Letters to the editor Jan. 16
Daily Inter-Lake | UPDATED 2 years AGO
Inaction on CPACE
CPACE is a win-win for businesses and recognized as such by Gov. Greg Gianforte; yet, our county commissioners, all Republicans, refuse to adopt it.
Twenty-seven of our largest employers came together and their efforts to get CPACE passed by the commissioners fell on deaf ears. Brad Abell wants individual businesses to visit with him on the subject; goodness, guess he wants a kissing of his ring, like a Pope, before he can do anything.
Pam Holmquist (the wait-and-see queen) makes me wonder why our GOP locals are not sanctioning her instead of Jack Fallon? All he did was exercise his American right to run for office. Pam isn’t working for her constituents because she needs to wait-for what?
People! Start electing commissioners who actually do something to help local businesses and local people; the ones we have can’t seem to do it. I wonder why?
— Karlene Khor, Kalispell
Border management
A recent public relations piece from the ever-ready opportunist Sen. Jon Tester announced he introduced legislation to strengthen the border. I want to point out to Sen. Tester and his constituents he just voted for the massive omnibus bill that set spending records. In that bill, on page 753, the Department of Homeland Security DHS $1.9 billion for “border management.” Then two paragraphs down, it says they are explicitly prohibited from using it for border security.
Perhaps Sen. Tester should read and study the bills he is signing, whether Obamacare or the 4,155-page omnibus bill. Big Jon never met a problem he couldn’t solve with we the people’s money and then bragged about it.
— Ed Kugler, Kalispell
Water rights
We have been given the opportunity to defend our water rights against the overreach of the Confederated Salish Kootenai Tribes Water Compact. I am writing this letter to shed light on the CSKT Compact and the process for submitting an objection to the water court.
Yes, your water rights will be impacted by the pending CSKT Compact. The specifics of the Compact are not yet clear, but surface and groundwater both on and off the reservation will be placed under the control of the CSKT through the Flathead Water Management Board created by the Compact. The Montana Water Use Act of 1973 will no longer apply, and we will lose water rights within our private property.
The water court’s preliminary decree was only mailed to approximately 68,000 of the 300,000 residents affected by the CSKT Compact. This violates the citizen’s right to know as found in our Montana Constitution. The powers pushing the CSKT Compact are attempting to keep this out of the public’s eye because they know if the people get wind of what is going on there will be significant pushback.
Furthermore, the Compact violates U.S. Amendments IV, V, X, and XIV, as well as Montana Article II Section 3, and Article IX Section 3. Both federal and state constitutions are being ignored to a shocking degree.
So what can we do to stop this attack on our rights? All concerned people need to submit an objection to the Montana Water Court via their website. All submissions are due no later than Feb. 9, 2023. It is imperative that we follow their directions exactly or the submittal will be rejected. Please pass this information onto family and friends and together we can defeat this attack on our property.
— Bret Bailey, Lakeside
Perpetuating lies
In response to Bob Horne, Jr’s letter (Big lie” lives on, Jan. 10).
We all know the quagmire web that is created when lies exist and perpetuate. When looking at the election facts are you saying you can tolerate an unjust government?
President Biden owns the first lie of Jan. 6 when he called the peaceful protesters insurrectionists. Yes, Mr. Horne, the big lie lives on – in our present, pretend government and in the mainstream media with its lying emotional rhetoric.
Unfortunately, people like you are part of the perpetuation.
— Morna Gilbery, Kalispell