Kalispell sets hearing for floodplain ordinance update
BRET ANNE SERBIN | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 3 years AGO
The Kalispell City Council set a public hearing for March 7 to review an updated floodplain ordinance during its meeting Tuesday.
The city’s floodplain policy was last updated in 2015.
“It’s important to keep our floodplain management ordinance updated to meet minimum standards of state and federal code in order to continue participation in the national flood insurance program,” explained Kalispell Planner II Rachel Ezell.
The revisions include clarifying language and updates based on changes to the city limits that have resulted from annexations that have taken place since the last update. Because of annexation to create the Meadow’s Edge subdivision off of Three Mile Drive, the draft floodplain ordinance adds a new flood insurance rate map panel to the floodplain map for the city.
The draft ordinance includes a clarification on the data to determine the boundaries of the special flood hazard area. It also incorporates updates to maintenance requirements, Federal Emergency Management Agency procedures, language around exemptions for agricultural structures and a few other clarifications.
Council member Ryan Hunter asked if the city could opt to adopt stricter regulations than the minimum required by state and federal agencies.
“We don’t have to follow, word-for-word, the model regulations,” Ezell responded. “Something more could be done.”
Council member Sid Daoud said he would like to dig deeper into the proposed changes, but he nonetheless supported the establishment of the public hearing.
The resolution to set the public hearing for March 7 passed unanimously.
DURING THE public comment period of the meeting, a resident who lives on 11th Street East complained about her neighbor’s garbage.
At the meeting, the City Council was also visited by Girl Scout Troop 3709 and the robot the troop built.
The girls attended the meeting as part of their mission “to encourage and inspire kids, especially girls, to pursue STEM activities.”
Reporter Bret Anne Serbin may be reached at 406-758-4459 or bserbin@dailyinterlake.com.

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