Libby Chief of Police urges drivers to slow down
The Western News | UPDATED 1 year, 4 months AGO
With the arrival of snow in Libby last week, Police Chief Cody Ercanbrack is working to spread a message of being prepared for winter.
“As the first snow falls this year, I would like to take a moment to remind our community of winter hazards,” Ercanbrack said. “While driving it’s important that we give ourselves plenty of time to get where we are going. This allows us sufficient time to scrape the snow and ice off our vehicles, so we don’t have anything blocking our view of the road. This will also allow us to drive a little bit slower which then makes it easier for us to make turns on slick roads.”
Ercanbrack also reminded motorists of defensive driving and having extra clothing in a vehicle in case of an emergency.
“Don’t forget that it takes longer for our cars to stop on icy roads so please give your self extra space between other vehicles around you. Speaking of extra space make sure you start braking sooner when approaching stop signs and stop lights. This will help prevent your car from sliding through intersections or into another vehicle,” he said. “Remember just because you have a 4-wheel drive does not mean you have a 4-wheel stop, your vehicle still has an extended stopping distance on slick roads.
“If you are involved in a crash, be it with another vehicle, an animal or a fixed object, please pull your vehicle into a safe location and contact law enforcement. This allows us to get medical help to you if you need it, a tow, or so we can get your report done so the insurance companies can you back on the road.
“It is always a good idea this time of year to throw an extra jacket, blanket, gloves or even a pair of boots in your vehicle, just in case.”
Chief Ercanbrack also shared some tips for pedestrians.
“For those of us walking around town make sure you layer up for the cold conditions, especially if you are going to be in the weather for extended periods of time,” he said. “That being said, warmer thicker clothes tend to be darker colored. With the daylight hours being shorter and more inclement weather, it is harder to see pedestrians. So, make sure we use crosswalks throughout town and always error on the side of caution. Remember, cars cannot stop as well on slick roads. So before stepping out into traffic make sure you have plenty of time to be able to cross the road or wait till vehicles have come to a complete stop.”
Ercanbrack also urged city residents that, when possible, to have their vehicles off roadways.
“We have an amazing Street Crew here in Libby and we are grateful for their hard work throughout the year. They have one of their biggest challenges of the year coming up, snow removal. We can help our Street Department by making sure our vehicles and property are as far off the roadways as possible,” Ercanbrack said. “We all want the roads plowed as fast and as efficiently as can be. We can help this as a community by making sure the road is as free of vehicles as possible. This allows the plows to move more freely and more efficiently. The more vehicles they must weave around the slower the process. If a vehicle is a hazard or is blocking any roadway it will have to be towed, again this takes time and none of us want this process delayed.
“Let’s help out the Street crew by making sure all our property is as far off the roadway as possible that way they can serve this city more effectively.”
City snow removal falls under the below times and locations:
- 2:30 a.m. to 6 a.m.- all streets from Louisiana Avenue to Idaho Avenue, 1st Street to 10th Street;
- 4 a.m. to 8 a.m. - All streets running north and south;
- 8 a.m. to noon - All streets running east and west.
“Winter is an amazing time of year, but it is also a dangerous time of year. So, remember, dress warm, give yourself extra time to travel, give yourself plenty of time and distance to stop, slow down, and as always be safe,” Ercanbrack said. “If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the Libby Police Department. We are here to help!”

Sheriff Lindsey warns drivers ahead of dangerous weather
Shoshone News-Press | Updated 1 year, 2 months ago