Bonner County History - Aug. 23, 2022
Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 2 years, 5 months AGO
Brought to you by the
Bonner County Historical
Society and Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
Aug. 23, 1972 – NEWS FROM SAGLE
The Old-Timers’ picnic at Round Lake was a big success with many old and new timers attending. Prizes went to the oldest person attending, Myrtle Deroshia; person traveling farthest, Rita Mattox; and person with most family present, Mrs. Phoebe Shalz.
Russell Kotschevar, local artist who created Pend Oreille Pete years ago is giving the statue new paint at his Pine Street workshop. Pete now has blue plaid trousers instead of the original grey ones. The back of the red hat, of cross-grained wood, is now fiberglassed to prevent the wood from breaking off. If the tourists have missed the little wooden man this summer, they are assured that “he” is getting the best of care.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stilwell, Sandpoint, announce the engagement and forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Karla Charlene, to Dwayne Earl Sheffler of Sagle. The First Lutheran Church in Sandpoint will be the setting for the Sept. 16 ceremony. They will attend Eastern Washington State College in Cheney this fall.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Jasman and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Irish, all of Sagle, celebrated their silver wedding anniversaries at an open house in the Irish home on the Dufort Road Sunday from 2 to 5 o’clock. Children of the couples arranged the party.
100 Years Ago
Northern Idaho News
Aug. 23, 1922 – 600 TEACHERS TO COME
The chamber of commerce met last night to plan for the city’s handling of the annual teachers’ institute, expected to be held five days beginning October 23, bringing to the city about 600 teachers from the five northern counties of Idaho. The matter of housing is one of the problems, and it was finally decided to ask the Civic club to take charge in this part of the work.
More than 1000 witnessed the cornerstone laying of the new high school building Friday. The ceremony, conducted according to the Masonic ritual by the worshipful grand master of the grand lodge, was simple but impressive. After the box containing a history of the school district, copies of the Pend d’Oreille News (first paper published in Sandpoint), the Pend d’Oreille Review, Northern Idaho News, school annuals of 1921 and 1922, and a bronze medal won by the district in 1909 for display of school work at Seattle’s Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition, was laid in place and the stone lowered, there followed the trying of the stone with square, level and plummet as per the Masonic ritual, after which the Sandpoint high school cornerstone was pronounced officially laid. The history of the district had been prepared by Will Whitaker, who did not feel equal to publicly read the history he had labored upon, hence the document was read by Clerk W.S. Finney. However, Mr. Whitaker, in his wheel chair, occupied a position of honor upon the platform.
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