Bonner County History - June 1, 2023
Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 1 year, 7 months AGO
Brought to you by the
Bonner County Historical
Society and Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
June 15, 1973 – BIRTHS
June 6 - Mr. and Mrs. Edward Porter, Sagle, girl, 7 lb. 7 oz; June 6 - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown, Sandpoint, girl, 7 lb. 11½ oz; June 7 - Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Bloom, Kootenai, girl, 8 lb. 11½ oz; June 9 - Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dryden, Sandpoint, girl 5 lb. 14¼ oz.
The first scheduled train crossed Burlington Northern’s new $3 million Sand Creek bridge on June 11. Train No. 82 provided a smooth ride the whole way to the Gooby junction. The new bridge and connecting length uniting the old Great Northern and Northern Pacific tracks is designed for fast use, but it will be kept under slow orders for a few days to allow the signal crews and track men time to get everything working smoothly. When the shakedown of the new route is complete, the BN won’t be blocking any crossing for long periods at Sandpoint.
Ken Haessly is the new owner of the Quik-Stop Dairy Store [corner of Superior and Hwy 2] formerly the R & L, which will have its grand opening June 16. Haessly, who purchased the business from Ralph and Leona Crabb will run the store with his daughter Vickie. Julie Price, Bonner County Dairy Princess, will be at the store for the grand opening.
75 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
June 15, 1948 – CLARK FORK NEWS
Flood waters are slowly receding, but transportation except by train or boat is almost at a standstill. Farmers from the south side of the river are walking across the railroad bridge and carrying their necessities in pack sacks, while the Rex Deitricks come by boat from their ranch home to the Tom Miller place close to Lightning Creek bridge.
Waters of Lake Pend Oreille are now 18 inches below the flood crest reached Tuesday of last week but an estimated total of $2,125,000 in damages in the county has been left in the wake of the greatest high water the lake has seen since the record flood of 1894. Apparently, rains Tuesday, Tuesday night and Wednesday made little difference in the lake’s level, as it continued to drop. The heavy downpour again halted part of the street repair, now long delayed by both high water and continued rainfall.
Girl Scout troop 12, with Mrs. Charles Selle as leader, bicycled to Dover bluff Thursday for an all-day picnic. After lunch and exploring on Dover bluff, the girls played baseball at the Dover baseball diamond. This spring, the troop decided to grow when they asked troop 8, which had lost its leader, to join them. These officers were recently elected: President, Donna Selle; vice president, Catherine Curtis; secretary, Joan Cady; treasurer, Mary Rae Bergeron; and reporter, Mary Lou Ferraro.
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