Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Grand and reserve showmanship awards from the Lake County Fair

Lake County Leader | UPDATED 2 years, 7 months AGO
| August 18, 2022 12:00 AM

Kids in 4-H spend countless hours honing their skills preparing to show their animals at the fair. Leaders, parents and other experts spend large amounts of time with the kids.

Here are this year’s top showmanship winners from the Lake County Fair.

Showmanship overall

Overall Large Animal Grand Champion—Megan Evalo

Overall Small Animal Grand Champion—Lina Sturman

Showmanship—Senior Grand and Reserve Champions

Large Animal Round Robin—Megan Evalo, Grand; Lina Sturman, Reserve

Small Animal Round Robin—Lina Sturman, Grand; Madisyn Evalo, Reserve

Beef—Megan Evalo, Grand; Kiara Sherman, Reserve

Dog—Aspen McKee, Grand; Lina Sturman, Reserve

Goat—Lina Sturman, Grand; Lilia Mitchell, Reserve

Horse—Tanner Bergh, Grand;

Poultry—Lina Sturman, Grand;

Rabbit—Madisyn Evalo, Grand;

Sheep—Hayley Bergh, Grand; Kaydee Wheeler, Reserve

Swine—Ryan Walchuk, Grand; Wesley Anderson, Reserve

Showmanship—Junior Grand and Reserve Champions

Large Animal Round Robin—Jaylynn Buxbaum, Grand, Grace Elverud, Reserve

Small Animal Round Robin—Jaylynn Buxbaum, Grand; Averie Wright, Reserve

Beef—Grace Elevrud, Grand; Kealyn Cahoon, Reserve

Cat—Star Vaughn, Grand; Kendalyn Martin, Reserve

Dairy—Jaylynn Buxbaum, Grand;

Dog—Jalynn Buxbaum, Grand; Kena Sutton, Reserve

Goat—Taelyn Frisk, Grand;

Horse—Cade Ulvick, Grand; Grace Elverud, Reserve

Horse, Mini—Sierra Symington, Grand

Poultry—Jaylynn Buxbaum, Grand; Rosslyn Wilson, Reserve

Rabbit—Averie Wright, Grand

Sheep—Venessa Wheeler; Grand; Alexa Youngren, Reserve

Swine—Kealyn Cahoon, Grand; Kyra Marmon, Reserve

Showmanship—Novice Grand and Reserve

Beef—Coen Cahoon, Grand; Tuneya Moran, Reserve

Cat—Brandt Stipe, Grand; Annalou Rider, Reserve

Dairy—Coen Cahoon, Grand;

Goat—Abrianna Mitchell, Grand; Gabriella Watkins, Reserve

Poultry—Elsie Detert, Grand; Garret Wilmar, Reserve

Sheep—Abrianna Mitchell, Grand

Swine—Coen Cahoon, Grand; Kestin Marmon, Reserve


Jaylynn Buxbaum won the Jr. Grand Champion Showmanship awards for dogs , poultry and dairy as well as Jr. Grand Champion Showmanship awards in both the large animal and small animal round robins. (Marla Hall/Lake County Leader)


Coen Cahoon shows his market hog at the fair. Coen won Novice Grand Champion Showmanship awards in Beef, Dairy, and Swine. (Marla Hall/Lake County Leader)


Abriana Mitchell Mitchell shows her market lamb during the Livestock Auction. Abriana won Novice Grand Champion Showmanship awards in both the sheep and goats competitions. (Marla Hall/Lake County Leader)


Lina Sturman showed several different animals — both large and small on her way to winning Sr. Reserve Grand Champion large animal showman, Sr Grand Champion Small Animal Showman, and Overall Small Animal Showman. (Marla Hall/Lake County Leader)


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