Sunday, March 16, 2025

Annual tree lighting set for Friday evening

GABRIEL DAVIS | Hagadone News Network | UPDATED 1 year, 4 months AGO
Gabriel Davis is a resident of Othello who enjoys the connections with his sources. Davis is a graduate of Northwest Nazarene University where he studied English and creative writing. During his free time, he enjoys reading, TV, movies and games – anything with a good story, though he has a preference for science fiction and crime. He covers the communities on the south end of Grant County and in Adams County. | November 7, 2023 11:43 AM

MOSES LAKE — The Downtown Moses Lake Association will host the annual tree lighting downtown in Sinkiuse Square, located at 306 S. Ash St., from 4 to 6 p.m. The actual lighting of the tree is scheduled for 5:45 p.m.

The Downtown Association’s new Executive Director Mallory Miller explained the basics of tree lighting.

“It's basically just an event to get families and kids downtown to kind of kick off the holiday season of holiday shopping and Christmas festivities, in a sense,” Miller said. “We have hot cocoa being handed out, and then we also have crafts for the kids to do. There's going to be a craft station put on by one of our sponsors.”

Moses Lake pet groomer Bark Avenue will be serving the cocoa, and the event’s sponsor is iFiber Communications, Miller said.

    Ruth Gladieux-Smith, 4, savors her hot chocolate as she waits with her family in Sinkiuse Square during the 2022 annual Moses Lake Tree Lighting. This year’s event will also be in Sinkiuse Square Friday from 4 to 6 p.m.
 File photo

“We are doing our banner exchange…which is when we changed up the banners on the light poles and then also added wreaths to them,” Miller said. “And then we also are changing out the lights on the little trees downtown so that way for the Christmas tree lighting we’ll be lighting our big tree that will be going up this week as well. The little trees have clickers on them so it's interactive for families that have kids to be able to light up their own tree.”

Miller said there would be a countdown to lighting the main tree that the families can participate in with the smaller trees. 

“We also will be doing pictures with Santa,” Miller said. “We have a backdrop and a chair that he'll sit in, that kids can come up to and take pictures and make crafts. The idea for the crafts is that either kids can do the craft and take it home or they can put it up on the big tree in the square.”

    Last year’s downtown Moses Lake tree stands lit in Sinkiuse Square.
 File photo

Miller said Porky’s Hot Dogs will be selling food during the event, and she said they may have a coffee booth selling drinks as well. 

“We are working on putting together a scavenger hunt,” she said. “That will also be an event or something for kids to do,” Miller said.

The scavenger hunt would consist of going to various downtown businesses, Miller said, several of which are staying open later for the event.

“We want the downtown events to actually be something that people want to go do even if it is cold outside,” Miller said. “We want to be able to have events and things for kids and families to do to kind of get excited about the holidays.”

Miller said that the Downtown Association’s Oct. 28 Harvest Festival success, with 2,500-3,000 attendees, may benefit the tree lighting.

“We are anticipating a bigger buzz around the tree lighting because Harvest Fest did so well,” she said.

    One of the 2022 Moses Lake Tree Lighting Santas sits next to two children in Sinkiuse Square. This year’s event will also feature someone dressed as Santa.

Miller estimated that last year’s tree lighting drew about 100 people, but she said this year the event has already generated more interest on social media. 

Another focus of the tree lighting is to bolster small businesses.

“The main focus is to bring people to downtown Moses Lake,” Miller said. “But then, with the tree lighting, it's to kick off holiday shopping so that people see the businesses that are down there and realize that they can shop small and local.”

The Downtown Association’s website describes the event’s purpose in more detail.

“This cherished tradition marks the beginning of the most wonderful time of the year,” the website says, “and it's a time for our community to come together in the spirit of joy, unity, and goodwill.”

Gabriel Davis may be reached at Download the Columbia Basin Herald app on iOS and Android.


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Work-based learning lets students build their own futures
July 25, 2024 1 a.m.

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Serving schools: ESD superintendents reflect on operations, priorities
July 10, 2024 1 a.m.

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Columbia Basin Project making headway through Odessa Groundwater program
June 25, 2024 1 a.m.

Columbia Basin Project making headway through Odessa Groundwater program

CASHMERE — The Columbia Basin Project is making gradual progress toward completion with particularly significant accomplishments for the Odessa Groundwater Replacement Program in the last six months or so, according to Columbia Basin Development League Executive Director Sara Higgins. “When we’re dealing with a project of this size, advancement is kind of like watching paint dry, but yes, there have been (developments),” she said. “There are a lot of exciting things happening right now.” There are more than 300 miles of main canals, about 2,000 miles of lateral canals and 3,500 miles of drains and wasteways in the irrigation project, according to the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation website. The CBDL advocates for the operation of those waterways and for the project to continue “build-out.”