Bonner County History - June 28, 2022
Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 2 years, 7 months AGO
Brought to you by the
Bonner County Historical
Society and Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
June 28, 1972 – IT’S HAYING TIME!
We Stock 3 Kinds of Twine. Priced by the Quantity You Buy. All Guaranteed to Satisfy. CO-OP GAS & SUPPLY CO., INC. 205 Fifth Ave., Sandpoint. (Note: in 2022, site of the Pie Hut and Marketplace Antiques).
Based on the desires of school patrons, the Bonner County School District Board voted Friday to continue operation of the Colburn school. Closure of the school had been recommended during redefinition of school attendance boundaries. Almost all families involved with the grade school were present at the meeting.
The area’s first “marriage-go-round” will be Thursday at the County Fairgrounds. Individuals and clubs will give demonstrations dealing with homemaking. Topics will include cake decorating by Ruby Lund, children’s toys by Mrs. Gracie Irons, children’s clothing by Mrs. Frances Poelstra, breadmaking by Emily Hart, candle making by Mrs. Florence Statzel, quilt tying by Hope’s Civic Club, butter-making by the dairy wives, macrame by Mrs. Dan Hannigan, making flowers by Mrs. Ruby Fredstrom and trousseau ideas by Oden Busybees.
The Kootenai Klover Klub recently brightened up the Bonner County fair grounds by planting 111 trees. Two 4-H leader groups, the Bonner Builders and the Priest River Promoters, planted lawn around the buildings.
100 Years Ago
Northern Idaho News
It is evident that the Fourth of July parade will be one of the biggest events of its kind ever pulled off in Sandpoint. Upwards of 40 floats are booked, while the Boy Scouts, school children, American Legion and the city band will all have a part. The parade will form at the corner of Cedar and Fourth streets at 10:30 sharp, H.C. Traue acting as marshal of the day. The line of march will end at the Central school grounds. People from surrounding towns are invited to enter floats and decorate their cars for participation in the parade. The prizes offered for the best prepared floats are: first, $40; second, $25; third, $15; comic, $10.
At a joint meeting of the Civic club and chamber of commerce park committees, plans were made for the bathing season at the beach. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wyatt, who have had special training in these lines, will have charge of the bathing beach this season, Mr. Wyatt looking after the bathing while Mrs. Wyatt will have supervision of the beach playground which it is proposed to open this season. The sidewalk leading from the mainland to the beach is being lengthened and negotiations are in progress for a 40x40 foot barge on which to erect diving towers and spring boards. The committee plans to hold several band concerts on a float at the beach. Refreshments will be sold at the bath houses. It is expected the water will have receded sufficiently to open the beach by July 4.
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