Bonner County History - July 21, 2022
Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 2 years, 6 months AGO
Brought to you by the
Bonner County Historical
Society and Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
North winds gusting at velocities as high as 50 mph struck the Lake Pend Oreille area Tuesday, bringing widespread damage and power outages. The storm hit in full force at noon, with high winds continuing through Tuesday night, accompanied by lightning and thunder but little rain. Trees were downed throughout the area and docks, piers and boathouses on Lake Pend Oreille and along the Pend Oreille River were damaged. Sandpoint was littered with fallen tree branches, ripped-off shingles and toppled TV antennas. The Sandpoint city beach swimming dock was torn loose from its moorings and smashed against pilings before being driven ashore by high winds. At the storm’s peak, waves on the lake resembled in size and impact those of the ocean when a gale is blowing.
Mrs. Sam Roos and her grandchildren were enjoying lunch Tuesday when they heard what sounded like a sonic boom. When they looked toward the living room, the top of a white pine tree had crashed through the roof and ceiling and landed over the fireplace, having broken loose when strong winds hit it. The Rooses are now proud owners of their built-in air freshener. Roos is caretaker of the Bonner County fairgrounds.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Felton and five teen-age children of Denver, Colo., are spending a two-week vacation camping on their property at Bottle Bay.
100 Years Ago
Pend d’Oreille Review
July 21, 1922 – WHY NOT SANDPOINT?
The St. Maries American legion post has completed a $35,000 war memorial building, the money raised by popular subscription and given to the veterans with a willing and generous spirit. The Sandpoint legion post is about to launch a campaign for funds for a similar building for which the post must raise $20,000. As a community asset, the building would be invaluable; as an adornment, its worth could not be estimated; and as a lasting tribute to those who served, the structure would stand for all time, an eloquent inspiration to the ideals with which our boys went off to war.
Thomas Wyatt, supervisor of the bathing beach and bathhouses, said this week that attendance of children at the morning play hours is much below what it should be. Play hours at the beach are from 9:30 until 11 o’clock and the games are personally supervised by Mrs. Wyatt who is trained in children’s playground work. From 11-11:30, swimming instruction is given under the direction of Mr. Wyatt. For the little ones of the city, this is a great opportunity, and parents are invited to send their children to the beach playground.
The fire department was called out on Lake street on Saturday by a grass fire burning near the city limits. The department was called to the long wagon bridge Monday by fire started atop the deck by a cigarette.
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