Bonner County History - Oct. 26, 2023
Bonner County Daily Bee | UPDATED 1 year, 3 months AGO
Brought to you by the
Bonner County Historical
Society and Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
The 75th anniversary of Sandpoint United Methodist Church will be observed Sunday, with Bishop Choy of Seattle as special guest preacher.
In 1893, through the joint efforts of Mrs. Amanda Nesbitt and Mrs. L.D. Farmin, Sandpoint’s first Sunday School was formed. At that time the village was known as Pend d’Oreille, with the business section consisting of two stores, two hotels, one restaurant, a post office and twenty-three saloons, all on the east side of the creek. On the west side were only homesteads which later became the Weil and Farmin additions. The pioneer daring of these two good ladies caused them to select a deserted saloon building, the White Swan, for their Sunday School. Since 1898, the Methodist Church, Sandpoint’s first organized church, has been in continuous service. In 1901, the church purchased a former school house at First and Church St., which was converted to church use. During 1905 and 1906, on a gift of land from the Farmin family, a second and new church building was constructed at Fourth and Main. Today the United Methodist Church shares the building at the corner of Cedar and Boyer with the Seventh Day Adventist Church.
Former pastors returning for the celebration will be the Revs. William Beatty, Lloyd Doty, Richard Yost, Fred Rarden and James Doak. Active members with the longest church membership are Miss Blanche Senft, a member since 1910; Mrs. Mary Nedds, 1911, and Mrs. Zoe Harford, 1917.
75 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
Oct. 26, 1948 – RUSTY NAIL IN FOOT
Janice Parsons, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Parsons, suffered a painful accident last week when she stepped on a rusty nail. The injury prevented her from taking part in the second showing of the Roller Follies.
Births: October 25, to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Scott, Sandpoint, a daughter; and to Mr. and Mrs. Karl Greef Jr., Sandpoint, a son.
Discharges: October 23, Miss Carol Dawson, Sagle; Mrs. Ralph Smith and son, Sandpoint; and Mrs. Oscar Strand and daughter, Sagle.
Bud Benoit, manager of The Bootery, was the unanimous choice of the Sandpoint Chamber of Commerce for its new president, and Frank Harris, manager of the Farmers Union Cooperative creamery, was unanimously chosen vice president at a dinner meeting Monday at Hurschell’s. John McFarland was named treasurer. Directors are Don Samuelson, immediate past president; James Brown, Jr., Leonard Decker, Merl Samson, Dan Deshon, Guy Butler (Hope), Leonard Haugse, Lloyd Gardner, Floyd Gray, Ray Bergeron, Hudson Nieman, Lyle Carlson, O.B. Parker, Fred Pye, Ross Hall, Frank Evans, Otto Greenhood, Don Diehl, Charles Pennington, and M.P. McKinnon.
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