed, or hand-delivered. All persons, agencies, or tribes have the right to comment, receive notice, participate in any hearings, request a copy of the final decision, and/or appeal the decision as provided by law and County Code. #10037/490161 Pub: October 13, 2021
SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF GRANT IN RE THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE: | NO: 21-4-00170-13 | PAUL WILLIAM WARNER JR., | PROBATE NOTICE OF CREDITORS | Deceased. | RCW 11.40.030 ____________________________________|__________________________________ The personal representative named below has been appointed as personal representative of this estate. Any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the personal representative or the personal representative's attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court in which the probate proceedings were commenced. The claim must be presented within the later of:(1) Thirty days after the personal representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(1)(c); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent's probate and nonprobate assets. Date of filing copy of notice to creditors: October 4, 2021 Date of first publication: October 6, 2021 Personal Representative: Susan G. Warner Attorney for Personal Representative: Huberdeau Law Office, PS Address for Mailing or Service: 821 E. Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 /s/ Susan G. Warner Susan G. Warner, Personal Representative HUBERDEAU LAW OFFICE, PS /s/ Jeremy S. Huberdeau Jeremy S. Huberdeau WSBA #35428 Attorney for the Personal Representative 821 E. Sharon Ave. Moses Lake, WA 98837 Telephone: (509)765-1196 Fax: (509) 765-1799 #10027/489060 Pub: October 6, 13, 20, 2021
NOTICE OF NOVEMBER 2, 2021 GENERAL ELECTION Deadline to receive new registrations and voter updates online and by mail is Monday, October 25th. Deadline for in-person registration and voter updates is Tuesday, November 2nd by 8pm at the Adams County Elections Office, 106 W Main St, Ritzville. Military voters are exempt from voter registration deadlines. Adams County is a vote by mail county. A ballot will be mailed to each active registered voter in Adams County October 13-15, 2021. Please contact the Adams County Auditor's Office at 509-659-3249 if you did not receive a ballot or need a replacement ballot. Voters requiring assistance: Election ballots, registration forms, voting assistance for elderly and disabled persons, Spanish language and other election and voter registration information are available at the Adams County Auditor's Office; you may call 509.659.3249, or visit Persons can also register to vote online at The November 2, 2021, ballot will include: State of Washington Advisory Vote No. 36 Advisory Vote No. 37 Advisory Vote No. 38 Port of Othello Commissioner, District 3 - Nonpartisan Office Hospital District 2 - EARH Commissioner, Position 1 - Nonpartisan Office Commissioner, Position 4 - Nonpartisan Office Hospital District 3 Commissioner Position 1 - Nonpartisan Office North Franklin School District J51 - 162 Director, District 3, Position 3 - Nonpartisan Office Director, District 4, Position 4 - Nonpartisan Office Odessa School District 105 - 157 Director, District 1 - Nonpartisan Office Director at Large, Position 5 - Nonpartisan Office Washtucna School District 109 - 43 - 312 Director, Position 2 - Nonpartisan Office Director, Position 3 - Nonpartisan Office Director, Position 4 - Nonpartisan Office Director, Position 5 - Nonpartisan Office Benge School District 122 Director, Position 2 - Nonpartisan Office Director, Position 5 - Nonpartisan Office Lacrosse School District 126-8J Director, Position 1, At Large - Nonpartisan Office Director, Position 2, At Large - Nonpartisan Office Director, Position 3, At Large - Nonpartisan Office Warden School District 146-161 Director, District 1 - Nonpartisan Office Director At Large, Position 4 - Nonpartisan Office Othello School District 147 - 163 - 55 Director, District 1 - Nonpartisan Office Director, District 3 - Nonpartisan Office Director At Large, Position 4 - Nonpartisan Office Lind School District 158 Director, Position 1 - Nonpartisan Office Director, Position 3 - Nonpartisan Office Director, Position 4 - Nonpartisan Office Ritzville School District 160 - 67 Director, District 1 - Nonpartisan Office Director, District 5 - Nonpartisan Office Sprague School District 163 - 8J Director, Position 3 - Nonpartisan Office Director, Position 5 - Nonpartisan Office Endicott School District 308 Director, Position 2, At Large - Nonpartisan Office Director, Position 4, At Large - Nonpartisan Office Town of Hatton Mayor - Nonpartisan Office Council, Position 1 - Nonpartisan Office Council, Position 3 - Nonpartisan Office Town of Lind Mayor - Nonpartisan Office Council, Position 1 - Nonpartisan Office Council, Position 2 - Nonpartisan Office Council, Position 3 - Nonpartisan Office City of Othello Mayor - Nonpartisan Office Council, Position 1 - Nonpartisan Office Council, Position 2 - Nonpartisan Office Council, Position 3 - Nonpartisan Office City of Ritzville Mayor - Nonpartisan Office Council, Ward 3 - Nonpartisan Office Council, Ward 5 - Nonpartisan Office Council At Large, 2 Year Term - Nonpartisan Office Council At Large, 4 Year Term - Nonpartisan Office Town of Washtucna Council, Position 3 - Nonpartisan Office Council, Position 4 - Nonpartisan Office Fire Protection District 1 Commissioner, Position 1 - Nonpartisan Office Fire Protection District 2 Commissioner, Position 1 - Nonpartisan Office Fire Protection District 3 Commissioner, Position 2 - Nonpartisan Office Fire Protection District 4 Commissioner, Position 1 - Nonpartisan Office Fire Protection District 5 Commissioner, Position 3 - Nonpartisan Office Fire Protection District 6 Commissioner, Position 1 - Nonpartisan Office Fire Protection District 7 Commissioner, Position 2 - Nonpartisan Office Park and Recreation District 1 - Othello Commissioner, Position 1 - Nonpartisan Office Commissioner, Position 2 - Nonpartisan Office Commissioner, Position 4 - Nonpartisan Office Park and Recreation District 2 - Washtucna Commissioner, Position 3 - Nonpartisan Office Commissioner, Position 5 - Nonpartisan Office
LEGAL NOTICE A Public Hearing will be held for the 2022 Calendar Year Budget of Grant County Hospital District #7. The date and time will be Monday, October 18, 2021 at 6:15 pm. Location is the new Royal Slope Fire Station #10, 4975 Road 13.5 SW, Royal City, WA. To obtain a copy of the proposed budget call Commissioner Bob Schrom at 509-346-9464. By order of the Board of Commissioners, Grant County Hospital District #7. #10015/487558 Pub: October 13, 2021