Law roundup: Easy riders need to take it easy
Daily Inter-Lake | UPDATED 2 years, 6 months AGO
Two motorcyclists took matters into their own hands after allegedly getting cut off by a silver car in Somers. Officers with the Kalispell Police Department caught up with the pair on the east side of town after other motorists reported a pair of bikers with “road rage” who were throwing items, brake checking other drivers and challenging people to pull over on U.S. 93.
The duo acknowledged trading curses and gestures with the driver of the silver car and later confronting the driver at a stoplight. One pulled out his cell phone to record the exchange. Neither was otherwise armed.
A resident called police after a drone repeatedly crossed into his backyard’s airspace. He suspected it was surveilling his girlfriend as she sunbathed and wanted to know whether it was legal or not.
Police were called to check on a parked vehicle with the windows rolled up and a dog locked inside. Officers reported that the vehicle was running and the dog looked “very happy and healthy.”
Officers caught up with a woman accused of trying to steal deodorant from a store.
Authorities were alerted after a drunk man, who left a dog in his car, entered a bar looking for a drink. When the bar refused to serve him, he moved on. The individual who contacted police suspected he might have gone looking for another watering hole.
A tenant reported the theft of $2,000 from his basement apartment. The money went missing while he was at work and only the homeowners have access to his living space. They, however, denied any knowledge of the missing money.
Two men hassled a cyclist near the county courthouse, allegedly wondering aloud if his bike was stolen. The hassling soon turned into harassment, the cyclist told police.
A woman allegedly was so high huffing canned air she had sprayed herself in the face, reported the manager of a local business. The manger told police she was sitting on benches between a gas station and casino. But between the call and the arrival of officers, the woman disappeared.
Someone allegedly threatened a group of children with a knife after he accused them of shooting his car with a paintball gun. Later, authorities learned the man was armed with a knife, but had not actually threatened the children with the weapon.
A parks and rec employee came across a man hanging out in a restroom who refused to leave. The employee was hoping to clean the bathroom.
Police were called on a man hanging out with a pair of shopping carts between playing fields and a big box retailer. He refused to leave, according to the person who called dispatchers, and was now lying face down on the ground.
A passerby worried about a man sitting on the curb of a busy road “begging for money.” The caller thought it was a dangerous spot to be asking for cash.
Someone called police after her car was keyed in a parking lot.
A woman coming in late and mailing quite a few packages overnight left an employee of a postal annex concerned. They thought she might be the victim of fraud and contacted police.
A man with a gun strapped to his right hip left an area store with a full cart of groceries. An employee alerted authorities after seeing him drive off in a pickup truck.
Someone walked into a store, grabbed a virtual reality headset for a Sony PS4 and left without paying.