Bonner County History - Oct. 16, 2022
Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 2 years, 3 months AGO
Brought to you by the
Bonner County Historical
Society and Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
Mrs. Mildred Henion of Sandpoint and her sister, Irene Carlson, of Eugene, Ore., returned from a 12-day tour of the Hawaiian Islands. Mrs. Henion was a guest of Dr. and Mrs. Joe Henion of Pasadena, Calif. A highlight of this beautiful tour was the flight over the Pacific Ocean in a 747 Friendship plane.
Marking the 25th anniversary of its record collection, Sandpoint Public Library held a coffee hour Friday to express thanks to former members of the record-lending group who set up the collection in memory of Lawrence Brown. Sandpoint’s collection was the first in Idaho, and only the larger cities have more records in their collections than Sandpoint’s.
Audie Murphy Chapter and Auxiliary, Disabled American Veterans met at Sandpoint Community hall for installation of auxiliary officers and presentation of the women’s charter. The new DAV Auxiliary Unit thanks the state officers and Wanda Robinson, Fort Sherman Unit Nine, for their help in starting the new Sandpoint unit. Mrs. Robinson took the charter application to the National Convention in St. Louis for approval. Officers installed were Mrytle McCarr, commander; Susan Montague, senior vice; Wanda Dailey, adjutant; Ronnie Bleckwenn, conductress; Helen Delcomte, historian; and Madeline Converse, patriotic instructor.
100 Years Ago
Pend d’Oreille Review
Oct. 16, 1922 – G.A.R. TO GIVE UP HALL
Feeling that the gradual thinning of their ranks precluded keeping up and maintaining their hall at Fourth ave. and Alder (Note: in 2022, parking area west of the Bonner General Health Services building), the local veterans of the Grand Army (of the Republic) Saturday turned over the G.A.R. hall, furniture and equipment to the Women’s Relief Corps. The only stipulation was that the G.A.R. should have the use of the hall as long as the need of a hall was left to them.
The severe windstorm which swept through from the north Tuesday night and Wednesday interfered with boat traffic on Lake Pend d’Oreille to the extent that the steamer Northern’s schedule was delayed. The wind’s force caused a boom at the Humbird mill pond to break. A large quantity of logs broke loose. The wind drove many into the water between Dell’s dock and Young’s dock and between the two wings of Young’s dock. Others were blown against the city dock and many more were carried past the city dock and driven onto the municipal bathing beach shore.
W.W. Von Canon sold his home at Antone and Huron to Frank Strong. Mr. and Mrs. Von Canon will move into Earl Farmin’s home on Fir for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. L.D. Farmin will winter in California and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Farmin will occupy their home.
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