Friday, January 31, 2025

Legals for May, 5 2023

Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 1 year, 9 months AGO
| May 5, 2023 12:00 AM

BONNER COUNTY AIRPORTS REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS AIRPORT ARCHITECTURAL & ENGINEERING SERVICES I. INVITATION Bonner County invites interested firms to submit their qualifications for ENGINEERING SERVICES to complete a series of projects at both Priest River (1S6) and Sandpoint (KSZT) Airports. These projects will be funded in part by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airport Improvement Program and Bonner County.  This Request for Qualifications does not commit the County to award a contract. The County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all statements received or to request additional information. Interviews will not be conducted unless deemed necessary. Bonner County is an equal opportunity employer. II. BACKGROUND Bonner County, Idaho is accepting qualifications for architectural and engineering services as outlined in FAA Advisory Circular 150/5100-14E, Change 1, Section 1.4.2 (DEVELOPMENT) for the following project(s): SANDPOINT AIRPORT: Land - Acquire miscellaneous land  Runway - Reconstruct Runway DESIGN – PH1 Runway - Reconstruct Runway CONSTRUCT Land - Acquire (land/easement) Taxiway - Construct Taxiway DESIGN - PH1 Taxiway - Construct Taxiway CONSTRUCT SRE Shed – DESIGN & CONSTRUCT PRIEST RIVER AIRPORT: Apron - Expand DESIGN and CONSTRUCT Apron expansion 27,600 sq ft Apron - Expand CONSTRUCT – PH1 Taxiway - DESIGN and CONSTRUCT Taxiway C Land - Acquire (land/easement) Runway - Rehabilitate Runway DESIGN - RW rehab Runway - Rehabilitate Runway CONSTRUCT - RW rehab SRE Shed – DESIGN & CONSTRUCT This work may be accomplished during the course of multiple grants. All parties are advised that some of the services may not be required and that the Sponsor reserves the right to initiate additional procurement action for any of the services included in the initial procurement. If more than one party is selected, the expected projects to be performed by each party will be defined, together with the statement of work and the required services, at the time of the procurement action. The Sponsor will provide notification to each firm of the projects they are being awarded. Selection criteria contained in the FAA Advisory Circular 150/5100-14E, will be applied with the following numerical rating factors assigned: III. REQUESTS FOR CLARIFICATION All questions must be sent in writing to Dave Schuck, Airports Manager at Any requests for clarification are due by 10 days before the submittal date to allow time for response or addenda, if necessary. IV. SCOPE OF WORK (as noted above) V. SELECTION CRITERIA The selection process shall be in accordance with Chapter 2 of FAA Advisory Circular (AC) 150/5100-14E, Architectural, Engineering, and Planning Consultant Services for Airport Grant Projects. Contracts will be subject to the provisions of Executive Order 11246 (affirmative Action to Ensure Equal Employment Opportunity), Department of Transportation Regulations 49 CFR Part 26 (Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Participation), and 49 CFR Part 30 (Foreign Trade Restriction Clause). VI. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A. The Statements of Qualifications shall be a maximum of twenty (20) pages (not including the cover letter and statement covers) and in a format that is single-sided and shall include the following sections: 1. Cover Letter 2. Capability and Experience: • Include company organization structure, company history and background, size of company, recent experience in airport engineering projects, and experience and familiarity with projects at general aviation airports. • Affiliations with other firms(s): identify other firms that you plan to subcontract or joint venture with for this contract, if any, and identify their responsibilities. • Detail your knowledge, experience, and capability to successfully complete federally funded airport projects. Address knowledge and understanding of anticipated issues pertaining to Sandpoint and Priest River Airports.  • Provide a project list of similar projects. • Provide a list of references of other airports (include contact person, contact title, phone numbers, e-mail, and a brief description of the airport projects). • Availability and commitment of qualified staff to handle the project.  3. Key personnel’s and sub consultants’, if any, professional background and qualifications.  • Define their roles/responsibilities and extent of participation anticipated for this project. Organizational chart depicting the project staff personnel and their responsibilities, including sub consultants, if any. • Provide information on personnel to present presentations to the public and conduct public meetings.  Discuss your approach to completing projects, ability to meet schedules and to complete projects within budget.  Detail your firm’s and key personnel’s knowledge, experiences and relationships with the FAA and managing and administering FAA/AIP grant programs. B. Four copies of the Statement of Qualifications must be received at the Bonner County Commissioners office, no later than May 15, 2023, 4:00 PM. Late submittals and faxed submittals will not be accepted. Statements of Qualifications shall be delivered to: Bonner County Board of Commissioners 1500 Hwy 2, Suite 308 Sandpoint, ID 83864. C. All proposals must be labeled on the cover “Statement of Qualifications from (Name of Firm) to provide Airport Engineering Services for Bonner County.” D. Proposals must contain the name, address and daytime phone number for contact persons to whom additional selection process requests should be communicated. E. Costs or fee information is not to be submitted with this proposal. VII. SELECTION CRITERIA A. Bonner County will initiate a consultant selection committee that will review all submitted Statements of Qualifications and will evaluate using the following criteria: 1. Qualifications of Consultant, including experience and background of firm and key management personnel with experience on airport engineering projects similar to those listed above. (10%) 2. Understanding the unique aspects of Bonner County Airports, local jurisdictions, current and future users, and the role of the airport within the regional area. (30%) 3. Shown capability to perform all aspects of Airport Engineering. (20%) 4. Recent experience with airports similar to Bonner County Airports. (10%) 5. Key Personnel’s professional qualifications, experience, and availability for the proposed projects. (10%) 6. Current workload and demonstrated capability to meet schedules and deadlines. (20%) (To Total 100%) B. A Selection Committee will evaluate and select the best qualified consultant based on their qualifications and experience. The committee may choose to enter directly into negotiations with the highest qualified consultant as determined by the selection committee. If the County is unable to negotiate a fair and reasonable fee as determined by the County, the County will terminate negotiations. The County may choose to begin negotiations with the next most qualified consultant or may choose to reinitiate the selection process.  Legal#5058 AD#7978 April 21, 28, May 5, 2023

SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION Case No. CV09-23-0383 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BONNER DARWIN W. BROWN and CAROLYN J. BROWN, Plaintiff, v. RAYNA NICHOL ALLEN, an unmarried woman, also shown of record as RAYNA N. ALLEN and RAYNA ALLEN, and EARLE SHOFSTALL, an unmarried man, GLACIER BANK, a Montana banking corporation, successor in interest by merger with Mountain West Bank, Defendants. SUMMONS To: RAYNA NICHOL ALLEN, an unmarried woman, also shown of record as RAYNA N. ALLEN and RAYNA ALLEN: You have been sued by DARWIN W. BROWN and CAROLYN J. BROWN, the Plaintiffs, in the District Court in and for Bonner County, Idaho, Case No. CV09-23-0383. The nature of the claim against you is for foreclosure. Any time after 21 days following the last publication of this Summons, the court may enter a judgment against you without further notice, unless prior to that time you filed a written response in the proper form, including the case number and paid any required filing fee to the Clerk of the Court at Bonner County Courthouse, 215 S. First Avenue, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864, telephone number (208) 265-1432, and served a copy of your response on the Plaintiffs’ attorney John A. Finney, at Finney Finney & Finney, P.A., Old Power House Building, 120 East Lake Street, Suite 317, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864, telephone number (208) 263-7712. A copy of the Summons and Complaint can be obtained by contacting either the Clerk of the Court or the attorney for Plaintiffs. If you wish legal assistance, you should immediately retain an attorney to advise you in this matter. DATED 4/14/2023 04:54 PM . BONNER COUNTY DISTRICT COURT By: /s/ Brandy L. Steiger Deputy Clerk Legal#5059 AD#7980 April 21, 28, May 5, 12, 2023 _________________________

Ordinance No. 690  Title 14, Flood Damage Prevention Bonner County Revised Code An Ordinance of Bonner County, Idaho, setting forth its authority; amending Bonner County Revised Code Title 14 (Flood Damage Prevention), to make the following changes to various subchapters of chapters two, four, five, and six; providing for severability and providing for an effective date. Be it ordained by the Board of County Commissioners of Bonner County, Idaho that Bonner County Code be amended the summary of which, reads as follows: BONNER COUNTY REVISED CODE (BCRC) TITLE 14 FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION 1. All instances of the phrase “Flood Fringe” have been struck from the code, including the definition of “Flood Fringe” from the definitions section. 2. Several miscellaneous typos and formatting errors have been corrected, resulting in no change to code interpretation or requirements. Examples include correcting missing or extra spaces or extra carriage returns in the text. 3. Several additions have been made to the existing text to clarify existing permit requirements, these are not new requirements; these changes include: a. Clarifying language for how plot plans and building/foundation plans should be prepared; b. Clarifying that any stamp-bearing design professional in surveying, building, or landscape design may certify a plot plan; c. Clarifying that a Building Inspection is required prior to final approval of a Floodplain Development Permit. 4. Permit abandonment is now allowed. a. Previously, when an applicant abandoned a flood permit, the department had no way to expire or close out the abandoned permit. Language has been added to allow for this, providing that adequate notice and an opportunity for application correction is given to the applicant first. 5. Proposed language to adopt a permit expiration date of one (1) year, to make the flood code more consistent with the Bonner County Revised Code Title 11, Building Regulations. 6. Eliminated all references to the “floodplain administrator” throughout the code. a. Eliminated the definition of “floodplain administrator” in BCRC 14-206. b. Added the definition of “Planning Director or designee” to BCRC 14-216. b. Changed “floodplain administrator” to “Planning Director or designee” throughout the code wherever “floodplain administrator” previously appeared. A copy of the adopted Title 14 – Flood Damage Prevention ordinance is available for public review in the offices of the Board of County Commissioners.   Note: Full text of this ordinance can be obtained at: Bonner County 1500 United States Highway 2, Suite #208, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 Office Hours: Monday – Thursday (9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.) Phone Number: (208) 265-1458 Legal#5085 AD#8471 May 5, 2023 _________________________

RESOLUTION NO. 4-2022 Fair Housing Resolution LET IT BE KNOWN TO ALL PERSONS OF the City of Clark Fork, Idaho that discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap, or familial status in the sale, rental, advertising, leasing or financing of housing or land to be used for construction of housing or in the provision of brokerage services is prohibited by Title VIII of the 1968 Civil Rights Act (Federal Fair Housing Law) and the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988.   It is the policy of the City of Clark Fork, Idaho to encourage equal opportunity in housing for all persons regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap, or familial status. Therefore, the City does hereby pass the following Resolution.   BE IT RESOLVED that within available resources the city will assist all persons who feel they have been discriminated against because of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, handicap, or familial status to seek equity under federal and state laws by referring them to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, Compliance Division.   BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City shall publicize this Resolution and through this publicity shall encourage owners of real estate, real estate brokers and sellers, rental owners, rental property manager, lenders, developers, builders, home buyers, and renters to become aware of their respective responsibilities and rights under the Federal Fair Housing Law and amendments and any applicable state or local laws or ordinances.   SAID FAIR HOUSING PROGRAM will at a minimum include: 1) publicizing this resolution; 2) posting applicable fair housing information in prominent public areas; 3) providing fair housing information to the public; 4) preparing a fair housing assessment; and 5) declaring April as Fair Housing Month.   EFFECTIVE DATE This Resolution shall take effect upon its passage and approval of the Clark Fork City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED this 10th day of October, 2022. /s/Russell Schenck, Mayor ATTEST: /s/Amber Burgess, City Clerk CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS: YES NO  ABSENT Blaine Williams √ ___ _____ Shari Jones √ ___ _____ Jay White √ ___ _____ Sharon Banning ____ ___ √ Legal#5087 AD#8538 May 5, 2023

2023-2024 Call for Bid  School Bus  NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received by the Board of Trustees of West Bonner County School District, Priest River, Idaho, for the purchase of the following vehicles:   The Trustees are requesting a bid for the following:   • One + New (71 passenger school bus) Diesel with and without passenger seat belts, with trade in allowance.  • One + New (54 passenger school bus) Gas, with trade in allowance.  Detailed Specifications are available from Steffie Pavey, 134 Main Street, Priest River, Idaho, 83856, between the hours of 8:00AM and 4:00PM, Monday through Thursday until day of bid opening.   Bids must be submitted on or before 12:00PM on Wednesday, June 7th, 2023 to the Clerk of the Board of Trustees, West Bonner County School District #83, Main Street, Priest River, Idaho, 83856 at which time and place the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bids received after the stated time and date will not be considered.   Quotes are to be held firm until Board of Trustees approval which is scheduled for the evening of Wednesday,June 21st, 2023. The Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any and all bids and proposals and to waive any irregularities, and to be the sole judge of the suitability of the interest of the school district.   Dated this 1st day of May, 2023  Steffie Pavey, Clerk of the Board   West Bonner County School District #83  Posted: Administration Office  Priest River City Hall   Oldtown City Hall  Legal#5088 AD#8540 May 5, 12, 2023 _________________________

CITY OF CLARK FORK, IDAHO SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 293 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION SUMMARY: The City of Clark Fork adopted Ordinance #293 on April 10, 2023, at a regular meeting of the Clark Fork City Council, establishing and implementing the City of Clark Fork Parks and Recreation Commission, stating purposes for doing so, providing for organization and appointment and removal of members, establishing duties for the commission, repealing conflicting ordinances and providing an effective date.   The full text of Ordinance #293 is available for review at the Clark Fork City Hall, 110 3rd Ave., Clark Fork, Idaho, during regular business hours and on the City of Clark Fork website. This summary shall be filed with the adopted resolution.  /s/Amber Burgess, City Clerk City of Clark Fork Date May 2nd, 2023 Legal#5089 AD#8541 May 5, 2023 _________________________


Legals for April, 28 2023
Bonner County Daily Bee | Updated 1 year, 9 months ago
Legals for April, 21 2023
Bonner County Daily Bee | Updated 1 year, 9 months ago
Legals for April, 21 2023
Coeur d'Alene Press | Updated 1 year, 9 months ago