Thursday, March 27, 2025

Othello approves playground install, discusses ACPR contract

GABRIEL DAVIS | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 1 year, 8 months AGO
Gabriel Davis is a resident of Othello who enjoys the connections with his sources. Davis is a graduate of Northwest Nazarene University where he studied English and creative writing. During his free time, he enjoys reading, TV, movies and games – anything with a good story, though he has a preference for science fiction and crime. He covers the communities on the south end of Grant County and in Adams County. | July 25, 2023 6:15 PM

OTHELLO — During Monday’s regular Othello City Council Meeting, council members unanimously approved a motion to proceed with the installation of new playground equipment at Lions Park. The council also agreed to reevaluate the city’s contract with Adams County Pet Rescue.

City Engineer Shawn O’Brien spoke with the council regarding the playground installation.

“Now we have all the numbers, we need to go ahead and authorize the installation. But, putting all these things together, we’re a little bit above the $1.8 million that was originally budgeted.”

According to the playground installation agenda memo, the updated total cost of the project is listed at $1.93 million. Finance Officer Spencer Williams said that using funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) stimulus to pay the extra $130,000 required to continue with the playground installation would leave the city with $70,000 in remaining ARPA funds.

The total project is being paid for with $1.1 million from two state Recreation and Conservation grants, $100,000 of City funds, and $600,000 from a Washington State budget appropriation. Council members passed a unanimous motion to approve staff to proceed with the contract for the installation and for the additional costs to be covered with ARPA funds.

After voting to proceed with the playground installation, Council member Jon Erickson, attending remotely, presented his findings after speaking with Adams County Pet Rescue about their recent financial issues.

“I support taking on the pet rescue and helping them because we don’t have any other option. I don’t believe, as a personal opinion, that the city is in a position to own and operate a dog pound,” said Erickson.

Mayor Shawn Logan said that ACPR’s operating costs are exceeding its revenue, and he would like to add more money to its budget when the time comes to negotiate a new contract with them when the current agreement ends this year. He also said that a recent outbreak of parvo at the Pet Rescue restricted their revenue further.

“When they had parvo, they couldn’t sell any of their dogs, and so this went on for about three or four months. Normally they would draw income from the sale of the dogs that they have in the pound.”

Council member Corey Everett said that Adams County Pet Rescue had not been fulfilling services the city of Othello is paying for that are outlined in the current contract. Council member John Lallas also addressed the subject of the Pet Rescue abiding by the contract.

“I would definitely want to see a cost breakdown from Adams County Pet Rescue,” said Lallas. “We’re talking about services that are being given to the city and that’s what we’re paying for. We’re not donating … I want to make sure that what we pay for, we receive.”

Erickson said that he agreed with asking for a commitment to the contract and a more thorough cost breakdown.

“We need to figure out how to make them whole, and yes, if we have to tighten up their contract and get some bigger commitments, absolutely. And I don’t think you’re going to find any opposition from the facility and their board in doing that, but we’re going to have to make it financially viable for them to continue to pick our animals up,” he said.

Mayor Logan said that he would like to meet with Adams County Pet Rescue and speak in depth about how to update the contract to better fit the Pet Rescue’s needs and the city’s needs, and then report back to the council with his findings. The council agreed with this course of action.

In addition to the discussion about the Pet Rescue and the vote on the playground installation, council members also voted unanimously to allow the city of Othello to submit a grant application to the Washington Transportation Improvement Board to potentially secure funding to construct sidewalks on streets in Othello that don’t currently have a sidewalk on either side of the road in an effort to improve safety and accessibility for pedestrians.

“We hope to direct most of this money to Juniper and Fourth Avenue, which are some of our higher volume streets,” said O’Brien.

Council voted unanimously to approve the submission of the grant application and to match the required 10% of the grant. O’Brien said that the city won’t find out if they’ve secured the grant funding until November or December.

Gabriel Davis may be reached at A resident of Othello, Davis covers the cities of Othello, Warden and Soap Lake.



Othello City Council Members Corey Everett, John Lallas, Genna Dorow, Mayor Shawn Logan and Mark Snyder, along with Angel Garza and Jon Erickson, who attended remotely, convene Monday’s meeting in City Hall.


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Work-based learning lets students build their own futures
July 25, 2024 1 a.m.

Work-based learning lets students build their own futures

MOSES LAKE — Work-based learning provides education opportunities for the workforce to receive hands-on training and technical education and prepare themselves to enter various industries. Educators and workforce development professionals from Eastern Washington discussed some the training they offer and the benefits of their programs. Next Generation Zone, an affiliate of WorkSource based in Spokane, provides job training opportunities for youth and young adults ages 16 to 24. Program Coordinator Kate Martin said there are multiple benefits to the program. “One of them is a paid work experience, and that’s where we reach out to area employers who are willing to take a young person and train them,” she said. “This is a short-term learning experience, so it’s typically about 240 hours; sometimes it could be longer or shorter. We’re the actual employer; we cover all of their wages, taxes, the L&I, and the employer just agrees to give them the experience and train them in whatever field it is that they’re wanting to go into.”

Serving schools: ESD superintendents reflect on operations, priorities
July 10, 2024 1 a.m.

Serving schools: ESD superintendents reflect on operations, priorities

MOSES LAKE — Educational service districts are government-mandated agencies put in place to provide services to school districts across the state. ESD Superintendents discussed what they do and their priorities in operating their districts. ESD 105, led by Superintendent Kevin Chase, serves four counties, including Kittitas, Yakima and portions of Klickitat and Grant counties and provides support for 25 school districts – including Royal School District and Wahluke School District – and more than 66,000 students. “We help them collaborate with each other as well or collaborate with other partners,” Chase said. “(It’s) a lot of advocacy work, either regionally or across the state, or even federally, working on different issues that impact our education. And we provide very specialized services in certain situations in order to meet the needs of our students in our region and of our school districts.”

Columbia Basin Project making headway through Odessa Groundwater program
June 25, 2024 1 a.m.

Columbia Basin Project making headway through Odessa Groundwater program

CASHMERE — The Columbia Basin Project is making gradual progress toward completion with particularly significant accomplishments for the Odessa Groundwater Replacement Program in the last six months or so, according to Columbia Basin Development League Executive Director Sara Higgins. “When we’re dealing with a project of this size, advancement is kind of like watching paint dry, but yes, there have been (developments),” she said. “There are a lot of exciting things happening right now.” There are more than 300 miles of main canals, about 2,000 miles of lateral canals and 3,500 miles of drains and wasteways in the irrigation project, according to the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation website. The CBDL advocates for the operation of those waterways and for the project to continue “build-out.”