Friday, January 31, 2025

Legals for January, 18 2022

Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 3 years AGO
| January 18, 2022 12:00 AM

MINUTES FOR THE BONNER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS' MEETING November 23, 2021 EMS Approved the purchase of 3 Expedition SSV units for a total of $123,002.40. Approved the purchase of these construction signs, cones, and reader board in the amount of $30,010.55, of which $30,000 will be reimbursed through the LHTAC sign grant. SOLID WASTE Approved Resolution #2021-116 authorizing the Clerk to open the FY2022 Budget and increase line item 023-9480 Capital Construction in the amount of $548,000.00. GIS Approved the updated contract with Eagleview and authorize the additional cost of $1,300.00 yearly. At 9:22 a.m. the meeting was recessed. At 9:28 a.m. the meeting was reconvened. 9:45 a.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 9:52 a.m. Commissioner Bradshaw made a motion to go into Executive Session under Idaho Code § 74-206 (1) (D) Records Exempt. Commissioner Connolly seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Commissioner McDonald - aye. Commissioner Connolly - aye. Commissioner Bradshaw - aye. All in favor. The motion passed. The meeting was reconvened at 10:07 a.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 9:28 a.m. & 10:07 a.m. Commissioner Connolly made a motion to go into Executive Session under Idaho Code § 74-206 (1) (F) Litigation. Commissioner Bradshaw seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Commissioner McDonald - aye. Commissioner Connolly - aye. Commissioner Bradshaw - aye. All in favor. The motion passed. The meeting was reconvened at 9:52 a.m. & 10:35 a.m. The Litigation ES was recessed at 9:52 a.m. Commissioner Bradshaw made a motion to authorize Davillier Law Group to appear on behalf of Bonner County to object to the high density development proposed near the Sandpoint Airport on what is believed to be parcel #RPS39170000040A. It is necessary to retain Davillier for this matter as they presently have expertise in this area and are available for immediate action. Commissioner Connolly seconded the motion. All in favor. The motion passed. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 10:36 a.m. Commissioner Connolly made a motion to go into Executive Session under Idaho Code § 74-206 (1) (A) Hiring. Commissioner Bradshaw seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Commissioner McDonald - aye. Commissioner Connolly - aye. Commissioner Bradshaw - aye. All in favor. The motion passed. The meeting was reconvened at 10:45 a.m. Commissioner McDonald adjourned the meeting at 10:45 a.m. The following is a summary of the Board of County Commissioners Special Meetings, (including Tax Cancellations, Assistance Meetings/Admin and other) Executive Sessions, Emergency Meetings and Hearings held during the week of November 16, 2021 - November 22, 2021 Copies of the complete meeting minutes are available upon request. TAX CANCELLATIONS On Wednesday, November 17, 2021 Tax Cancellations were held pursuant to Idaho Code §74-204 (2). SPECIAL MEETINGS & EXECUTIVE SESSIONS On Thursday, November 18, 2021 a Litigation Executive Session was held pursuant to Idaho Code §74-204 (2) and Idaho Code § 74-206 (1) (F) Litigation. On Monday, November 22, 2021 a Tax Deed Hearing was held pursuant to Idaho Code §74-204 (2). Commissioner Connolly made a motion to sign the Tax Deed Order presented by the Treasurer's Office. Commissioner Bradshaw stepped down from the Chair and seconded the motion. All in favor. The motion passed. Commissioner Connolly made a motion to accept the minimum bids for the parcels read into the record. Commissioner Bradshaw stepped down from the Chair and seconded the motion. All in favor. The motion passed. Commissioner Connolly made a motion to set the auction date for December 8, 2021 at 10:30 a.m. Commissioner Bradshaw stepped down from the Chair and seconded the motion. All in favor. The motion passed. SNP LEGAL 1155 AD#508939 JANUARY 18, 2022

MINUTES FOR THE BONNER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS' MEETING November 30, 2021 CLERK Approved payment of the FY22 Claims and Demands in Batch #4; General Fund: $78,264.20; Road & Bridge: $51,814.60; Airport: $1,208.77; Elections: $6,601.34; District Court: $6,217.48; 911 Fund: $7,813.62; Court Interlock: $440.00; Junior College Tuition: $900.00; Revaluation: $49.00; Solid Waste: $70,036.49; Tort: $1,510.56; Parks & Recreation: $284.77; Justice Fund: $20,840.34; Priest Lake Snowmobile: $651.65; East Bonner Snowmobile: $248.87; Waterways: $1,773.95; Grants: $8,963.12; Auditors Trust: $23.90; Demands: $168,711.56; Totaling $426,354.22. Approved payment of the FY22 EMS Claims in Batch #4 Totaling $43,164.80. ASSESSOR Approved the lease between Bonner County DMV and Canon Solutions America, Inc for new 60 month lease for $142.00 per month. ELECTIONS Approved Resolution #2021-118 that allows the Elections Office to dispose of the election records listed on "Exhibit A". ROAD & BRIDGE Supported the FY2023 Local Rural Highway Investment Program grant application for the amount on $100,000 towards reconstruction of Garfield Bay Rd and authorize the Road & Bridge Department to move forward with the grant submittal to the Local Highway Technical Assistance Council. PLANNING Amended the agreement to "pay up to $10,000" and hold regular check-ins to evaluate progress and payment. Approved the amended agreement for professional services with Josh Pilch for consulting services pertaining to Whiskey Jack second ingress/egress, to completion of project, or until either the county or the contractor terminate the contract with a 30-day notice. At 9:34 a.m. the meeting was recessed. At 9:44 a.m. the meeting was reconvened. EXECUTIVE SESSION At a.m. Commissioner Connolly made a motion to go into Executive Session under Idaho Code § 74-206 (1) (A) Hiring. Commissioner Bradshaw seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Commissioner McDonald - aye. Commissioner Connolly - aye. Commissioner Bradshaw - aye. All in favor. The motion passed. The meeting was reconvened at 9:52 a.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION At a.m. Commissioner Bradshaw made a motion to go into Executive Session under Idaho Code § 74-206 (1) (A) Hiring. Commissioner Connolly seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Commissioner McDonald - aye. Commissioner Connolly - aye. Commissioner Bradshaw - aye. All in favor. The motion passed. Commissioner McDonald adjourned the meeting at 9:52 a.m. The following is a summary of the Board of County Commissioners Special Meetings, (including Tax Cancellations, Assistance Meetings/Admin and other) Executive Sessions, Emergency Meetings and Hearings held during the week of November 23, 2021 - November 29, 2021 Copies of the complete meeting minutes are available upon request. SPECIAL MEETINGS & EXECUTIVE SESSIONS On Thursday, November 24, 2021 an Executive Session was held pursuant to Idaho Code §74-204 (2) and Idaho Code § 74-206 (1) (D) Records Exempt. On Thursday, November 24, 2021 a Planning Hearing was held pursuant to Idaho Code §74-204 (2). Commissioner Connolly made a motion to continue this file to a date and time certain of December 8, 2021 at 1:30 p.m. at the request of the applicant. Commissioner McDonald stepped down from the Chair and seconded the motion. All in favor. The motion passed. Commissioner Connolly made a motion to APPROVE this project, FILE AM0009-21, requesting a comprehensive plan map amendment for the subject properties from Remote Ag/Forest and Resort Community to Resort Community for the split-designated parcels indicated in this file, finding that it is in accord with the general and specific objectives of the Bonner County Comprehensive Plan and Bonner County Revised Code as enumerated in the following conclusions of law, and based upon the evidence submitted up to the time the Staff Report was prepared and testimony received at this hearing. I further move to recommend adopting the findings of fact and conclusions of law as set forth in the Staff Report and direct planning staff to draft written findings and conclusions to reflect this motion and transmit to all interested parties. This action does not result in a taking of private property. Commissioner Bradshaw seconded the motion. All in favor. The motion passed. Commissioner Bradshaw made a motion to approve resolution #2021-117 amending the Bonner County Projected Land Use Map. Commissioner Connolly seconded the emotion. All in favor. The motion passed. Commissioner Connolly made a motion to approve this project, FILE ZC0017-21, requesting a Zone Change from Forest-40 and Recreation to Recreation correcting the split-zone for the lots indicated in this file, finding that it is in accord with the general and specific objectives of the Bonner County Comprehensive Plan and Bonner County Revised Code as enumerated in the following conclusions of law, and based upon the evidence submitted up to the time the Staff Report was prepared and testimony received at this hearing. I further move to recommend adopting the findings of fact and conclusions of law as set forth in the Staff Report and direct planning staff to draft written findings and conclusions to reflect this motion and transmit to all interested parties. This action does not result in a taking of private property. Commissioner Bradshaw seconded the motion. All in favor. The motion passed. Commissioner Connolly made a motion to approve an Ordinance of Bonner County, Idaho, the number to be assigned, citing its authority, and providing for the amendment of the Official Zoning Map of Bonner County by the reclassification of lands located in Section 1, Township 54 North, Range 6 West, Boise Meridian, Bonner County, Idaho from Agricultural/Forestry 20 to Rural-5, and providing for an effective date. I further move to authorize the Chair to sign the official supplementary zoning map upon publication of the ordinance. Commissioner Bradshaw seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Commissioner McDonald - Aye. Commissioner Connolly - Aye. Commissioner Bradshaw - Aye. The motion passed. Commissioner Bradshaw made a motion to approve this project FILE MOD0006-21 requesting to modify the Spires Planned Unit Development to change the PUD condition A-7 private road standards for File C892-07, finding that it is in accord with the general and specific objectives of the Bonner County Comprehensive Plan and Bonner County Revised Code as enumerated in the following conclusions of law, and based upon the evidence submitted up to the time the Staff Report was prepared and testimony received at this hearing. I further move to adopt the findings of fact and conclusions of law as set forth in the Staff Report and direct the Planning Director to transmit this decision to all interested parties. The action that could be taken to obtain the conditional use permit is to complete the Conditions of Approval as adopted. This action does not result in a taking of private property. Commissioner Connolly seconded the motion. All in favor. The motion passed. SNP LEGAL 1156 AD#508951 JANUARY 18, 2022

MINUTES FOR THE BONNER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS' MEETING December 7, 2021 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Approved and signed the Contract for Hazardous Fuels Treatment between Bonner County and 7B Forestry Mulching for project work on the BONFire program funded by an Idaho Department of Lands Grant with no County match. RECREATION Approved the Bonner County Groomers Association FY2022 Annual operating plan agreement between Bonner County, State of Idaho, and the US Forest Service. AIRPORT enter into this lease amendment agreement for Lot 34 at Sandpoint Airport and that the Chairman sign administratively. Commissioner McDonald stepped down from the Chair and seconded the motion. All in favor. The motion passed. At 9:46 a.m. the meeting was recessed. At 9:58 a.m. the meeting was reconvened. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 9:58 a.m. Commissioner Connolly made a motion to go into Executive Session under Idaho Code § 74-206 (1) (A) Hiring. Commissioner McDonald stepped down from the Chair and seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Commissioner McDonald - aye. Commissioner Connolly - aye. All in favor. The motion passed. The meeting was reconvened at 10:12 a.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 10:12 a.m. Commissioner Connolly made a motion to go into Executive Session under Idaho Code § 74-206 (1) (D) Records Exempt. Commissioner McDonald stepped down from the Chair and seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Commissioner McDonald - aye. Commissioner Connolly - aye. All in favor. The motion passed. The meeting was reconvened at 10:16 a.m. Commissioner Connolly made a motion to approve, sign and pay the attached quote totaling $10,500.00 to extend County internet services for another year. Commissioner McDonald stepped down from the Chair and seconded the motion. All in favor. The motion passed. Commissioner McDonald adjourned the meeting at 10:17 a.m. The following is a summary of the Board of County Commissioners Special Meetings, (including Tax Cancellations, Assistance Meetings/Admin and other) Executive Sessions, Emergency Meetings and Hearings held during the week of November 30, 2021 - December 6, 2021 Copies of the complete meeting minutes are available upon request. TAX CANCELLATIONS On Wednesday, December 1, 2021 Tax Cancellations were held pursuant to Idaho Code §74-204 (2). The Following Files were Denied: RPS00000100661A; Approved: MH54N05W238240A, RP57N01E150170A, RP57N03W244650A, RPR00000245190A, MHR00000245190A, MH00425002005LA, RP059510040010A, MH58N01W02540AA. SPECIAL MEETINGS On Thursday, December 2, 2021 a ZenCity Demo was held pursuant to Idaho Code §74-204 (2). On Monday, December 6, 2021 a Department Head Meeting was held pursuant to Idaho Code §74-204 (2). SNP LEGAL 1157 AD#580960 JANUARY 18, 2022

MINUTES FOR THE BONNER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS' MEETING December 14, 2021 CLERK Approved payment of the FY22 Claims and Demands in Batch #5 Totaling $1,495,589.05. Approved payment of the FY22 EMS Claims in Batch #5 Totaling $26,915.77. FAIR Approved and signed the Commitment Letter for Columbia Bank for the purchase of one new Kubota Tractor MS-091HDC12-1, VIN KBUM4DDCHL8L57117 in the amount of $65,801. This Tractor will be 100% paid for out of the Fairgrounds account. The Fairgrounds will pay $21,933 at closing, and the Fairgrounds will finance the remaining $43,868. Approved and signed the Lease agreement with Columbia Bank for the purchase of one new Kubota Tractor MS-091HDC12-1, VIN KBUM4DDCHL8L57117 in the amount of $65,801. This Tractor will be 100% paid for out of the Fairgrounds account. The Fairgrounds will pay $21,933 at closing, and the Fairgrounds will finance the remaining $45,827.58. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Accepted the Idaho Office of Emergency Management 2021 Emergency Management Performance Grant Award # 21EMPG017 in the amount of $32,621.96 with a county match of $32,621.96 and allow the Chairman to sign. Approved Resolution #2021-119 authorizing the Director of Emergency Management to manage, prepare, sign and submit reports for 2021 Emergency Management Performance Grant Award # 21EMPG017 in the amount of $32,621.96 with a county match of $32,621.96. SHERIFF Approved the lease between Bonner County Sheriff's Office and Canon Solutions America Inc. for 60 months and sign the contract administratively. Approved the lease between Bonner County Jail and Canon Solutions America Inc, for 60 months and sign the contract administratively. JUSTICE SERVICES Approved the Juvenile Justice 20/21 Annual Financial Report for Bonner County to the Idaho Department of Juvenile Corrections as prepared by the Bonner County Auditor's Department. Approved the Bonner County Justice Services Juvenile Justice 20/21 Annual Report to the Idaho Department of Juvenile Corrections as prepared by Justice Services. PROSECUTOR Approved Resolution #2021-120 attached to this memo opening the budget and distributing donations to VAST as discussed. BOCC Approved the appointment of the two fire commissioners, Guy Lothian to Westside Subdistrict 1 and Cindy Marx to Westside Subdistrict 2. Approved the appointment of two fire commissioners, Jim Woodward & Tom Trulock, to the Sagle Fire District, Subdistricts One & Five. At 9:47 a.m. the meeting was recessed. At 9:53 a.m. the meeting was reconvened. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 9:53 a.m. Commissioner Bradshaw made a motion to go into Executive Session under Idaho Code § 74-206 (1) (A) Hiring. Commissioner McDonald stepped down from the Chair and seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Commissioner McDonald - aye. Commissioner Connolly - aye. Commissioner Bradshaw - Aye. All in favor. The motion passed. The meeting was reconvened at 9:58 a.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 9:58 a.m. Commissioner Bradshaw made a motion to go into Executive Session under Idaho Code § 74-206 (1) (B) Personnel. Commissioner Connolly seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Commissioner McDonald - aye. Commissioner Connolly - aye. Commissioner Bradshaw - Aye. All in favor. The motion passed. The meeting was reconvened at 10:01 a.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 10:01 a.m. Commissioner Connolly made a motion to go into Executive Session under Idaho Code § 74-206 (1) (D) Records Exempt. Commissioner Bradshaw seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Commissioner McDonald - aye. Commissioner Connolly - aye. Commissioner Bradshaw - aye. All in favor. The motion passed. The meeting was reconvened at 10:05 a.m. Commissioner Bradshaw made a motion to approve the contract with 1099 fire. Commissioner McDonald stepped down from the Chair and seconded the motion. All in favor. The motion passed. Commissioner McDonald adjourned the meeting at 10:07 a.m. _____________ The following is a summary of the Board of County Commissioners Special Meetings, (including Tax Cancellations, Assistance Meetings/Admin and other) Executive Sessions, Emergency Meetings and Hearings held during the week of December 7, 2021 - December 13, 2021 Copies of the complete meeting minutes are available upon request. SPECIAL MEETINGS On Wednesday, December 8, 2021 a Tax Deed Auction was held pursuant to Idaho Code §74-204 (2). On Wednesday, December 8, 2021 a Planning Hearing was held pursuant to Idaho Code §74-204 (2). Commissioner Connolly made a motion to approve project FILE ZC0034-21, zone change from Agricultural/Forestry 20-acre to Agricultural/Forestry 10-acre, finding that it is in accord with the Bonner County Comprehensive Plan and the Bonner County Revised Code as enumerated in the following conclusions of law, and based upon the evidence submitted up to the time the Staff Report was prepared, and testimony received at this hearing. I further move to adopt the findings of fact and conclusions of law as set forth in the Staff Report (or as amended during this hearing) and direct planning staff to draft written findings and conclusions to reflect this motion and transmit to all interested parties. The decision is based upon the evidence submitted up to the time the Staff Report was prepared and testimony received at this hearing. This action does not result in a taking of private property. Commissioner McDonald stepped down from the Chair and seconded the motion. All in favor. The motion passed. Commissioner Connolly made a motion to approve an Ordinance of Bonner County, Idaho, the number to be assigned, citing its authority, and providing for the amendment of the Official Zoning Map of Bonner County by the reclassification of lands located in Section 17, Township 57 North, Range 5 West Boise Meridian, Bonner County, Idaho Agricultural/Forestry 20-acre to Agricultural/Forestry 10-acre, and providing for an effective date. I further move to authorize the Chair to sign the official supplementary zoning map upon publication of the ordinance. Commissioner seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Commissioner McDonald - Aye. Commissioner Connolly - Aye. The motion passed. Commissioner Connolly made a motion to approve project FILE ZC0035-21, requesting a Zone Change from R-10 to R-5 on 19.55 acres of unplatted land, located off Blue Sky Road in Section 30, Township 56 North, Range 2 West, Boise Meridian, Idaho, finding that it is in accord with the general and specific objectives of the Bonner County Comprehensive Plan and Bonner County Revised Code as enumerated in the following conclusions of law, and based upon the evidence submitted up to the time the Staff Report was prepared and testimony received at this hearing. I further move to adopt the findings of fact and conclusions of law as set forth in the Staff Report (or as amended during this hearing) and direct planning staff to draft written findings and conclusions to reflect this motion and transmit to all interested parties. This action does not result in a taking of private property. Commissioner McDonald stepped down from the chair and seconded the motion. All in favor. The motion passed. Commissioner Connolly made a motion to approve an Ordinance of Bonner County, Idaho, the number to be assigned, citing its authority, and providing for the amendment of the Official Zoning Map of Bonner County by the reclassification of lands located in Section 30, Township 56 North, Range 2 West, Boise Meridian, Bonner County, Idaho Rural-10 to Rural-5, and providing for an effective date. I further move to authorize the Chair to sign the official supplementary zoning map upon publication of the ordinance. Commissioner McDonald stepped down from the Chair and seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Commissioner McDonald - Aye. Commissioner Connolly - Aye. Commissioner Bradshaw - Aye. All in favor. The motion passed. Commissioner Connolly made a motion to approve this petition, FILE #VS0009-21, to vacate a portion of North Thama Road, finding that it is in accord with Idaho Code as enumerated in the foregoing conclusions of law, and based upon the evidence submitted up to the time the Staff Report was prepared and testimony received at this hearing. I further move to adopt the findings of fact and conclusions of law as amended in the Staff Report and direct planning staff to draft written findings and conclusions, have the Chair sign and record, to reflect this motion and transmit to all interested parties. The action that could be taken to obtain the vacation is to complete the Conditions of Approval as adopted. This action does not result in a taking of private property. Commissioner McDonald stepped down from the Chair and seconded the motion. All in favor. The motion passed. On Thursday, December 9, 2021 a Planning Hearing was held pursuant to Idaho Code §74-204 (2). Commissioner Bradshaw made a motion to approve project FILE SS0003-21, requesting replatting of Lot 1 of Whiskey Jack Estates subdivision (per Instrument No. 963556) for creation of 10 lots on a property zoned Recreation. The existing lot contains approximately 4.24 acres of land and is located in Section 7, Township 57 North, Range 1 West, Boise Meridian, Bonner County, Idaho, finding that it is in accord with the general and specific objectives of the Bonner County Comprehensive Plan and Bonner County Revised Code as enumerated in the following conclusions of law, and based upon the evidence submitted up to the time the Staff Report was prepared and testimony received at this hearing. I further move to adopt the findings of fact and conclusions of law as set forth in the Staff Report and direct planning staff to draft written findings and conclusions to reflect this motion and transmit to all interested parties. This action does not result in a taking of private property. Commissioner Connolly seconded the motion. All in favor. The motion passed. Commissioner Connolly made a motion to approve project FILE SS0004-21, requesting replatting of Lot 2 of Whiskey Jack Estates subdivision (per Instrument No. 963556) for creation of 10 lots on a property zoned Recreation. The existing lot contains approximately 5.26 acres of land and is located in Section 7, Township 57 North, Range 1 West, Boise Meridian, Bonner County, Idaho, finding that it is in accord with the general and specific objectives of the Bonner County Comprehensive Plan and Bonner County Revised Code as enumerated in the following staff conclusions of law, and based upon the evidence submitted up to the time the Staff Report was prepared and testimony received at this hearing. I further move to adopt the findings of fact and conclusions of law as set forth in the Staff Report and direct planning staff to draft written findings and conclusions to reflect this motion and transmit to all interested parties. This action does not result in a taking of private property. Commissioner Bradshaw seconded the motion. All in favor. The motion passed. On Friday, December 10, 2021 a City County Planning Meeting was held pursuant to Idaho Code §74-204 (2). SNP LEGAL 1158 AD#508967 JANUARY 18, 2022

MINUTES FOR THE BONNER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS' MEETING December 28, 2021 CLERK Approved payment of the FY22 Claims and Demands in Batch #6; General Fund: $37,291.33; Road & Bridge: $84,745.64; Airport: $2,447.66; Elections: $125.00; Drug Court: $342.76; District Court: $1,278.98; 911 Fund: $1,840.24; Junior College Tuition: $3,450.00; Revaluation: $839.53; Solid Waste: $12,230.11; Tort: $49,296.00; Weeds: $58.87; Parks & Recreation: $196.13; Justice Fund: $73,589.12; East Bonner Snowmobile: $299.45; Waterways: $1,370.02; Grants: $24,307.13; Self Insured Medical: $108.75; Auditors Trust: $236.48; Demands: $173,979.10; Totaling $468,032.30. Approved payment of the FY22 EMS Claims in Batch #6 Totaling $222,510.44. SOLID WASTE Authorized the Bonner County Solid Waste Department to allow Columbia Bank to draft final terms for an interim loan to be used for engineering and construction costs for the Solid Waste Improvements Project. PLANNING Approved the Intergovernmental Agreement between the County and Northside Fire District for the collection and expenditure of development impact fees until either the county or Northside Fire District terminate the agreement. AIRPORT Did NOT ACCEPT the grant offer in the amount of $22,000 for the Priest River Airport and $32,000 for the Sandpoint Airport. ROAD & BRIDGE Approved the FY2021 Annual Road and Street Financial Report and have the Board certify and sign the report administratively. BOCC Approved the Order of Annexation of six (6) parcels of property, located in Bonner County, Idaho into the Sagle Fire District. Approved the Order of Annexation of 14 parcels of property located in Bonner County, Idaho into the Westside Fire District. At 9:41 a.m. the meeting was recessed. At 9:53 a.m. the meeting was reconvened. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 9:53 a.m. Commissioner Bradshaw made a motion to go into Executive Session under Idaho Code § 74-206 (1) (A) Hiring. Commissioner Connolly seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Commissioner McDonald - aye. Commissioner Connolly - aye. Commissioner Bradshaw - Aye. All in favor. The motion passed. The meeting was reconvened at 9:56 a.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 9:56 a.m. Commissioner Connolly made a motion to go into Executive Session under Idaho Code § 74-206 (1) (F) Litigation. Commissioner Connolly seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Commissioner McDonald - aye. Commissioner Connolly - aye. Commissioner Bradshaw - Aye. All in favor. The motion passed. The meeting was reconvened at 10:13 a.m. Commissioner Bradshaw made a motion to approve that Commissioner Connolly have settlement authority in the Cox matter for the yet to be scheduled Settlement Conference. Commissioner Connolly seconded the motion. All in favor. The motion passed. Commissioner McDonald adjourned the meeting at 10:13 a.m. The following is a summary of the Board of County Commissioners Special Meetings, (including Tax Cancellations, Assistance Meetings/Admin and other) Executive Sessions, Emergency Meetings and Hearings held during the week of December 21, 2021 - December 27, 2021 Copies of the complete meeting minutes are available upon request. ASSISTANCE On Wednesday, December 22, 2021 Assistance was held pursuant to Idaho Code §74-204 (2). The Following Files were Denied: 2022-003 & 2022-004. SNP LEGAL 1160 AD#508982 JANUARY 18, 2022

ORDINANCE NO. 654 AMENDMENT TO BCRC TITLE 11 (BUILDING REGULATIONS) An Ordinance of Bonner County, Idaho, setting forth its authority; amending Title 11 Sections 110 of the Bonner County Revised Code, as stated below: Whereas, the Bonner County Board of Commissioners has established a building location permit process in the unincorporated areas of Bonner County; and Whereas, the Board of Commissioners wishes to make certain revisions to Title 11 (Building Regulations), Bonner County Revised Code (BCRC) to amend the processes; and Whereas, the Bonner County Board of County Commissioners did consider the proposed amendments to Title 11 at a regularly scheduled meeting on January 5, 2022, in order to receive public comment on said ordinance changes and did approve the changes. Now, therefore be it ordained by the Board of County Commissioners of Bonner County, Idaho that the following be and is hereby adopted as an ordinance of Bonner County: Section 1: Authority This Ordinance is adopted pursuant to the authority granted at Chapter 7, Title 31, Chapter 8, Title 31, Idaho Code, and Article XII, Section 2 of the Idaho Constitution, as amended or subsequently codified. Section 2: Amending Sections 110 of Title 11, Bonner County Revised Code, by providing for the following: 11-110: AGENCY AUTHORIZATIONS: A. No building location permit shall be issued for the construction, placement, installation, enlargement or extension of any building, residence, or structure unless approval has first been obtained from the agency having jurisdiction over the access serving the subject site. Where access is from a private road, confirmation shall be provided that the travel way is not within the jurisdiction of the public. B. No building location permit shall be issued for the construction, placement, installation, enlargement or extension of any commercial, residential, industrial or public building or structure, or multi-family residence, unless approval has first been obtained from the applicable fire district and the applicable sewer district, Panhandle Health not included. C. Where the designated authority of a fire district has explicitly waived the need for residential fire safety review, in writing and on record with the Bonner County Planning Department, the residential fire safety requirements on a plat need not be satisfied. (Ord. 554, 6-21-2016; and. Ord. 640, 9- -2021) Section 3: Severability The provisions of this Ordinance are hereby declared to be individually severable. Should any provision of this ordinance be declared invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such declaration shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. Section 4: Effective Date This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication in one (1) issue of the Bonner County Daily Bee Newspaper. Regularly considered, passed and approved as an ordinance of Bonner County, Idaho, done this 5th day of January 2022 upon the following vote: Chairman Dan McDonald: AYE Commissioner Jeff Connolly: AYE Commissioner Steve Bradshaw: AYE BONNER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS /S/ Dan McDonald, Chairman /S/ Jeff Connolly, Commissioner /S/ Steve Bradshaw, Commissioner ATTEST: Michael W Rosedale Clerk /s/ Claire May By Deputy Clerk: Date January 5, 2022 Legal Review:/s/ B. Wilson SNP LEGAL 1161 AD#508998 JANUARY 18, 2022

Ordinance No. 655 Title 12, Land Use Regulations, Amendment Sections 122, 123, & 124 Bonner County Revised Code An Ordinance of Bonner County, Idaho, setting forth its authority; amending Bonner County Revised Code Title 12 (Land Use Regulations), to make the following changes to Sections 122, 123, & 124; providing for severability and providing for an effective date. Whereas, Idaho Code, Title 67, Chapter 65, provides for the adoption of land use standards for the purposes of protecting property rights and enhancing property values, together with the purposes of promoting the health, safety, and general welfare of the people; and Whereas, Idaho Code, Title 67, Chapter 65, Section 6518 authorizes governing boards to adopt standards for public and private development; and Whereas, Bonner County Commissioners have adopted a comprehensive plan to guide development within the unincorporated areas of Bonner County; and Whereas, the Bonner County Board of County Commissioners did hold a public hearing January 12, 2022, and did find the proposed amendment to the land use codes in accord with the Bonner County Comprehensive Plan and Idaho Code. Now, therefore be it ordained by the Board of County Commissioners of Bonner County, Idaho that the following be and is hereby adopted as an ordinance of Bonner County creating both a Planning Commission and a Zoning Commission to take the place of the current Planning and Zoning Commission effective March 30, 2022. Section 1: Authority This Ordinance is adopted pursuant to the authority granted at Title 67, Chapter 65, Idaho Code, and pursuant to the procedural requirements contained at Section 67-6509 and Section 67-6511, Idaho Code. Section 2: Amending Bonner County Revised Code Title 12, the following sections: 12-122, 12-123, and 12-124 of Title 12 of the Bonner County Revised Code, sections are hereby amended to read as follows: BCRC 12-122 PLANNING COMMISSION: A. Establishment: The Bonner County Planning Commission is hereby established as provided for by Idaho Code section 67-6504. This commission shall be composed of seven (7) members assigned to positions A through G. B. Organization: The Planning Commission shall elect a Chairman and Vice Chairman. This commission shall abide by the provisions of this title, the Local Land Use Planning Act, and shall also adopt bylaws as required. C. Terms of Office: Positions A, B, and C shall first expire September 30, 2025, and then every three (3) years thereafter. Positions D and E shall expire September 30, 2024, and every three (3) years thereafter. Positions F and G shall expire September 30, 2023, and every three (3) years thereafter. Appointment to complete the term of a vacated position or appointment to a new term shall be done by motion and order of the Board of Bonner County Commissioners. D. Jurisdiction: The Planning Commission shall be responsible for recommending amendments of the Bonner County Comprehensive Plan and land use ordinances to the Board of Bonner County Commissioners. The Planning Commission shall not consider amendments which are deemed to be quasi-judicial proceedings. BCRC 12-123 ZONING COMMISSION: A. Establishment: The Bonner County Zoning Commission is hereby established as provided for by Idaho Code section 67-6504. This commission shall be composed of five (5) members assigned to positions A through E. B. Organization: The Zoning Commission shall elect a Chairman and Vice Chairman. This commission shall abide by the provisions of this title, the Local Land Use Planning Act, and shall also adopt bylaws as required. C. Terms of Office: Position A shall first expire September 30, 2023, and then every three (3) years thereafter. Positions B and C shall expire September 30, 2024, and every three (3) years thereafter. Positions D and E shall expire September 30, 2025, and every three (3) years thereafter. Appointment to complete the term of a vacated position or appointment to a new term shall be done by motion and order of the Board of Bonner County Commissioners. D. Jurisdiction: The Zoning Commission shall be responsible for holding quasi-judicial hearings required by this title and Idaho Code for applicant initiated land use requests. When requested by staff, by a majority of the Zoning Commission members, or by the Board of Bonner County Commissioners, the Zoning Commission or Board of Bonner County Commissioners may appoint a hearings examiner in accordance with Idaho Code section 67-6520 upon approval by the Board of Bonner County Commissioners. BCRC 12-124: Repealed SECTION 3: SEVERABILITY The provisions of this Ordinance are hereby declared to be individually severable. Should any provision of this ordinance be declared invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such declaration shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. SECTION 4: EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication of the ordinance or ordinance summary in one (1) issue of the Bonner County Daily Bee Newspaper. Regularly considered, passed and approved as an ordinance of Bonner County, Idaho, done this 12th day of January 2022, upon the following roll call vote: Chairman Dan McDonald: AYE Commissioner Jeff Connolly: AYE Commissioner Steve Bradshaw: AYE BONNER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS /S/ Dan McDonald, Chairman /S/ Jeff Connolly, Commissioner /S/ Steve Bradshaw, Commissioner ATTEST: Michael W Rosedale Clerk /s/ Jessi Webster By Deputy Clerk: Date January 12, 2022 Legal: /s/ B. Wilson SNP LEGAL 1162 AD#508999 JANUARY 18, 2022

ORDINANCE NO. 657____ HUNTER ZONE CHANGE FILE NO. ZC0032-21 AN ORDINANCE OF BONNER COUNTY, IDAHO, CITING ITS AUTHORITY, AND PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF BONNER COUNTY BY THE RECLASSIFICATION OF LANDS GENERALLY LOCATED IN SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 54 NORTH, RANGE 5 WEST FROM RURAL-10 TO RURAL-5, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Whereas, the Bonner County Planning and Zoning Commission did hold a public hearing on December 2, 2021 on the File ZC0032-21 request for a change in zoning designation according to the requirements for such hearings set forth at Section 67-6509, Idaho Code, and at Title 12, Bonner County Revised Code; and Whereas, the Bonner County Planning and Zoning Commission did find that the zone change request File ZC0032-21 is in accordance with the Bonner County Comprehensive Plan and did recommend to the Board of County Commissioners that the zone change request be approved; and Whereas, the Board of County Commissioners did hold a public hearing on January 12, 2022 on the File ZC0032-21 request for a change in zoning designation according to requirements of such hearings set forth at Section 67-6509, Idaho Code and at Title 12 of the Bonner County Revised Code; and Whereas, the Board of County Commissioners did find that the zone change request File ZC0032-21 is in accordance with the Bonner County Comprehensive Plan; Now, Therefore Be It Ordained, by the Board of County Commissioners that the following be and is hereby adopted as an ordinance of Bonner County, Idaho: Section 1: Authority This ordinance is adopted pursuant to authority granted to Bonner County at Chapter 65 of Title 67, Idaho Code. Section 2: Amending the Official Zoning Map The Official Zoning Map of Bonner County, Idaho is hereby amended by the reclassification of the following described lands from Rural-10 to Rural-5: THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 54 NORTH, RANGE 5 WEST, BOISE MERIDIAN, BONNER COUNTY, IDAHO. Also described as Parcel #RP54N05W170002A Section 3: Effective Date This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage, approval, and publication in one (1) issue of the Bonner County Daily Bee Newspaper, and upon the entry of the above-described zoning reclassification upon the Official Zoning Map or a Supplemental Zoning Map in accordance with the provisions set forth at Chapter 4 of Title 12 of the Bonner County Revised Code. Regularly considered, passed, and approved as an ordinance of Bonner County, Idaho, done this 12th day of January 2022, upon the following roll call vote: Chairman Dan McDonald: AYE Commissioner Jeff Connolly: AYE Commissioner Steve Bradshaw: AYE BONNER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS /S/ Dan McDonald, Chairman /S/ Jeff Connolly, Commissioner_ /S/ Steve Bradshaw, Commissioner ATTEST: Michael W Rosedale, Clerk /S/ Jessi Webster By Clerk Date January 12, 2022 Legal: /s/ B. Wilson LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR DAVID J. HUNTER PARCEL CORPORATION DEED INSTRUMENT NO. 583381 THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 17. TOWNSHIP 54 NORTH, RANGE 5 WEST, BOISE MERIDIAN, BONNER COUNTY, IDAHO. SNP LEGAL 1164 AD#509040 JANUARY 18, 2022

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Bonner County Commissioners will hold a public hearing at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, February 16, 2022, in the 1st Floor Conference Room of the Bonner County Administration Building, 1500 Highway 2, Sandpoint, Idaho, by Zoom teleconference, and YouTube Livestream to consider the following request: File VS0002-21 - Title 40 Road Vacation - Right of Way -Green Enterprises, Inc. is requesting the vacation of approximately 2,550 ft (2.93 acres) of the Camp Bay Road right-of-way from the north boundary of the Petitioner's Parcel No. R56N01E184800A, to the terminus of the road at the high-water mark of Lake Pend Oreille, in Parcel No. R56N01E187801A. If approved, the vacated right-of-way will be replaced with private roadway access and utility easements to serve the Petitioner's property as well as the properties located on South Camp Bay Road beyond the Petitioner's property (collectively the "South Camp Bay Properties"). The property is zoned Rural-10. The project is located off Camp Bay Road in Section 18, Township 56 North, Range 1 East, Boise-Meridian. This hearing has been ordered by the Bonner County District Court on remand from an appeal of a previous approval by the Bonner County Commissioners with instructions to hear additional evidence related to the application. If interested in participating, please visit our website for details at: Any person needing special accommodations to participate in the public hearing should contact the Bonner County Planning Department at (208) 265-1458 at least 48 hours before the hearing. ** Written statements must be submitted to the planning department record no later than seven (7) days prior to the public hearing. Written statements not exceeding one standard letter sized, single spaced page may be submitted at the public hearing. Comments can be sent to the Bonner County Planning Department at 1500 Highway 2, Suite 208, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864; faxed to (866) 537-4935 or e-mailed to planning@bonnercountyid.govAdditional information is available at the planning department. Staff reports are available at the planning department or may be viewed at 7 days prior to the scheduled hearing. Any affected person as defined by Idaho Code, Title 67, Chapter 65, may present an appeal to the Board of County Commissions from any final decision by the Bonner County Planning and Zoning Commission. (Bonner County Revised Code, Section 12-262) SNP LEGAL 1134 AD#507483 JANUARY 11, 18, 25, 2022

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Bonner County Planning and Zoning Commission will hold public hearings beginning at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 17, 2022 in the 1st Floor Conference Room of the Bonner County Administration Building, 1500 Highway 2, Sandpoint, Idaho, by Zoom teleconference, and YouTube Livestream to consider the following requests: File AM0021-21 Text Amendment - Bonner County Revised Code Title 12-210, 12-211, and 12-216 - Keep Bonner County Rural is requesting a Text Amendment to Title 12, including the following summary of proposed changes: adding language to BCRC 12-210 & 12-211 amending the process for changing or amending the Bonner County Comprehensive Plan; including zoning text, Comprehensive Plan text, and zoning and land use maps. Adding language to BCRC 12-216 amending the process for evaluating amendment proposals to the Bonner County Comprehensive Plan; including zoning text, Comprehensive Plan text, and zoning and land use maps. To review the proposed Text Amendment in its entirety, visit File V0024-21 - Variance -Street Setback - Harold and Linda Lambert are requesting a reduced street setback of 10 feet where 25 feet is required to build a detached garage on 1.26 acres. The property is zoned Rural 10. The project is located off Sagle Road in Section 17, Township 56 North, Range 1 West, Boise-Meridian. If interested in participating, please visit our website for details at: Any person needing special accommodations to participate in the public hearing should contact the Bonner County Planning Department at (208) 265-1458 at least 48 hours before the hearing. ** Written statements must be submitted to the planning department record no later than seven (7) days prior to the public hearing. Written statements not exceeding one standard letter sized, single spaced page may be submitted at the public hearing. Comments can be sent to the Bonner County Planning Department at 1500 Highway 2, Suite 208, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864; faxed to (866) 537-4935 or e-mailed to planning@bonnercountyid.govAdditional information is available at the planning department. Staff reports are available at the planning department or may be viewed at 7 days prior to the scheduled hearing. Any affected person as defined by Idaho Code, Title 67, Chapter 65, may present an appeal to the Board of County Commissions from any final decision by the Bonner County Planning and Zoning Commission. (Bonner County Revised Code, Section 12-262) SNP LEGAL 1149 AD#508703 JANUARY 18, 2022

NOTICE TO CREDITORS (I.C. §15-3-801) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BONNER MAGISTRATE DIVISION In the Matter of the Estate of BRADY LEE HULQUIST, dod: 12-20-2019, Deceased CASE NO. CV09-21-1649 Estate of BRADY LEE HULQUIST, Deceased. Probate No. CV09-21-1649 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Matthew Hulquist has been appointed as personal representative of the above-named decedent. All persons having claims against the decedent or his estate are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be presented to the undersigned at the address indicated or filed with the Clerk of the Court. /s/ Jeremy P. Featherston Attorney for Matthew Hulquist Personal Representative of the Estate of Brady Lee Hulquist c/o Featherston Law Firm, Chtd. 113 South Second Ave Sandpoint, ID 83864 LEGAL 1165/ AD 509091 JANUARY 18, 25, FEBRUARY 1, 2022


Legals for September, 18 2021
Bonner County Daily Bee | Updated 3 years, 4 months ago
Legals for June, 24 2021
Bonner County Daily Bee | Updated 3 years, 7 months ago
Legals for August, 21 2021
Bonner County Daily Bee | Updated 3 years, 5 months ago