Legals for August, 8 2022
Columbia Basin Herald | UPDATED 2 years, 5 months AGO
Public Notice The Bureau of Reclamation, 32 C Street NW, is seeking coverage under the Washington State Department of Ecology's Construction Stormwater NPDES and State Waste Discharge General Permit. The proposed project, Troutlodge Fish Hatchery, is located at 14969 Road B.5 NE in Soap Lake, Grant County. This project involves 1 acre of soil disturbance for other (environmental) construction activities. The receiving waterbody is Rocky Ford Creek. Any persons desiring to present their views to the Washington State Department of Ecology regarding this application, or interested in Ecology's action on this application, may notify Ecology in writing no later than 30 days of the last date of publication of this notice. Ecology reviews public comments and considers whether discharges from this project would cause a measurable change in receiving water quality, and, if so, whether the project is necessary and in the overriding public interest according to Tier II anti-degradation requirements under WAC 173-201A-320. Comments can be submitted to:, or ATTN: Water Quality Program, Construction Stormwater Washington State Department of Ecology P.O. Box 47696 Olympia, WA 98504-7696 #08025/552422 Pub: August 8, 15, 2022
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CITY OF MOSES LAKE HEARING EXAMINER AUGUST 24, 2022 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Moses Lake Hearing Examiner will conduct a public hearing on Wednesday, August 24, 2022, beginning at 10:00 AM. in the Civic Center Annex Building hearing room located at 321 S Balsam Street, Moses Lake, WA and via Zoom (virtual meeting). The Hearing Examiner will consider the following: PLN2022-0035 ("Polo Ridge No. 4"): An application for a fifty-one (51) lot, 11.69-acre Major Subdivision. Streets and Utility infrastructure for the Polo Ridge No. 4 Subdivision shall meet adopted City of Moses Lake standards and specifications. The property is located within the SW 1/4. SW 1/4 Section 15. and NW 1/4. of NW 1/4 of Section 22, Township 19 N, Range 28 EWM and identified as Assessor's Parcel No.110041000. The City of Moses Lake Hearing Examiner will receive testimony at the public hearing and subsequently; approve, conditionally approve, or deny the proposal. The public is invited to attend the public hearing and comment on all pertinent matters. Public Hearing - Citizens who would like to speak on this matter during the meeting will need to contact the Permit Tech at 509.764.3745 no later than 3 p.m. on the day of the meeting and provide the name or number you will use to access the virtual meeting. Persons who want complete information, copies of the proposals, legal descriptions and/or receive the final decision (upon issuance) may review the proposal during normal business hours at 321 S Balsam Street: or for more information email Nathan Pate, AICP, or call (509.764.3752). Submit written comments by mail to City of Moses Lake Community Development Department, P.O. Box 1579, Moses Lake, WA 98837. #08028/552827 Pub: August 8, 2022
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN OPEN RECORD PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD August 23, 2022 at 3:30 p.m. in the Grant County Commissioners Hearing Room, Courthouse, Ephrata, WA to consider a budget extension request from the Sheriff's Office in the amount of $248,500.00 to purchase Hazardous Materials Response Equipment, training, and repairs for existing equipment using funds received from a Washington Department of Ecology 21-23 Spill Prevention Preparedness and Response Equipment Grant Funding (001.114) Any interested persons may appear regarding these matters. Grant County is also providing access to this scheduled hearing via WebEx audio. To participate in the hearing please call in to the hearing at 1 (408) 418-9388 and enter the access code (2495 212 9686), you will be joined to the meeting in a 'muted' status until such time as the hearing allows for public testimony. If you have any questions about this procedure, please call the Commissioner's Office in advance of the hearing. Barbara J. Vasquez, CMC Administrative Assistant & Clerk of the Board Grant County Commissioners #08031/552822 Pub: August 8, 15, 2022
LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 2 OF GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON Pursuant to RCW 54.16.080 RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE FILING OF A PROPOSED BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 2023, SETTING A DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARING THEREON AND AUTHORIZING NOTICE OF SUCH MEETING WHEREAS, the preliminary proposed budget of revenue and expenditures for the Grant PUD for the year 2023 will be filed August 23, 2022. WHEREAS, public comment on the proposed budget will officially open October 11, 2022 during the regularly scheduled Commission Meeting and conclude upon adoption of the budget. Public hearings regarding the proposed 2023 budget will be held during the month of October at which any rate payer may appear and be heard for or against the whole or any part thereof. Notice of scheduled public hearings shall be published at least two consecutive weeks prior to the public hearing in a newspaper printed and of general circulation in Grant County. WHEREAS, the proposed 2023 budget will hereby be made a part of the Grant PUD official record. Dated this 6th day of July, 2022 PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 2 OF GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON _______ /s/_________________________ Judy Wilson, President Board of Commissioners #08002/545965 Pub;August 8, 15, 2022
SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF GRANT | ROBERT D. BALLINGER, also known | No: 21-2-00381-13 as TY R. BALLINGER and ARTIS A. | BALLINGER, husband and wife, | SUMMONS | Plaintiffs, | | vs. | | MARJORIE WHITE, a single woman; | The unknown heirs and devisees of | MARJORIE WHITE, deceased; and | JOAN WALLACE, a single woman, | | | ______________Defendants.___________ |_____________________________ THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO THE SAID DEFENDANTS, MARJORIE WHITE, a single woman; and The unknown heirs and devisees of MARJORIE WHITE, deceased: You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days (60) after the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit, within sixty days (60) after the 18 th day of July, 2022, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court, and answer the complaint of the Plaintiffs, ROBERT D. BALLINGER, also known as TY R. BALLINGER and ARTIS A. BALLINGER, husband and wife, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for plaintiffs, Trevor R. Bevier of Huberdeau Law Office, P.S., at their office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. The complaint is asking for specific performance of a real estate contract or an order to quiet title to real property in Grant County, Washington with the following legal description: A portion of Government Lot 7 in Section 22, Township 19 North, Range 28 E.W.M. Grant County, Washington, described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the Northwesterly and the Southwesterly boundary line of Block 41, Plat of Neppel, according to the plat thereof filed October 15, 1912, running thence South 53°40'54'' West on the Southeasterly boundary line of Broadway, a street in Neppel, extended a distance of 1160 ft.; running thence S 36°19'06" East, a distance of 160 ft. to the True Point of Beginning; running thence South 53°40'54'' West parallel with the Southeasterly boundary line of said Broadway Extended a distance of 175 ft.; running thence South 36°19'06" East, a distance of 140 ft.; running thence North 53°40'54" East a distance of 175 ft.; running thence North 36°19'06" West, a distance of 140 ft. to the True Point of Beginning. Tax Parcel Numbers: 11-0088-000, 11-0129-000, 11-0130-000, 11-0132-000. The complaint alleges that the above described real property was purchased by Plaintiff and was paid in full. Said cause of action is based upon an alleged default for failure to deliver a Statutory Warranty Fulfillment Deed and to Quiet Title. Trevor R. Bevier Huberdeau Law Office, Attorney for Plaintiffs WSBA#47989 821 E. Sharon Ave. Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509) 765-1196 (509) 765-1799 fax #08007/547501 Pub;July 18, 25, 2022 & August 1, 8, 15, 22, 2022
THE OTHELLO SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 147 ADAMS COUNTY, WASHINGTON NOTICE OF MEETING TO CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING AND ADOPT 2022-2023 BUDGET NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to RCW 28A.505.050 and RCW 28A.505.060, that the School District Board of Directors of the Othello School District No. 147, Adams County, Washington. The Othello School District will hold a Special Board Meeting on August 22, 2022, commencing at 5:30 PM. The Board will hold this meeting for the purpose of receiving comments from the public on the 2022-2023 budget in the Othello School District Administration Office, located at 1025 S. 1st Avenue, Othello, Washington. Any person may appear and be heard for or against any part of the 2022-2023 budget, the four-year budget plan, enrollment projections, or the uses of enrichment funding under RCW 28A.505.24. Upon conclusion of the meeting, the Board shall fix and determine the appropriation from each fund contained in the 2022-2023 budget and shall, by resolution, adopt the 2022-2023 budget, the four-year budget plan summary, and the four-year enrollment projection. The Board of Directors will be holding a Regular Board Meeting, commencing at 7:00 PM, immediately following the Special Board Meeting to adopt the District's budget for the ensuing 2022-2023 fiscal year. The 2022-2023 budget information is available on the District website,, or may be obtained by contacting the Executive Director of Business Services, Amy Suarez, at (509) 488-2659. OTHELLO SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 14 ADAMS COUNTY, OTHELLO, WASHINGTON ______________________________________ Pete Perez Superintendent and Secretary to the Board of Directors #08006/547391 Pub;August 8, 15, 2022
PORT OF ROYAL SLOPE PRS RAILROAD SPUR GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON INVITATION TO BID The Port of Royal Slope will receive sealed bids from invited bidders for the PRS RAILROAD SPUR, at the Port Office, 4572 Road 13.6 SW, Royal City, WA 99357 until 5:00 pm, Thursday, September 1, 2022. The clock of record shall be the Executive Director's cell phone. Bid documents may be obtained for a fee of $30.00. The Port will mail paper copies of the bid documents to bidders who have paid that fee, or paper copies may be received at the Port office by appointment only. The Port may be contacted at phone number (509) 346-2317. This project consists of the construction of approximately 3,000 LF of railroad earthwork in accordance with the technical specifications, drawings, and contract documents. Bids may be submitted by in-person delivery by appointment or via USPS, UPS, or FedEx. The latter two are delivered after 4:00 pm on weekdays and may be too late the day of the deadline. Use PO Box 147, Royal City, WA 99357 for USPS delivery. Each Bidder shall warrant that he has not entered into collusion with another bidder or any other person and does not discriminate in any manner against any person based solely on race, color, sex, or creed. Only properly executed proposals submitted on the forms furnished by the Port of Royal Slope will be accepted. The Port of Royal Slope reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any informalities, to accept any bid deemed to be responsive in the best interest of the Port of Royal Slope. #080321/552923 Pub: August 8, 15, 2022