Thursday, January 23, 2025

Bonner County History - Dec. 11, 2022

Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 2 years, 1 month AGO
| December 11, 2022 1:00 AM

Brought to you by the

Bonner County Historical

Society and Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

Dec. 11, 1972 – NEW 4-H CLUB

No name was chosen for the new Schweitzer Valley area 4-H Club but officers were elected and committees appointed at a recent meeting. Elected were president Kim Lewis; vice president Randia LaGrace; secretary Cindy Finney; treasurer Brenda LaGrace; historian Kim McCandless; reporter Nancy Finney; sergeants at arms, Marcia Finney and Lynn Gass. Committees are: Activities-chairman Randia LaGrace, helpers Kim Wooden and Leanne Smith; Refreshments-chairman Sherry Wooden, helpers Gail Hofmeister and Cindy Wooden; Fundraising-chairman Cindy Finney, helpers Tammy Finney, Kim McCandless, Brenda LaGrace and Lisa Dawson. Dues are $1.00 every six months if needed.



Kristi McNall and Louise Wood gave a baby shower at the Lloyd Holbert home for Peggy Shadel.

A baby shower was given for Linda Stangel at the Jim Chapman home. Guests were Lynett Roberson, Twila Roberson, Von Berger, Debby Borhn, Darlene Booth, Linda Booth, Mrs. Booth, Mrs. Lawson, Mrs. Mary Lynn Gaston and Mrs. L.R. Bourbon.

Guests at Mrs. Grace Wenger’s Tupperware party were Mrs. Jim Chapman, Mrs. Ronald Roberson, Mrs. Jean Leckner, Mrs. Brad Stangel, Mrs. Margaret Agar, Mrs. Lloyd Holbert, Karen Kahler, Mrs. Leanna White, Mrs. Osa Bonar, Mrs. Emma Lockwood, Mrs. Ronald Roberson, Mrs. Janel Holm, Mrs. Pat Nave, Mrs. Ava Perkins, Mrs. Josephine Agar, and Mrs. Gwen Pogue.

100 Years Ago

Pend d’Oreille Review


Lakeside lodge No. 42 AF & AM (Ancient Free and Accepted Masons) held its annual election as follows: R.F. Curtis, worshipful master; Harold Harford, senior warden; E.R. Anderson, treasurer: C.R. Foss, junior warden; G.H. Palm, secretary, and M.W. Foster, trustee. Installation will be Dec. 18.



Ponderay’s old smelter is being dismantled and piece-mealed out by Spokane’s Union Iron Works, which purchased the defunct property. The smelter, built for $110,000 in 1905 by Panhandle Smelting Co., had small capacity, but was modern in all respects and promised a real future not only to itself but to the village of Ponderay which it caused to spring up. The plant covered 10 acres and included the main building, a furnace building, engine and boiler houses, crusher house, 4000-ton capacity ore bins, a sampler building, a long ore dock out into the lake and a hotel and brick bank in Ponderay. The hotel burned years ago and the bank building was bought by E.C. Eckman for use as a grocery store.



Dover sportsmen do not need to go far for game. William Comranky shot a fine big wild goose as it flew over his woodshed Saturday morning.

Little Flavia Blood had a severe attack of pneumonia, but is now rapidly improving.

For more information, visit the museum online at


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