Explore Whitefish grant applications open
Whitefish Pilot | Whitefish Pilot | UPDATED 2 years, 5 months AGO
Explore Whitefish is now accepting applications for its fifth annual grant program, with submissions due by Nov. 1, 2022. Grant requests are reviewed in two categories — Community Enhancement, as well as a new Sustainability category.
"Our grant programs continue to help support our community partners and continued efforts for sustainable tourism," Explore Whitefish Executive Director Dylan Boyle said. "With the addition of the sustainability grants, we can further our commitment to the key pillars of the Whitefish Sustainable Tourism Management Plan."
Community Enhancement Grant funds are open to all Explore Whitefish member businesses and Montana nonprofit organizations. The grant committee seeks applications intended to strengthen the community of Whitefish and to enhance the visitor and community experience during the shoulder and winter seasons.
Applicants should focus requests on the key pillars of the Whitefish Sustainable Tourism Management Plan of "community character, livability, and community engagement." Requests for recreation amenities and access improvements are also appropriate for applications. Applicants should also demonstrate the support of the community and other tourism partners. Up to $10,000 per application is available.
Explore Whitefish says past grant winners have used funds for projects that support winter grooming for fat bike trails, wayfinding signs for the Whitefish Trail, downtown winter decorations, a pump track and maintaining lighting for Glacier Nordic Center ski trails.
More than $30,000 has been awarded in the past four years.
The new Sustainability Grant applications are open to Explore Whitefish Member Businesses who collect the 1% Community Sustainability Fund (CSF) as part of their membership. The grant committee seeks applications that support programs and projects to facilitate sustainable business and community practices.
A key component of a successful application in this area is to demonstrate that the proposed project is a business practice that is both sustainable and beneficial to the whole community. Examples might include projects that provide waste reduction, recycling, composting, the reuse or repurposing of products, reduction in energy use, or reduction in human/wildlife conflict. Applicants must match funds for the grant award. Up to $5,000 per application is available.
More in-depth grant information and the application for both grants can be found at www.explorewhitefish.com/grants.