Othello park project likely delayed to 2023
Columbia Basin Herald | UPDATED 2 years, 7 months AGO
OTHELLO — Construction of a new playground and additional basketball courts in Othello’s Lions Park probably will be delayed until 2023.
Both projects are being funded through grants, and Othello Mayor Shawn Logan said finalizing the grant process is taking some time.
“There are so many stipulations with a grant like that,” Logan said.
The city received grants from the Land and Water Conservation Fund, the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Fund and the Youth Activity Facilities program totaling about $1.35 million for the project. The project was originally scheduled for construction in 2022. However, the project is subject to increases in materials and labor costs, and Logan said that will mean making some choices.
It’s important to ensure the project is done right, Logan said.
“There’s a lot to these public projects. You don’t want to get in a big hurry or you’ll make mistakes,” he said. “Take your time, think it through.”
Issues like increases in costs are things those managing the project must contend with, Logan said.
“That’s part of the details,” he said.
As a public project, it’s subject to specific work rules, and Logan said state officials may choose to allow the waiver of some of those rules or allocate additional funding. Another option is changing the proposed scope of the project to fit within the available funding.
The new playground, dubbed Lions Pride, will replace all the existing toys and add sections that focus on children of different ages, including an area for babies and toddlers. There will be toys for children with limited mobility, sight and hearing disabilities and special needs, Logan said in an earlier interview.
The basketball courts will be added to the two already in the park. Logan said he expects to work on the design of the basketball courts this summer. The goal is to combine both projects under one contractor, which Logan said he thought would save money. The projects can be completed separately if necessary though, he said.
“You have to adjust; you have to adapt; you have to overcome,” he said.
Cheryl Schweizer may be reached at cschweizer@columbiabasinherald.com.