Bonner County History - Feb. 23, 2023
Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 1 year, 11 months AGO
Brought to you by the
Bonner County Historical
Society and Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
Mrs. Ross [Hazel] Hall entertained her bridge group at a Valentine party Feb. 14 at her new home at Condo Del Sol. Unique Valentine gifts were presented as honors to Mrs. M.P. [Margaret] McKinnon, Mrs. L.J. [Frances] Davis, Mrs. Clifford [Margaret] Coons and Mrs. Laurin [Jeanette] Pietsch. Light refreshments were served by the hostess during the afternoon bridge game.
In an effort to relieve drastically overcrowded conditions at Sandpoint Junior High School, a four-day schedule for SJHS students has been officially approved by the Bonner County School District Board of Trustees. Of 260 parent responses to the administration’s letter about alternatives, 85 percent favored the four-day schedule. In cooperation with the teaching staff, it was recommended that all students be present one day per week, with 25 per cent at home each of the other four days. The new schedule is slated to go into operation next Monday.
Saturday will be the grand opening of Sandpoint’s “Auto Haus,” at 915 N. Fifth Ave. The firm was formerly Washington Machinery Motor Supply Division, an established automotive parts wholesaler and retailer. The new owner, Jean Johnston, chose the new name “because it signifies a fun place to do business for automotive needs. Other staff members are Harold Drinkard, who has been here for many years, and Ed Woodland, a young local resident.
100 Years Ago
Pend d’Oreille Review
Feb. 23, 1923 – TEAM LOST IN STORM
When the City livery sent a rescue team to an auto party stalled at Westmond a week ago Monday, the team broke the pole from the sleigh and ran away. Although there was much wind the next day, no alarm was felt that the team might be lost, until the blizzard set in Wednesday. As the horses have not yet been recovered, it is thought that they probably perished in the storm. A second team brought the marooned motorists to town late Monday.
The governor has signed the tuberculosis hospital repeal bill, which dissolves the tuberculosis hospital commission, puts $160,000 of the original fund into Idaho’s general fund and provides re-imbursement to the Payette and Sandpoint communities for donations toward the purchases of the sites.
The late Will Whitaker was laid to rest in Lakeview cemetery yesterday. At the time of the funeral, a week ago Wednesday, such a storm was raging that it was impossible to reach the cemetery or make proper burial. As a result the body was held at the Moon undertaking parlors until yesterday. Surviving relatives and one or two old friends accompanied the judge’s remains to their final resting place.
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