Legals for August, 14 2022
Daily Inter-Lake | UPDATED 2 years, 5 months AGO
No. 28814 DISH Wireless L.L.C. is proposing to construct a 153 ft (including all appurtenances) monopole telecommunications tower facility located at 3085 Highway 93 South, Kalispell, Flathead County, MT 59901. Any interested party wishing to submit comments regarding the potential effects the proposed facility may have on any historic property may do so by sending comments to: Project 6122007100 - SA EBI Consulting, 6876 Susquehanna Trail South, York, PA 17403, or at (757) 354-7566. August 14, 2022 MNAXLP __________________________
No. 28812 NOTICE FOR PUBLIC COMMENT REQUEST FOR FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT The City of Kalispell Floodplain Administrator has received the following Floodplain Development Permit application: A request was submitted by The City of Kalispell Public Works Department for a floodplain development permit to do work within floodplain of Ashley Creek. There are two projects involved with this request. The purpose of the 1st project is to replace the H2S corroded 36" fluent sewer piping, manholes, and diversion structure at the entrance of the Wastewater Treatment Plant. This concrete pipe is failing due to sulfide attack and will be replaced with PVC mains and lined or coated structures. The 2nd project is to reroute existing electrical supply for the Wastewater Treatment Plant to allow construction of a future equalization basin. Neither project will impact the stream bank, both are well offset. The streambank is well vegetated and stable in this area. Only the impacted trench area for installing the utilities will be affected and will be topsoiled and seeded upon completion. The site is located at 2001 Airport Rd, Kalispell, Montana, and is more particularly described as Assessor's Tract 3 (Parcel 2 of COS 12279) in the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 and the SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Sec 20, T28N, R21W, P.M., M., Flathead County, Montana. A more precise map and description of the proposal is available for review at the City of Kalispell Planning Department, 201 First Avenue East, Kalispell, Montana. Written or oral comments concerning the above request should be directed to the Floodplain Administrator, City of Kalispell, 201 First Avenue East, Kalispell, MT 59901, (406) 758-7940. Comments will be received through Monday, August 29, 2022. In the event of substantial comment or protest to the issuance of the permit, the Kalispell Floodplain Administrator may hold a public hearing to determine whether the permit shall be issued. /s/Jarod Nygren/KB Jarod Nygren Floodplain Administrator City of Kalispell August 14, 2022 MNAXLP __________________________
No. 28820 Montana Eleventh Judicial District Court Flathead County In the Matter of the Name Change of Devin Lelm: Devin Lelm, Petitioner Cause No.: DV-22-718 DAN WILSON Notice of Hearing on Name Change This is notice that Petitioner has asked the District Court for a change of name from Devin Andrew Lelm to Devin Andrew MacCary. The hearing will be on 09/06/2022 at 1:30 p.m. The hearing will be at the Justice Center in Flathead County. Date: 07/22/2022 PEG L. ALLISON Clerk of District Court BY: /s/ MEAGAN NGO Deputy Clerk of Court August 14, 21, 28, September 4, 2022 MNAXLP __________________________
No. 28811 The Rocky Cedar Sale is located within Portions of Sections 7,18 T25N, R18W, and portions of sections 1,2,13,11,12 T25N, R19W, and portions of sections 9,15,16,21,22,26,27,28,34,35 T26N, R19W, Lake County, State of Montana,PMM. The Forest Service will receive Sealed bids at SO, Kalispell, MT before or at the time of public bid opening at 2:00 PM local time on 09/13/2022 for an estimated volume of 36052.82 ton of Douglas-fir & Other sawtimber, and 11592.08 ton of Lodgepole Pine sawtimber marked or otherwise designated for cutting. In addition, there is within the sale area an estimated volume of 9763.27 ton of Combined Softwood non-saw that the bidder agrees to remove at a fixed rate. In addition, there is within the sale area an unestimated volume of Combined Softwood sawtimber, Other Softwood sawtimber, and Combined Softwood non-saw that the bidder may agree to remove at a fixed rate. Sale contains specified roads with an estimated public works construction cost of $247,415.73. Bidders qualifying as small business concerns under the Small Business Act may, when submitting a bid, elect for the Forest Service to build permanent roads. Additional information concerning this option is in the prospectus. The Forest Service reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Interested parties may obtain a prospectus from the office listed below. A prospectus, bid form, and complete information concerning the timber, the conditions of sale, and submission of bids is available to the public from the 650 Wolfpack Way, Kalispell, MT 59901. USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender. August 14, 2022 MNAXLP __________________________
No. 28809 CITY OF COLUMBIA FALLS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS - CHANGE IN DATE The Columbia Falls City Council will hold public hearings for the following items at a special meeting on Monday, August 29, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. at the Cafetorium in the Columbia Falls Junior High School, 1805 Talbot Road, Columbia Falls, Montana. Request for a Zoning Map Amendment in the Columbia Falls Planning Jurisdiction: Loretta and Ronald Levang are requesting a zoning map amendment that will rezone a portion of their property from the existing CSAG-10 zoning to a CR-1 Zoning. The property is located at 435 Rogers in Columbia Falls and is described as Assessor's Tracts 2B in Section 21, Township 30 North, Range 20 West, P.M.M., Flathead County (The rezoning only effects that portion of the property zoned CSAG-10 and not the portion that is unzoned or that has the Scenic Overlay). Request for a Zoning Map Amendment in the Columbia Falls Planning Jurisdiction: James Barnett on behalf of River Highlands LLC is requesting a zoning map amendment in the Columbia Falls Zoning Jurisdiction. The property is located at 264,316,378,494 River Road in Columbia Falls and is described as Lots 1, 2, & 3 of Loffler Subdivision and Assessor's Tracts 7 B and 7BB (Tracts 1 and 3 of COS 14045) in Section 16, Township 20 North, Range 20 West, P.M.M., Flathead County. The property is currently zoned CR-3 (One Family Residential) and the applicant is proposing CR-4 (Urban Residential). Request for a Planned Unit Development in the Columbia Falls Zoning Jurisdiction: James Barnett on behalf of River Highlands LLC is requesting a Planned Unit Development in the Columbia Falls Zoning Jurisdiction; the development is called River Highlands Apartments. The property is located at 264,316,378, & 494 River Road in Columbia Falls and is described as Lots 1, 2, & 3of Loffler Subdivision and Assessor's Tracts 7 B and 7BB (Tracts 1 and 3 of COS 14045) in Section 16, Township 20 North, Range 20 West, P.M.M., Flathead County. The project consists of 65 attached single family row houses, 390 apartment units and 10 row house units dedicated to the Northwest Montana Community Land Trust. The total unit count is 455 units on 49.1 acres gross for a density of 9.2 units per acre. The applicant is proposing 21.5 acres (43%) of the site as park and open space. With the project, the applicants are proposing to move River Road further east on Highway 2 and if supported by the MDOT the applicants would install a traffic signal at Highway 2 and River Road. Two deviations are requested with the PUD; the applicant is requesting to zoning deviations, one would allow an increase in height of ten feet allowing a portion of the apartment buildings to approach 45 feet in height and the second deviation would reduce the parking requirement from 2 spaces per unit down to 1.5 spaces per unit. Request for a subdivision in the Columbia Falls Zoning Jurisdiction: James Barnett on behalf of River Highlands LLC is requesting a Subdivision in the Columbia Falls Zoning Jurisdiction. The property is located at 264,316,378, & 494 River Road in Columbia Falls and is described as Lots 1, 2, & 3of Loffler Subdivision and Assessor's Tracts 7 B and 7BB (Tracts 1 and 3 of COS 14045) in Section 16, Township 20 North, Range 20 West, P.M.M., Flathead County. The subdivision will create 21 lots (17 residential and 4 open space lots). The subdivision will extend Municipal water and sewer services along with reconstructing River Road and incorporating a detached pedestrian path. The new roads within the project will be privately maintained but open to the public. The proposed subdivision is part of the zone change and PUD application for River Highlands Apartments. Persons are encouraged to submit written comments prior to the meeting. Written comments carry the same weight as public testimony given during the hearing. Written comments may be sent to Columbia Falls City Hall, Attention: Barb Staaland, City Clerk, 130 6th Street West, Room A, Columbia Falls, MT 59912 or via email: Submit comments no later than Thursday August 26th to be included in the Council packet. For more information on the proposed Zone Change or Planned Unit Development, please call Eric Mulcahy, Columbia Falls City Planner at 755-6481. NOTE: These hearings will not be available via ZOOM or any other virtual means. DATED this 9th day of August, 2022 Susan Nicosia Susan Nicosia, City Manager/Planning & Zoning Administrator COLUMBIA FALLS CITY- COUNTY PLANNING BOARD August 14, 21, 2022 MNAXLP __________________________
No. 28813 INVITATION TO BID Sealed bids will be received until the closing time of 2:00 p.m. on September 7, 2022, and will be publicly opened and read aloud in the offices of the Architecture & Engineering Division, 1520 East Sixth Avenue, P.O. Box 200103, Helena MT 59620-0103, for: KALISPELL AFRC ROOF REPLACEMENT / DEPT. OF MILITARY AFFAIRS / KALISPELL, MT / A&E #2022-33-20 Bids shall be submitted on the form provided within the Contract Documents. Contract documents may be obtained at the offices of: JACKOLA ENGINEERING & ARCHITECTURE 2250 HWY 93 SOUTH KALISPELL, MT 59903 (406) 755-3208 An Electronic copy of the Contract Documents will be provided at no cost. A refundable deposit of $100 is required for a hard copy of the Contract Documents. A PRE-BID WALK-THROUGH IS SCHEDULED FOR Wednesday, August 24, 2022, AT 11:00 A.M. PARTICIPANTS SHOULD MEET AT KALISPELL AFRC LOCATED AT 2989 HWY 93 N. KALISPELL,MT. ATTENDANCE IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED. Bids must be accompanied by a bid security meeting the requirements of the State of Montana in the amount of 10% of the total bid. After award, the successful bidder must furnish an approved Performance Security and a Labor & Material Payment Security each in the amount of 100% of the contract. No bidder may withdraw his bid for at least thirty (30) calendar days after the scheduled time for receipt of bids except as noted in the Instructions to Bidders. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any and all irregularities or informalities and the right to determine what constitutes any and all irregularities or informalities. This project is funded in whole or in part by funds received from the Federal Government, and the contract award is wholly contingent on the state's appropriation authority for the federal funds and actual receipt of the federal funds. ARCHITECTURE & ENGI NEERING DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF ADMINIS TRATION STATE OF MONTANA August 14, 21, 28, 2022 MNAXLP __________________________
No. 28788 TANKO LAW OFFICE BRIAN C. TANKO, ESQ. Montana Bar No. 5194 392 - 1st Avenue East North Kalispell, MT 59901 Tel: (406) 257-3711 Fax: (406) 257-3722 Email: Web: Attorney for Personal Representative MONTANA ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, FLATHEAD COUNTY In Re: The Estate of: SCOTT ALLEN STORKSON, Deceased Cause No.: DP-22-242 ROBERT B ALLISON District Court Judge NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the above-named Estate. All persons having claims against the said deceased are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be mailed to KYE WEBER, the Personal Representative, to c/o Tanko Law Office, 392 - 1st Avenue E.N., Kalispell, MT 59901, or filed with the Clerk of the above-entitled Court. DATED this 26th day of July, 2022. /s/ Kye Weber KYE WEBER, Personal Representative Submitted by: TANKO LAW OFFICE /s/ Brian C. Tanko BRIAN C. TANKO, ESQ. Attorney for Personal Representative July 31, August 7, 14, 2022 MNAXLP __________________________