Give the gift of forgiveness
JUSTIN GARDNER / Contributing Writer | Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 1 year, 1 month AGO
Jesus was born in a manger, innocent, and unblemished.
He went through a life, just like you and I, with every opportunity and temptation, of sin, of hurt, of anger. If any man deserved to be unforgiving it was in fact Him. He who was blameless, and yet was blamed. He who was spotless, and yet was covered in stripes, He who spoke no evil and yet evil was spouted against Him.
Yet, as He hung on the cross, His words permeate our spirits for all time, “Forgive them Father, they know not what they do.” A single act of forgiveness, from a truly selfless man, freed all mankind, should we simply receive. Yet the word says, “If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.” (Matthew 6:14-15 NLT)
It’s a choice we make that impacts our eternity.
“Oh but you don’t understand how they wronged me!”
“But you aren’t the one going through this pain that I’m going through!”
“If they would just ask for forgiveness then I would do it.”
These may all be things that go through our minds when we think upon forgiveness, but my brethren, we are signing our own death warrant if we think this way.
Can we love like He loved, can we feed like He fed, can we forgive like He forgave? This is the gift that our Father sent, freely I give, now freely receive. We receive by releasing our anger, we receive by transforming our perspective, suddenly it’s not about the people who have wronged us, it’s not about the traumas we have faced, it is about the gift that was given and the perspective of a man, hanging from a cross, loving people who hated him, forgiving people who deserved no forgiveness, returning for people who have yet to accept Him.
So how do we know if we have truly forgiven? Does my stomach churn when I hear their name? Do I avoid them in the grocery store? Do I discount their words just because it comes from them?
Perhaps then I must check my heart. Perhaps then I must return to the cross, return to the manger where my savior was birthed. It was in that moment. That our Father chose to forgive, for all time, for all people, if only they will receive.
I urge you, brothers and sisters, as we enter this season when nearly the whole world celebrates the birth of Jesus, to remember why He was sent, to bring us freedom from the bondage of sin, and to bring your heart before the throne saying, “create in me a clean heart oh Lord.”
Justin Gardner pastors at River of Life Fellowship, 702 Church St., Sandpoint. The church can be reached at 208-255-7111.