Bonner County History - Aug. 20, 2023
Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 1 year, 5 months AGO
Brought to you by the
Bonner County Historical
Society and Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
Aug. 20, 1973 – NEWS FROM HOPE
Due to the dwindling water supply, East Hope residents are asked to limit watering to between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. only and to not use open hoses.
The Hope Civic Club will enjoy a potluck picnic for members and their families at the LeRoy Lindgren home on Aug. 14 at 12:30 p.m. Hostesses are June Collins, Shirley Ramey, and Pat Lindgren.
Neighbors helped Earmy Stokes celebrate his 83rd birthday on Aug. 2 with a birthday cake.
Mrs. E.M. (Grandma) Butler recently had a letter from her granddaughter, Sandy Butler, who is spending the summer with her sister and brother-in-law, T-Sgt. Lon D. Scott, in Jacksonville, Ark.
After researching several alternatives, Bonner County District elected to place local seventh graders in Lincoln Elementary School until the addition to Farmin School is completed. The decision means that space at Washington, Farmin and church school rooms will be utilized for grades 1-3. Major alterations necessary at Lincoln before the school year begins include: closing off the cafeteria; installing electric heat in the white portable unit; and putting doors back in the lavatories. “We will naturally have to switch furniture,” said Dr. E. Wayne Likens, district superintendent. He noted that Sandpoint Junior High assistant principal Bill Miller will be in charge of the eight-teacher staff.
75 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
Aug. 20, 1948 – HAD BIRTHDAY PARTY
Pamela Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Anderson, celebrated her third birthday Saturday with a group of friends for an afternoon of play and refreshments served at a table decorated in a circus motif. Guests were Corry McFarland, Lyn Evans, Karen Becker, Dawn Gay, and Jane Britell.
The appearance of the business district is being greatly improved by removal of all Mountain States Power company poles from the east side of First avenue. Poles were set up along the bank of Sand creek and the services run from the new lines. This has cleared First from Cedar to Lake St. Kibitzers of the operation received a thrill when a pole collapsed under the weight of the linesman while wires were being removed. Only the strength of wires still attached to the pole averted a possible accident.
L.A. Dunstan, Sand Creek anchorage, offers water taxi service to Pend d’Oreille lodge and to Hurshell’s Dine on the Lake at Hope. With his fast runabout, he can take a party to Hurschell’s in 20 minutes.
Clarence Riffle, Earl Riffle, and Raymond Riffle obtained private pilot licenses from the Sandpoint Air Service approved school of flying. Lloyd Stark and Donald Newton took their first solo flights.
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