Bonner County History - Oct. 9, 2022
Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 2 years, 3 months AGO
Brought to you by the
Bonner County Historical
Society and Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
Pvt. Tim LaMarche, son of Mr. and Mrs. Milan LaMarche, Sagle, graduated basic training at Fort Ord, Calif., and is stationed at Fort Polk, La., taking administrative OJT. He is married to the former Connie Puckett and they have one son, David.
Frank Evans, Cady & Pier, Inc., and Jim Reed, Sandpoint Kiwanis, recently presented the winners of the 1972 Ford Motor Co. PP & K contest. Third place winners, age 8 through13, are Bill Ramsey, Keith Tarpley, Kenny Jones, Dale Reed, Cory McCormick and Robert Hill. Second place winners are Gerald Palmer, Dan Saylor, Pat Perry, Phillip Phelps, David Sass and Alan Reed. First place winners are Erick Thompson, James Schulze, Pat Cove, Kelly O’Donnell, Lance Czarapata and Bernie Byers.
General Telephone Co. has installed 40,300 feet of buried cable between existing circuits north of Sandpoint and the Schweitzer Basin area. The work, done by Montana Tel. and Power, cost an estimated $33,100. The cable, with 25 pairs of wires, will take the place of one open pair of wires. Winter storms on the mountain sometimes caused the old service to fail. General Telephone hopes to offer a greatly improved and expanded service to Schweitzer Basin this winter.
100 Years Ago
Pend d’Oreille Review
Oct. 9, 1922 – CITY DADS MEET
The city council passed an ordinance for licensing draymen and instituting a permit system for use of the city dump. The dump will be under lock, and keys will be issued only to licensed draymen with permits to haul refuse there. In other business, Fire Chief Francis reported five fires, one destroying the Liberty theater, a small roof fire at the Ted Doolittle home on Lavina, a fire in the floor of the Postoffice news stand, a small fire on the Cedar street bridge and a false alarm to a Church street address. Street Commissioner Ryan reported walks repaired in the Jefferson school area and around the Pine street tourist park. There is a $35 bid to repair the broken sidewalk on First, near the Cedar street bridge, the city to furnish the 12x12 timbers to brace it up. The repairs are to be made as soon as possible.
Five months of agricultural instruction for eighth grade graduates, 16 years of age or older, will be offered in the university short course this winter.
Hollis McCrea, chemist on the staff of the Anaconda Copper Mining company at Anaconda, Mont. arrived Sunday for a three weeks’ vacation with his parents, County Auditor and Mrs. Robert S. McCrea.
Thomas Turnbull of Sagle was somewhat battered Tuesday in a runaway. He was dragged for some distance and one of the wheels of the wagon-truck drawn by the runaways passed over his leg. He is making a good recovery from his injuries which were painful, though not serious.
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