Thursday, March 06, 2025

Work continues to open Moon Pass

JOSH McDONALD/ STAFF WRITER | Shoshone News-Press | UPDATED 1 year, 10 months AGO
| May 9, 2023 1:00 AM

WALLACE –– In just a few short weeks people will be able to access the southern portion of Shoshone County via scenic Moon Pass according to Shoshone County Public Works director Jessica Stutzke.

The remote mountain road sees heavy snowfall and very little sunshine – oftentimes requiring heavy equipment to clear the final inches of snow in order to make the pass passable.

“We were able to move the equipment up there the last week of March and started the process of clearing the pass the first week of April,” Stutzke explained.

Each year, Public Works attempts to have the pass open somewhere between Mother’s Day and Memorial Day – which usually equates to a six to eight-week project, depending on the snow, ice, and road conditions.

“This winter was a little easier on us than last year,” Stutzke said. “We didn’t have nearly the number of downed trees to clear as we did last year.”

This year has presented its own share of different obstacles, primarily of the human variety.

“We have had our locks cut four times this year,” Stutzke explained. “Just last week, our lock was cut and there were two trees that were cut and laid across the road that we had to clear. Recently, someone moved the jersey barriers so they could drive past the cable and made a mess up there.”

These intrusions are consequential to the process and serve as a distraction from the actual work the crews are trying to accomplish.

Stutzke and Shoshone County Sheriff Holly Lindsey can remember numerous times when folks have attempted to traverse the pass before it was officially opened – the result usually ends with law enforcement coming to the rescue and a vehicle being pulled out of a compromised position.

“We close the roadway to the public while we are up there clearing the road for many reasons,” Stutzke said. “The primary reason is the safety of the employees while they are working. The second is to keep the equipment safe and secure while it is up there. We also keep it closed for the safety of the public. We do not want heavy traffic on the road until it has been graded.”

As it stands right now, Stutzke and her crews plan for Moon Pass to be open and passable by Memorial Day weekend – but she will have an official release for the public when the open date is confirmed.

To the north, Thompson Pass – a similarly difficult mountain road to maintain along the Idaho/Montana border – has been open for a few weeks.


Work continues to open Moon Pass
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