Bonner County History - Feb. 15, 2022
Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 2 years, 11 months AGO
From the archives of the
Bonner County History Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin Feb. 15, 1972 – COMPLETES TRAINING
Airman Preston Kinne, son of Mr. and Mrs. David J. Kinne, Rt. 1, Sandpoint completed his USAF basic training at the Air Training Command’s Lackland AFB, Tex. and is assigned to Sheppard AFB, Tex., for training in aircraft maintenance. Airman Kinne is a graduate of Sandpoint Senior High School.
Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Lance of Kootenai Bay announce the marriage of their son, Sgt. Ronald K. Lance, to Carla C. Renfroe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Renfroe of Memphis, Tenn. Sgt. and Mrs. Lance visited with his parents until Feb. 3, when they left for Travis AFB, Calif., and from there flew to Hawaii where he will be stationed for three years. He recently completed a 16-week advanced course in structural mechanics with the Marine Air Corps in Memphis.
The new sixth grade teacher is Mrs. Chronic, now that Mr. Parsons is principal for both Southside and Sagle. They are studying Mexico and Latin America.
Cub Scout Pack No. 199 meets at the Sagle School Thursdays after school. Any boys 8-10 can join, or sit in on the meetings. The boys in the den are: Steve Ross, Harvey Martin, Jimmy Brisboy, Clayton Schell, Darryl Duszynski, Ned Colhoff, Donnie Hale, John Plaster, Bob Plaster, Jeff Upshaw and Billy Sigmund. In January they worked on Cub Scout fitness.
100 Years Ago
Northern Idaho News
Feb. 15, 1922 – 655 PEOPLE BANQUETED
The father and son banquet last Friday at the Liberty theater, not only exceeded the father and son banquet of a year ago, two to one, but broke all city records for banquets of any character, when 655 men and boys were seated at the tables at one time. A most unusual feature of the gathering was that no smoking was indulged in by the men assembled, in deference to the boys – particularly the Scouts, who are pledged to taboo tobacco until they are 21 years of age.
At a meeting of the Methodist church ladies aid, plans were laid for the addition of a gymnasium and club to the church property. The working out of details was not undertaken at that meeting. This is a project in the interest of the young people which has been under consideration by the church for a long time, and its undertaking by the ladies assures its being carried out.
“Jimmie” White, short in stature but long in love of the beverage which lendeth cheer, was released from a short stay with the sheriff Saturday, and upon arriving at his shack at the lake front found that during his absence someone had relieved him of his winter’s supply of wood. “Jimmie’s” enforced absence from home was due to the raiding of his private wine cellar. With both his wood and liquor stimulant gone, it is a problem for “Jimmie” just how he is to keep warm the remainder of the winter in this cold cold world.
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