Bonner County History - Nov. 3, 2022
Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 2 years, 2 months AGO
Brought to you by the
Bonner County Historical
Society and Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
Nov. 3, 1972 – BIRTHS
Oct. 26 – Mr. and Mrs. James Forell, Sandpoint, boy, 7 lb. 15 oz.; and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Seitz, Sagle, boy 5 lb. 3 oz.; Oct. 28 – Mr. and Mrs. Michael Seitz, Sandpoint, boy, 7 lb. 5½ oz.; Oct. 29 – Mr. and Mrs. L.G. McIntire, Sandpoint, girl, 6 lb. 2 oz.; Oct. 30 – Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Spraker, Sandpoint, boy, 7 lb. 3½ oz. and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Rickott, Sandpoint, girl, 7 lb. 13 oz.
Linda Holbert was crowned Football Festival Queen during half-time at Friday’s Sandpoint-Lewiston game. Her court members are Princesses Gayla Chronic, Jackie Raynor, Nancy Shepherd and Val Brockus. Football Festival is the successor to the former tradition of homecoming. All the events of homecoming, and more, are included in the festival.
After 19 successful years in the restaurant business, Connie Balch announced that he will retire from the business and turn the reins over to the new owners, Bill and Lorraine Bowman of Spokane, on Nov. 10. In 1952, Connie Balch acquired the present location at Fourth and Cedar, where he converted a former Conoco service station into a cafe. During the past 19 years, the restaurant has been enlarged and remodeled three different times.
100 Years Ago
Pend d’Oreille Review
Veteran army pilots Lieuts. Cecil Langdon and H.B. Mamer of Spokane, will be here this weekend for flights. Both have been in the aviation game a number of years and rank among the best and most careful pilots in the northwest. Langdon, son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. John Derr, Clarksfork, took up riders there two weeks ago. A number of local people already rode with him when he was here a year ago.
The high school team meets North Central high school, Spokane, tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. at Humbird field [on N. Boyer opposite the Humbird school]. The local team has been practicing and is in good shape for the game. The season has been successful so far, Sandpoint winning twice from Spirit Lake and losing a hard fought game 14-0 to Coeur d’Alene, which has trimmed every team in north Idaho.
The season’s first snow appeared upon the hills Tuesday. Snow in the Priest Lake country covered the ground to a depth of three inches.
The Kootenai Ladies’ Aid will serve lunch election day at the Kootenai Four L hall from 12-4 o’clock for 15 cents and dinner from 4-9:30 for 35 cents.
C.A. Kerr has purchased the Ralph Smith residence, (323) S. Second street, and Mr. Smith has purchased the C.E. Anderson house (609) N. Sixth. Mr. Anderson is moving to the home Mr. Kerr vacated. The transfers were made through the Bower real estate agency.
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