Bonner County History - Jan. 6, 2022
Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 3 years AGO
From the archives of the
Bonner County History Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
Jan. 6, 1972 – CONDO DEL SOL
Condo Del Sol remains a scene for construction in the heart of winter. Two of the three-floored buildings are nearly complete on the outside, and make a striking sight to those arriving in Sandpoint from across the long bridge.
Two appointments were announced Monday at Bonner County Courthouse. Mrs. Sally Cupan was named deputy clerk in the office of Magistrate Don L. Swanstrom. She formerly was employed in the office of Sandpoint attorney Glenn L. Bandelin. A new PEP-program trainee, James Slaughter, was sworn in and began work in the office of Sheriff Robert H. Wilcox. Slaughter was formerly in the TV repair business.
George Anderson, well-known Bonner County farmer, was reelected to the County Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation (ASC) Committee by delegates to the recent ASC county convention in Sandpoint. Delegates also selected Raymond J. Delay and Denny Shields as chairman and vice-chairman of the three-member committee and named Ed Hamshar and Eldon Keller as first and second alternate committeemen. Anderson has been a dairy farmer in the Selle area for many years and presently is engaged in raising beef cattle. He has been active in community affairs and farm programs and is a booster of 4-H Club work.
100 Years Ago
Pend d’Oreille Review
Jan. 6, 1922 – CITY BREVITIES
New Years day saw a sprinkling of snow which made the sleighing good. The weather was mild.
The Laclede ferry, which was frozen in during the cold snap, is again in operation.
Saturday special, jelly beans at 20 cents a pound. Royal Confectionery.
The Modern Woodmen of America announce a public dance to be given at the Knights of Pythias hall (corner of Second and Main) tomorrow evening.
The new 2-room brick school building at Cabinet will be dedicated tomorrow at evening exercises.
After complaints lodged with Mayor Wheelan and members of the council, Acting Chief of Police Ryan was instructed at Wednesday’s council meeting to order all “punch boards” out of poolhalls and confectioneries. Fire Chief Francis reported one fire in December, at the King Iron works, and Street Commissioner Ryan, acting chief of police, reported the receipt of $2.90 in dock rentals.
The Boy Scouts received a set of boxing gloves as a Christmas present from Westwood Wallace, former scout master, who now attends seminary in New York.
The losing side in the Christian Endeavor society will give a sleighing party for the winning side. After the ride, refreshments will be served.
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