Pssst! Getting fit begins with that first step
NATALIE DREGER Contributing Writer | Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 3 years AGO
We are three months into the year, and you swore that this was the year to get into better shape.
This was absolutely the last time you were shopping for larger sizes of clothes. This was it. You were fed up with always feeling overweight, exhausted and completely out of control with your nutrition. This was the year to do it. You made that New Year’s resolution only to have it fall by the wayside last month.
Look, we all make New Year’s resolutions with the best of intentions. Unfortunately, it is up to “you” and only “you” to keep your resolution. Isn’t it wonderful to know, however, that you don’t have to let the calendar dictate when you make that resolution?
You could make a decision tomorrow to begin living a healthier lifestyle. You could make that decision this afternoon.
Why would you continue to wait? Do you think a heart attack is going to wait until the first of the year or when it is convenient for you?
Silly, isn't it, when you think about it like that. You are the only one who can make the change.
I personally went for a very long run after work last night and, I am here to tell you, the roads and sidewalks are free of snow and ice. So, stop whining, put a jacket on and get outside.
What is your excuse this time? I’m sure you have used all the excuses that you can think of.
Let me tell you a tiny little secret: It is easier to just start than it is to try to think of yet another reason why you shouldn’t start.
Just take that first step. The straight truth is that getting healthy is that easy — just taking that one step.
Have you ever wondered why your motivation toward living a healthier lifestyle is easily halted by the slightest setback? Some folks are focused on immediate gratification and I have witnessed this in my business more often than I care to admit.
But that doesn't mean that obtaining a healthier lifestyle is very complicated or come packed with expensive pills and potions. It's really very simple — and begins with that first step.
Isn’t it refreshing to know that you can obtain the physique that you’ve always wanted without buying fancy exercise clothes, without going to an exercise club and without feeling as if you are losing your mind trying to figure it all out. It isn’t really that hard. The most difficult part of the entire process is starting.
So I would suggest you get the hardest part out of the way first and just start moving. Take that first step.
You will begin noticing results in the way you look and the way you feel which will keep that motivation to continue on your path of healthy living alive within you.
Natalie Dreger is a certified fitness professional and can be reached at