Thursday, March 06, 2025

Bonner County History - April 5, 2022

Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 2 years, 11 months AGO
| April 5, 2022 1:00 AM

From the archives of the

Bonner County History Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

April 5, 1972 – BIRTHS

March 27 – Mr. and Mrs. William Dowling, Sandpoint, girl, 5 lb. 5 oz.; March 29 – Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sherman, Sandpoint, girl, 7 lb. 9 oz.; March 30 - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kennedy, Sandpoint, boy 5 lb. 13 oz.; March 31 – Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cordingly, Sagle, girl, 7 lb. 12 oz.; March 31 – Mr. and Mrs. David Kalb, Sandpoint, girl, 7 lb. 12½ oz.



Mrs. Victor Sprute of Grangeville, announces the engagement of her daughter, Philomine Marie, to Pvt. Teddy Lee Lund, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Lund, Samuels. The bride-elect is a senior at the University of Idaho in special education. Mr. Lund, a 1969 SHS graduate, attended the U of I and is now stationed in San Diego, Calif., with the U.S. Marine Corps.



Newly elected officers of Bonner County Dairy Wives Assn. are Mrs. Ray Delay, president; Mrs. Ernest Neely, vice president; Mrs. Gene Clark, secretary; Mrs. Gordon Rembowski, treasurer; Mrs. John Wallace, historian; and Mrs. George Wallace, reporter.



Chamber of Commerce President and Mrs. Kenneth Piatt were honored at an open house for their 25th wedding anniversary at First Presbyterian Church.

100 Years Ago

Pend d’Oreille Review

April 5, 1922 – CITY BREVITIES

The auction of school property on the site for the new high school building (at Pine and Euclid) occurred Monday at the front door of the Farmin school. The Morris house was sold to Ed Raymond upon his bid of $361. The Murray house brought no bidders and will be sold at private sale. John Selle bid $20 for the garage on the Morris place, and the trees on the Morris and Murray places went to A.K. Bowden for $5.

Bonner county is standardizing its auto equipment on Dodges this year and a car is being purchased for the use of each one of the commissioners. The car for Mr. Melder, the commissioner from Blanchard, has been purchased from M.G. Fewel, of the Service garage of Newport, and three other new Dodges were bought from the Sandpoint dealer, the City garage.



Joseph Sylvester Kelso, age 61, a pioneer and a respected resident of the Granite section since 1890, passed away at his home after a three weeks’ illness. Shortly after his 1890 marriage, he located on a ranch two miles west of Granite. The ranch he owned is near Kelso lake, which was named for him.



Mrs. R.F. Curtis was hostess to the Business Girls’ club Tuesday evening, at a “hard times” party at the Curtis home on Riverside (425 Lakeview) boulevard. The evening was spent in games and music, followed by a “hard times” lunch of doughnuts, coffee and peanuts. There were 44 club members present.

For more information, visit the museum online at


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