Friday, January 31, 2025

Legals for February, 20 2022

Daily Inter-Lake | UPDATED 2 years, 11 months AGO
| February 19, 2022 11:00 PM

No. 28365 INVITATION TO BID The City of Kalispell, Montana will receive sealed bids for the Wyoming Street Storm Sewer Improvement Project. The project primarily consists of furnishing materials, labor, and equipment required to install a mechanical water quality treatment device and a stormwater filter water quality treatment device in series on an existing 30-inch storm sewer main. All design and construction will follow Montana Public Works Standard Specifications, and the City of Kalispell Standards for Design and Construction. In addition to the two storm water treatment devices, the project will include: water main relocation, concrete curbing and flatwork, pavement restoration, and signing and striping. Bidding documents may be examined at the City of Kalispell Public Works Department, 201 First Avenue East, Kalispell, Montana 59901. Plans and specifications may also be examined beginning Monday, February 21, 2022 through QuestCDN. Full bidding instructions and The City of Kalispell portal to QuestCDN is located on the City of Kalispell website at The City will be only accepting online electronic bids through QuestCDN. A Pre-Bid Meeting will be held in the City Hall Lower-Level Conference Room, 201 First Avenue East, Kalispell, Montana 59901 at 2:00pm on Thursday, March 3, 2022. Interested Bidders are encouraged to attend the Pre-Bid Meeting. Bids will be received by QuestCDN until 2:00 PM on Thursday, March 10, 2022. All bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at 2:00 PM on Thursday, March 10, 2022 in the City Hall First Floor Conference Room, 201 1st Ave. East, Kalispell 59901. Authorized by order of the City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana, in a regular meeting held on August 16, 2021. Aimee Brunckhorst, City Clerk February 20, 27, 2022 MNAXLP

No. 28321 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Board of Commissioners of Flathead County, Montana, hereby gives notice, pursuant to Section 76-2-205(1), M.C.A., that it will hold a public hearing to consider changes proposed by Flathead County Planning & Zoning Office to amend Section 2.08 of the text of the Flathead County Zoning Regulations. The proposed amendments are described as follows: Amend Section 2.08.020(8) to read: In the event that the Board of County Commissioners approve or amend the requested amendment, a Resolution of Intent shall be passed and a notice of intent to adopt shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation. The publication of the notice shall begin a thirty (30) day comment period on the proposed resolution. Amend Section 2.08.020(9) to read: Within 30 days after the expiration of the comment period, the Board of County Commissioners may in its discretion adopt the resolution amending the text of these regulations. Amend Section 2.08.030(1)(D) to read: In the event that the Board of County Commissioners approves or amends the requested amendment, a Resolution of Intent shall be passed and a notice of intent to adopt shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation. The publication of the notice shall begin a thirty (30) day comment period on the proposed resolution. Amend Section 2.08.030(1)(E) to read: Within 30 days after the expiration of the comment period, the Board of County Commissioners may in its discretion adopt the resolution creating the zoning district. Remove Section 2.08.050. The Flathead County Zoning Regulations apply in all County zoning districts created under Section 76-2-205, M.C.A., and are on file for public inspection at the Office of the Board of Commissioners, located at 800 South Main, Room 302 Kalispell, Montana, the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office, 40 11th Street West, and on the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office's website at: Documents related to the proposed amendments to the regulations are on file for public inspection at the Office of the Board of Commissioners and at the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office. The public hearing will be held on the 10th day of March, 2022 at 9:30 o'clock a.m. in the Commissioners' Chambers, Third Floor, Old Courthouse, Kalispell, Montana. At the public hearing, the Board of Commissioners will give the public an opportunity to be heard regarding the proposed change to the text of the Flathead County Zoning Regulations. Written comments are encouraged and will be reviewed by the Commissioners prior to the hearing if received by the Commissioners' Office at least three business days prior to the hearing. DATED the 18th of January, 2022 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Flathead County, Montana By: /s/ Pamela J. Holmquist Pamela J. Holmquist, Chair February 20, 27, 2022 MNAXLP __________________________

No. 28322 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Board of Commissioners of Flathead County, Montana, hereby gives notice, pursuant to Section 76-2-205(1), M.C.A., that it will hold a public hearing to consider a change in the zoning designation in a portion of the Rural Whitefish Zoning District from SAG-10 (Suburban Agricultural) to SAG-5 (Suburban Agricultural). The boundaries of the area proposed to be amended from SAG-10 (Suburban Agricultural) to SAG-5 (Suburban Agricultural) are described as: Tract 2 and Tract 3 of Certificate of Survey No. 4917, all of which tracts are located and being in the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SE1/4SW1/4) of Section 5 and in the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NE1/4NW1/4) of Section 8, Township 30, Range 21 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. EXCEPTING public roads and rights of way and SUBJECT TO easements, rights of way, restrictions and reservations of record. The regulations defining the SAG-10 and SAG-5 zones are contained in the Flathead County Zoning Regulations on file for public inspection at the Office of the Board of Commissioners, located at 800 South Main, Kalispell, Montana, at the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office, 40 11th Street West, Kalispell, Montana, and on the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office's website, at: http:// Documents related to the proposed zone change are also on for file for public inspection at the Office of the Board of Commissioners and at the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office. The public hearing will be held on the 10th day of March, 2022 at 10:30 o'clock a.m., in the Commissioner's Chambers, Third Floor, Old Courthouse, Kalispell, Montana. At the public hearing, the Board of Commissioners will give the public an opportunity to be heard regarding the proposed change to the Blanchard Lake Zoning District. Written comments are encouraged and will be reviewed by the Commissioners prior to the hearing if received by the Flathead County Commissioners' Office at least three business days prior to the hearing. DATED this 18th day of January, 2022 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Flathead County, Montana By: /s/ Pamela J. HolmquistPa Pamela J. Holmquist, Chairman February 20, 27, 2022 MNAXLP __________________________

No. 28338 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Board of Commissioners of Flathead County, Montana, hereby gives notice, pursuant to Section 76-2-205(1), M.C.A., that it will hold a public hearing to consider a change in the zoning designation in a portion of the Rural Whitefish Zoning District from SAG-10 (Suburban Agricultural) to SAG-5 (Suburban Agricultural). The boundaries of the area proposed to be amended from SAG-10 (Suburban Agricultural) to SAG-5 (Suburban Agricultural) are described as: Parcel A of Certificate of Survey No. 20173, located in the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 14, Township 31 North, Range 22 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. AND Tract 1 of Retracement Certificate of Survey No. 16804, located and being in Government Lot 1 in Section 14, Township 31 North, Range 22 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. The regulations defining the SAG-10 and SAG-5 zones are contained in the Flathead County Zoning Regulations on file for public inspection at the Office of the Board of Commissioners, located at 800 South Main, Kalispell, Montana, at the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office, 40 11th Street West, Kalispell, Montana, and on the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office's website, at: http:// Documents related to the proposed zone change are also on for file for public inspection at the Office of the Board of Commissioners and at the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office. The public hearing will be held on the 5th day of April, 2022, at 9:00 o'clock a.m., in the Commissioner's Chambers, Third Floor, Old Courthouse, Kalispell, Montana. At the public hearing, the Board of Commissioners will give the public an opportunity to be heard regarding the proposed change to the Rural Whitefish Zoning District. Written comments are encouraged and will be reviewed by the Commissioners prior to the hearing if received by the Flathead County Commissioners' Office at least three business days prior to the hearing. DATED this 8th day of February, 2022 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Flathead County, Montana By: /s/ Pamela J. Holmquist Pamela J. Holmquist, Chairman February 20, 27, 2022 MNAXLP __________________________

No. 28339 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Board of Commissioners of Flathead County, Montana, hereby gives notice, pursuant to Section 76-2-205(1), M.C.A., that it will hold a public hearing to consider a change in the zoning designation in a portion of the Highway 93 North Zoning District from SAG-10 (Suburban Agricultural) to R-2.5 (Rural Residential). The boundaries of the areas proposed to be amended from SAG-10 (Suburban Agricultural) to R-2.5 (Rural Residential) are described as: That portion of the Southwest one-quarter of the Southeast one-quarter (SW1/4SE1/4) of Section 18, and the Northwest one-quarter of the Northeast one-quarter (NW1/4NE1/4) of Section 19, all in Township 29 N, Range 21 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. Known as Tract 1 of Certificate of Survey No. 14127 The regulations defining the SAG-10 and R-2.5 zones are contained in the Flathead County Zoning Regulations on file for public inspection at the Office of the Board of Commissioners, 800 South Main, Room 302, Kalispell, Montana, at the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office, 40 11th Street West, Kalispell, Montana, and on the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office's website at: Documents related to the proposed zone change are also on for file for public inspection at the Commissioners' Office and at the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office. The public hearing will be held on the 5th day of April, 2022 at 10:30 a.m. in the Commissioners' Chambers, Third Floor, Old Courthouse, Kalispell, Montana. At the public hearing, the Board of Commissioners will give the public an opportunity to be heard regarding the proposed change to the Highway 93 North Zoning District. Written comments are encouraged and will be reviewed by the Commissioners if received prior to the hearing. DATED this 8th day of February, 2022 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Flathead County, Montana By: /s/ Pamela J. Holmquist Pamela J. Holmquist, Chairman February 20, 27, 2022 MNAXLP __________________________

No. 28343 Peg L. Allison Clerk of District Court Flathead County Justice Center 920 South Main Street Kalispell, MT 59901 (406) 758-5906 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF MONTANA, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF FLATHEAD IN THE MATTER OF: R.D.M.S., YOUTH IN NEED OF CARE. Cause No. DN-20-012(C) SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION To: Jessica Boyd Criado, birth mother of the above-named child: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Petition has been filed in the above-entitled Court by the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services, Child and Family Services Division, 121 Financial Drive, Suite C, Kalispell, MT 59901, requesting termination of parental rights and permanent legal custody of the above-named child. NOW, THEREFORE, YOU ARE HEREBY DIRECTED to appear on Monday, March 7, 2022 at 9:00 AM before the Honorable Heidi J. Ulbricht, District Judge, Department 3, Flathead County Justice Center, 920 South Main Street, Third Floor, Kalispell, Flathead County, Montana, then and there to show cause, if any you may have, why the Petition should not be granted. R.D.M.S. was born on March 13, 2020. The birth mother is Jessica Boyd Criado. You have the right to representation by an attorney in these proceedings. If you are unable to afford an attorney, the Court will appoint an attorney to represent you. Your failure to appear at the hearing constitutes a denial of your interest in the above-named child, which denial may result, without further notice of this proceeding or any subsequent proceedings, in the Court entering judgment by default against you for all relief requested in the Petition. A copy of the Petition is filed with the Clerk of District Court for the Eleventh Judicial District Court in and for Flathead County, 920 South Main, Third Floor, Kalispell, Montana, 59901, telephone (406) 758-5870. WITNESS my hand and Seal of this Court this 9th day of February, 2022. /s/ PEG L. ALLISON Clerk of District Court February 13, 20, 27, 2022 MNAXLP __________________________

No. 28354 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FLATHEAD COUNTY PLANNING BOARD REGULAR MEETING The Flathead County Planning Board will hold their regular meeting on Wednesday, March 9, 2022, beginning at 6:00 PM in the 2nd floor conference room of the South Campus Building, 40 11th Street West, Kalispell, Montana. During this meeting, the Board will hold a public hearing to consider the agenda items described below and make a recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners who will take final action. Individuals that would like to participate via Zoom meeting may do so by following the instructions below. To access the meeting and give oral public comment, please follow the instructions below. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 829 3557 5732 One tap mobile +13462487799,,82935575732# US (Houston) +16699006833,,82935575732# US (San Jose) Dial by your location +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) Meeting ID: 829 3557 5732 Find your local number: You will be instructed during the meeting when the public comment period is open for each agenda item. You can join the event starting at 5:45 p.m. on March 9, 2022. A request from Larry & Darla Meaders, with technical assistance from Sands Surveying, Inc., for preliminary plat approval of Legacy Ranch, a proposal to create five (5) residential lots on 26.67 acres. The proposal would be served by individual wells and septic systems. The property is located at 1673 West Springcreek Road, Kalispell, MT and can legally be described as Lot 1 of D&K Subdivision, located in the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter in Section 26, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. This item will be reviewed by the West Valley Land Use Advisory Committee on Tuesday, February 22, 2022 @ 6:00 pm in the library of the West Valley Elementary School, 2290 Farm to Market Road, Kalispell, MT. A request from Sands Surveying, Inc., on behalf of Steven & Patricia Knoll, for preliminary plat approval of Knoll Subdivision No. 2, a proposal to create four (4) residential lots on 19.37 acres. The proposal would be served by individual septic systems and shared wells. The property is located at 15 Wildman Way, Kalispell, MT and can legally be described as Lot 3 of Knoll Subdivision in Section 6, Township 28 North, Range 20 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. A request from Sands Surveying, Inc., on behalf of BAE Development, LLC for Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD) approval for properties located East of Highway 93 S, South of Bird Lane, within the Blanchard Lake Zoning District. Containing approximately 44.63 acres, the applicant has also requested a zone change on approximately 30 acres from AG-20 (Agricultural) to SAG-5 (Suburban Agricultural) with an overlay PUD to cluster the lots and utilize the density bonus in the PUD Regulations. The properties can legally be described as follows: Parcel A and B of Certificate of Survey No. 1779, located in Government Lot 1 of Section 19, Township 30 North, Range 21 West and the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 24, Township 30 North, Range 22 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion granted to the State of Montana in Bargain and Sale Deed recorded May 14, 1992 as Document No. 92-135-08540, records of Flathead County, Montana. A request from Sands Surveying, Inc. on behalf of BAE Development, LLC for preliminary plat approval of Woodlands, a proposal to create 18 residential lots on 44.637 acres. The proposal would be served by a public water system and individual septic systems. The property is located East of Highway 93 S and South of Bird Lane, within the Blanchard Lake Zoning District and can legally be described as follows: Parcel A and B of Certificate of Survey No. 1779, located in Government Lot 1 of Section 19, Township 30 North, Range 21 West and the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 24, Township 30 North, Range 22 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion granted to the State of Montana in Bargain and Sale Deed recorded May 14, 1992 as Document No. 92-135-08540, records of Flathead County, Montana. A request from Sands Surveying, Inc., on behalf of Greg & Erin Olson for preliminary plat approval of PJ Subdivision, a proposal to create two (2) residential lots on approximately 5 acres. The proposal would be served by individual septic systems and shared wells. The property is located at 199 Wintercrest Drive within the Highway 93 North Zoning District and is zoned R-2 (One-Family Limited Residential) that can legally be described as Tract 2FA in Section 7, Township 29 North, Range 21 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. A request from APEC Engineering, Inc. on behalf of Thornton Motorsports, LLC for preliminary plat approval of High Country Subdivision, a proposal to create 28 residential lots on 40.6 acres. The proposal would be served by a public water supply system and individual wastewater treatment systems with common drain fields. The property is located at 3790 Highway 93 North near Kalispell, MT and can legally be described as Tract 4 in Section 12, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. This item will be reviewed by the Riverdale Land Use Advisory Committee on Wednesday, February 23, 2022 @ 6:30 pm in the 2nd floor conference room of the South Campus Building, 40 11th Street West, Suite 200, Kalispell, MT. Documents and maps pertaining to these agenda items are on file for public inspection in the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office, South Campus Building, 40 11th Street West, Ste. 220 in Kalispell. All decisions made by the Planning Board are considered recommendations and will be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners for final action. Please check the County Commissioners page of the County website,, or contact the Commissioners' office for the scheduled date and time of a particular item. Interested persons are encouraged to attend the hearing and make their views and concerns known to the Board. For additional information contact the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office at (406) 751-8200. Written comments are strongly encouraged to be submitted and should be received by the Flathead County Planning & Zoning Office no later than March 9, 2022 @ 5:00 p.m. Please note agenda items are subject to change without notice. Any modifications to agenda items will be posted on the county website, Please note agenda items are subject to change without notice. Persons with a disability may request a reasonable accommodation by contacting Elaine Nelson at the Flathead County Commissioner's Office at 758-5503 or TTY (800) 335-7592, or call Montana Relay at 711. Requests should be made as early as possible to allow time to arrange the accommodation. Erik K. Mack,AICP Planning Director February 20, 2022 MNAXLP __________________________

No. 28360 In the Matter of the Estate of Benedict J. Surwill, III, Deceased. Cause No. DP-22-54A NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Gail L. Surwill has been appointed Personal Representative of the above-named estate. All persons having claims against the Decedent are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be filed with the Clerk of Court, or mailed to Gail L. Surwill c/o Frampton Purdy Law Firm, 530 West 19th Street, Whitefish, MT 59937-2576. DATED this 16th day of February, 2022. /s/ Connor C. Walker Frampton Purdy Law Firm February 20, 27, March 6, 2022 MNAXLP _________________________

No. 28353 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING KALISPELL CITY PLANNING BOARD AND ZONING COMMISSION MARCH 8, 2022 The regular meeting of the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission is scheduled for Tuesday, March 8, 2022, beginning at 6:00 PM in the Kalispell City Council Chambers, Kalispell City Hall, 201 First Avenue East, Kalispell. The public can participate in person in the Council Chambers or via videoconferencing. Register to join the video conference at: Public Comment can also be provided via email to The planning board will hold a public hearing and take public comments on the agenda item listed below: Files # KZC-22-01 and #KPP-22-01 - A request from Quail Meadows, LLC, for a zoning map amendment and preliminary plat approval for Quail Meadows Subdivision, a major subdivision containing 39 single-family lots on approximately 10.01 acres including the lots, roads, and open space. The zoning map amendment request would change the zoning from R-2 (Residential) to R-3 (Residential). The property is located at 155 Tronstad Road and can be described as a tract of land located in Government Lot 3, Section 18, Township 29 North, Range 21 West, P.M.M., City of Kalispell, Flathead County, Montana, and being more particularly described as Parcel 3 of Certificate of Survey 1500, Records of Flathead County, Montana (Assessors Tracts 4CC and 4BA). A full metes and bounds description is available upon request. Documents pertaining to the agenda item are on file for public inspection at the Kalispell Planning Department, 201 First Avenue East, Kalispell, MT 59901, and are available for public review during regular office hours. In addition, information on the agenda item is posted on our website at under planning board "upcoming agenda." Interested persons are encouraged to present their views and concerns to the Planning Board. Written comments may be submitted to the Kalispell Planning Department at the above address, prior to the date of the hearing or work session, or you may call us at (406) 758-7940 or e-mail us at for additional information. /s/Jarod Nygren/KB Jarod Nygren Development Services Director February 20, 2022 MNAXLP __________________________

No. 28352 LEGAL NOTICE Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks (FWP) will implement Preferred Alternative B as proposed in the Draft Environmental Assessment to construct gravel beach erosion control structures and a temporary access road. A copy of the decision notice is available at the FWP office, 490 N. Meridian Rd., Kalispell; and the FWP website at For further information contact Dave Landstrom at (406) 751-4574 or February 20, 2022 MNAXLP __________________________

No. 28359 PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Application for Air Quality Permit (Pursuant to Rule 208, Section 5 of Flathead County Air Pollution Control Program, OPEN BURNING Kalispell Montana Log Homes Inc. has filed or will file on or about 3/1/2022 an application for a conditional air quality open burning permit from the Environmental Health Services Division, Flathead City-County Health Department. Applicant seeks approval to open burn Wood Slabs at TNNET FC, Sec. 32, T28N, R21W. Any member of the public with questions or who wishes to receive notice of the Department's determination, and the location where a copy of the application and the Department's analysis of it can be reviewed, or to submit comments on the application, must contact the Flathead City-County Health Department, Environmental Health Services Division at 1035 1st Ave. West, Kalispell, MT 59901, telephone (406) 751-8130. Any comments on the application must be submitted to the Department within 20 days after publication of this notice or filing of the application. The Department's decision to approve or deny an application for Conditional Open Burning Permit may be reviewed by the Board of Health according to the following procedure: When the Division approves or denies the application for Conditional Open Burning Permit under this section, a person who is affected by the Department's decision may request a hearing before the Board, within 3 days after the Department renders its final decision. The Department's decision on the application is not final unless 3 days have elapsed and there is no request for a hearing under this section. The filing of a request for a hearing may postpone the effective date of the Department's decision. February 20, 2022 MNAXLP __________________________


Legals for February, 27 2022
Daily Inter-Lake | Updated 2 years, 11 months ago
Legals for May, 17 2022
Daily Inter-Lake | Updated 2 years, 8 months ago
Legals for June, 7 2022
Daily Inter-Lake | Updated 2 years, 7 months ago