Bonner County History - Oct. 24, 2023
Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 1 year, 3 months AGO
Brought to you by the
Bonner County Historical
Society and Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
Oct. 24, 1973 – BIRTHS
Oct. 19 – Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wood, Clark Fork, girl, 9 lb. 2 oz.; Oct. 20 – Mr. and Mrs. Larry Neu, Sandpoint, girl, 7 lb. 9½ oz.; Oct. 21 – Mr. and Mrs. Michael Delmonte, Sandpoint, girl, 8 lb. 8½ oz.
The First Presbyterian Church in Everett, Wash., was the setting for the Sept. 29 wedding of Mary Jo Saunders of that city and John Snedden, Sandpoint. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Saunders, Everett, are parents of the bride, and the groom is the son of Mrs. Evelyn Snedden and Dr. Angus Snedden, Sandpoint. The bride, who attended Whitman College and graduated from the University of Washington School of Nursing, has been employed by the Public Health Service in Denver, Colo. Mr. Snedden, who also attended Whitman, is a graduate of the UW Smokejumpers for the U.S. Forest Service. After a short honeymoon trip, they will live in Seattle, where he will continue his studies at UW.
The Oct. 3 Federal Register listed proposed increases in postal rates to go into effect on Jan. 5, 1974. On that date it will cost 10 cents to mail a letter instead of 8 cents now; first class post cards and airmail cards and letters will go up 2 cents.
75 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
Oct. 24, 1948 – NEW STAFF REPORTER
Mrs. W.F. Sleep has been added to the staff of the News-Bulletin. Mrs. Sleep, who has previous newspaper experience, will be largely reporting local news. In moving to its new building, the News-Bulletin plans to enlarge its news coverage of this area and Mrs. Sleep will assist greatly in this.
A crowd of over 300 packed the Sandpoint Roller Rink Saturday night to see the “Roller Follies of ’48,” directed by Mrs. Eva Knaggs and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Knaggs. All ages from six to 36 were represented in the program. Six-year-olds Maralyn Breinich and Donna Samuelson won the hearts of their audience with an imaginative “Bunny Dance.” Don Scott, dressed as a girl, and his partner, Glen Hadley, provided amusement with their clever mimicking of complicated show numbers. Twenty girls in rainbow colors glided through a routine, followed by 20 boys who exhibited some clever patterns that reflected much time spent in practice. Patsy Bloxom and Bobby Caughey drew applause with a difficult British test dance number. Cleo Hawley, in a costume of white satin with red lining, whirled gracefully through an intricate solo. Elmo Clark and Faye DeMers, in black and white satin sparkling with sequins, thrilled the audience with a fast duo skating routine. Twelve first and second grade girls, in fluffy white dresses bedecked with blue bows, flashed through an intricate ceremony to crown small Haley King as the king of the follies. A grand finale of all 63 performers closed the program with a salute to the flag.
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